Take the Fall

Tianshi Xue could not believe what she just heard. Her? Out of the palace grounds? This might even be the first for the princess! "Really?"

"Yeah," Prince Qui turned his head back on the Linker, finishing his notes. "I'll take you out there."

"Just us?"

Prince Qui's forehead creased. "You want it to be just us?"

Tianshi Xue backtracked. "No, I was only asking beca—"

Prince Qui laughed at her face. "I'm kidding. It will be only the two of us. We wouldn't want to get the attention of people, right? You can see your sister, but you can't talk to her. It will be too suspicious."

She nodded her head. She did not think that she would ever talk to her sister again. But seeing her would be good enough. Seeing her with her manager, Mingmei, would allow her to move on with her life. All she had to know was that she was in great hands. Hands that would take care of her and love her.

"When are we leaving?" she asked enthusiastically.