Lakes Are Deep, Ponds Are Shallow

As expected, Prince Qui quickly deflected the attack. But he was pissed. His face was contorted in an angry scowl. "What the—"

Prince Xiaodan was not done and quickly grabbed his brother by the collar. Prince Qui would have made a move if Tianshi Xue was not beside him. "Why did you make her cry?" he growled.

To that, the corner of Prince Qui's lifted in a smirk. "Why don't you ask her?" he flicked with hand at his brother's hold at his neck. "And I'll rate your grip a one out of ten." He shook his head and walked ahead.

Tianshi Xue was left dumbfounded at the scene that she just watched. A creeping feeling on her stomach made its way to her chest when she took a look at the seething Prince Xiaodan. "Was that really necessary?" she asked in a quiet voice.

Prince Xiaodan finally tore his eyes away from the back of Prince Qui. He immediately calm down and held on her shoulders with cold hands. "Did he hurt you?