Not Surprising

Prince Qui was trying to distract himself. He did not know what he was supposed to think about now that the Tianshi Xue was called to the Second Empress' quarters. What could she possibly want with his wife?

He did not understand it. The Second Empress was always detached from the rest of the royals. Her circle had always been closed. So why? What did Tianshi Xue do that piqued the empress' attention?

Well, he was one to ask. He was also intrigued by the sudden change in her personality. But he did not think that the second empress would be that observant.

He was sure that Tianshi Xue was going to survive. She had survived that long with the other royals without his knowing of who she really was.

To take his mind out of worrying, P Q started to get busy with his computer. It was already doing its job, but without company waiting could be really boring. He started to manually trace the CCTV cameras from the event.