
During the first meal that Prince Qui was not in the palace, the whole table was quiet. All you would be able to hear were the clattering of utensils against bowls and plates. He might have already left but it was like his presence were still haunting them. The emperor also looked like he was rushing to finish him meal.

Tianshi Xue was not in the mood to intake anything so she had no problems when they were all dismissed from the dining hall. She was walking back to the library when excited footsteps rushed after her.

"What are you planning to do today?"

It felt like it had been ages since she last saw Prince Xiaodan smile. Although she did not exactly wanted to be with him right now, it still sent a warm feeling to her stomach.

"Actually," she said, "I think I'm going to rest."

Prince Xiaodan held her elbow. "Are you avoiding me?"

"No, why would I do that?"

"Is this because of what happened in the library?"