Friends Don't Do That

As soon as Jinghua (Doctor) saw him approaching, she ended the converstation that she was having with another gentleman. Prince Qui thought that it was because she was going to talk to him but then with a glare, she turned away from him and exited the doors.

"What's the matter with her?" he whispered to himself as he rushed out of the doors too.

He looked at either hallway and found that she was struggling to get away from him. "Jinghua!" he called after her but she did not stop walking.

She only looked over her shoulder and slowed down walking to take off her shoes so she would be able to run away faster. But those short seconds were the only thing he needed to catch up to her.

She managed to take two steps before Prince's Qui hands closed on her elbows.

"Why are you running away from me?" he asked her.

Jinghua shook his hand off so fast and glared at him that Prince Qui was surprised.

"What the hell is your problem?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

"You got married!" she said with a huff of breath.

"Why are you mad about that? Do you think I wanted that? Didn't I tell you that I didn't want to get married ever?"

It was like Jinghua had been splashed with cold water. Right, she was forgetting her place and the best thing to do was reel back her feelings that had been taking over her since she had heard that her friend got married.

She closed her arms over her chest. "You got married without me. Friends don't do that!"

"I know," he said and was tempted to run a hand through his styled hair. "It was not like I have a choice. It just happened. Emperor's orders. That was the only thing that kept the princess' uncle from barging on our doors."

While Princess Yingyue was getting pampered after they arrived, Prince Qui went directly to the general in charge of when the invasion happened. General Ling told him everything that happened after the bells rang.

It was said that the general beyond the wall, General Bingwen, had thrown a fit shamelessly in front of his subordinates. Prince Qui cringed at the image that filled his mind. The general demanded that he be shown papers that would certify the marriage.

The emperor replied that if he wanted to wait then they would not stop him. But the newlyweds were not to be home until the next day. After about another hour or so the general finally packed up his army, making a hateful promise that he would be back to take his niece back.

That was the reason why Prince Qui was not worrying about the princess' uncle. He was a fixed issue. For now.

Another thing was bothering him. General Ling also informed him that they had already sent messengers to the Shanmai Empire to tell them of this news. He should get the army prepared for their coming. They wouldn't want to be so sure that they already have the princess' family on their side.

Now, back to Jinghua…

"Is that the reason why you're so mad?" he asked her.

Then a small smile appeared on her lips. "It seems like I'm no longer the best woman in your life. You already have a wife."

He knew that she was just teasing. "You were never the best woman. I have my mother."

Jinghua's smile widened. "Why is she not here in the party?"

"Probably my other 'Mother' did not invite her as she was not my official mother."

Jinghua snorted and stood close to him so she could whisper. "Your Empress step-mother is busy taking too much pride that it was one of her sons that got to marry the princess of Shanmai."

"Of course," he sighed. When they entered the throne room earlier, it was like his step-mother had grown a halo around her head. She was just glowing and she had that look that resembled his father's.

They were proud while he and Princess Yingyue were miserable.

Jinghua nodded to the open doors. "You should get back to the party. Your beautiful wife must be looking for you already."

Prince Qui rolled his eyes. "The whole palace could be burning and I would be the last person that she would ask for help."

"What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "I'll tell you all about this tomorrow, but long story short: we hate each other's guts."

Jinghua laughed. "You should try to get to know her. You're about to spend the rest of your life with her."

He shook his head once more. "We're getting divorced."


"Tomorrow," he said impatiently. He wanted to tell her now but he had guests to entertain. "Are you going back to the party?"

"Of course," she said. "I'm in the search for a husband."

Prince Qui snorted. "Sure you are."