Tianshi Xue busied herself with the food in front of her. She was starving but it was not like she would be able to get a full meal with all the visitors that they have. She settled with the pried prawns and chicken fingers.
Whenever someone would look at her, she would smile and take small bites but whenever she was alone, she would gobble everything in her mouth and push it down with lemonade.
"Ah," she sighed. Finally a cold drink. She took another handful of the chicken fingers—this might be her new favorite food. It was so juicy on the inside and crunchy on the outside.
"Slow down," a voice said from behind her. "Trust me, another choking moment is not something that should happen to you right now."
She grumbled something incoherent under her breath. How she wished it was Prince Xiaodan who approached. Apparently, it was her HUSBAND. "I didn't choke."
"You did when I caught you looking at me." He leaned close to her back and choose one of the chicken fingers. "Were you that surprised that you caught my eye?"
She scoffed then swiveled on her heel. With a hand on her hip, she said, "And why were you looking at me that night?"
"I wasn't," he answered and bit the tip of the food. "I looked at you because you were looking at me."
Her eyebrow arched then it slowly settled back above her eye when she remembered how it happened. She was so fascinated with his relationship with the doctor that she could not believe that they were really talking. "How's the doctor? Did she make a diagnosis to her heartbreak?"
"What heartbreak?"
"She likes you, you dumb-dumb."
"No, she doesn't," his eyebrows furrowed like he was disgusted at the thought. "She's like an annoying sister to me."
Ouch. "I hope she knows that."
"Of course she does," he said indignantly. "She knew it since we were kids."
Tianshi Xue shrugged. "But that doesn't mean that she couldn't love you secretly, right?"
The Prince gave her a bored look. "Stop with your conspiracy theories. Doctor Jinghua and I are just friends."
"Hmm," she said teasingly.
"Shh," The Prince said to her. "Be quiet."
"I'm not even saying anything," she tried to hide her smile by chewing on another fried food.
The prince hovered behind her back. He was so close that his heat mixed with hers. Then when he whispered, his breath touched her exposed neck and a sweet shiver ran up her spine. "Why are you laughing?"
Tianshi Xue knew that she struck a nerve. It would be safe to say that she emerged as the winner in this. "I'm not laughing," she denied even though her lips would not stop stretching. "Now I know that Doctor Jinghua is a soft topic, she's now a button I want to keep on pressing."
"I just told you there's nothing between us."
"Aw," she cooed and raised her hand and air-patted the prince's hair. "You're so cute," she said mockingly. "You're denying everything."
The next second, the prince's hand was on her wrist. "I wouldn't be so sure about who's teasing who, fake-sleeper."
She pretended to be offended then fixed her face again. "That happened two nights ago. You should find something else I should be embarrassed about."
She kept her face smirking up at him, but it slowly faltered when she saw that the prince was thinking. Then his eyes sparkled—like a literal lightbulb moment. Her smiled disappeared and a layer of nervousness replaced her glee.
"What?" she asked him but he was no longer looking at her.
The prince turned to the soldier by the wall. "I think the princess is now ready for her new bedchamber."
Tianshi Xue felt a crawl rise out of her body. "What new bedchamber?!"
The prince grinned down at her and squeezed lightly on her wrist—a sign that he was not going to let her go. "In case you missed it, we're going to share a bed from this day onwards." His lips widened more that the mirth in it was more feral. "Welcome to my world, Princess."