Right From The Heart

Tianshi Xue's hands began to shake. There was no way that his was real. "That's not her."

"It's her," insisted the prince. "You saw it. For the last five minutes we were tracing her life from that night that she was serving on the yacht. Two weeks ago she met with your uncle, your father's brother. He gave her a thick envelope. Probably filled with cash. Before that your uncle saw your father. The money came from him. You saw it all."

Her finger trembled at the hologram as she pointed. "That's not real. That's a joke!"

Her body could not understand what was happening. She was feeling like she wanted to vomit, her stomach heaved and heaved. Her lungs refused to breathe. And her mind shut down like it had been on flames and stopped working.

"It's real, Tianshi Xue. Your father had you killed."