What's Harder To Believe

Tianshi Xue did not understand what she was feeling but she knew that she did not want to be left alone right now. There had to be more questions. There had to be more that the prince could justify for her.

Her hand was still on his elbow when she stood up. It seemed like she underestimated the level of alcohol that she drank because the floor suddenly tilted when she took a step.

An oomphh sound came out of her mouth before she felt like she was lifted back to her feet. The prince's arms pulled away from her. "Are you okay?"

"Too much of that," she said and pointed on the almost empty liquor bottle on their table. She clutched her head as her vision refused to steady. "I feel like I didn't eat enough."

Prince Qui helped her get in the bed. "Drink water." He stepped into the closet and got into more comfortable clothes. When he got back, Tianshi Xue had an arm over her eyes.