Let Go Of Her

Prince Qui lifted his eyes to the ceiling. What could this brother of his wanted at this hour? "To what do I owe this unpleasant morning?" he asked when Prince Xiaodan was near enough.

"You kept her from me!"

Prince Qui's eyebrows met. "What are you talking about?"

"Last night!" Prince Xiaodan took a cautionary glance to Princess Yingyue who looked upset with his harsh tone. He lowered his voice but it came out as sharp as it did earlier. "You kept her from me!"

"Oh you mean, her?" he pointed to the princess who was watching their conversation with a frown. "I didn't keep her from you," he scoffed. Why on earth would he do that?

"You told the guards to never let us out of The Sanctuary."

"Oh that," Prince Qui realized. "It wasn't me. It was Father."

"It was YOU," Prince Xiaodan pointed at his chest.

"If you want to keep that finger, I'll suggest for you to keep it out of my sight."