You're Stuck With Me

Tianshi Xue did not think that this would happen in her lifetime. It was one of those dreams that should never come true for everyone. Two princes were fighting over her—well, technically not her, they were more fighting on their RIGHTS over her—which irked her to hell.

Her wrists felt like they had been dislocated with the way those two pulled on it like it was not possible that it could be wrenched out of its socket.

She was about to scream her head off when it was finally over with a last tug from Prince Qui. For a second, she was in the air before she came crushing down on his hard chest. He felt like newly washed laundry, warm and smelt clean.

She quickly scrambled to her feet and glared at him. He only raised an eyebrow at her scowling face. She turned to Prince Xiaodan who looked equally shocked about what just happened.

The Prince opened his mouth but Tianshi Xue beat him to it.