Warm, Like a Fever

Tianshi Xue woke up feeling like everything that has happened the night before is a dream. Also, she woke up with the strong urge to pee. It was the alcohol from last night. She scrambled out of the bed as her bladder threatened to spill. The sun was not yet fully up on the horizon.

She twisted and twisted the knob on the bathroom door but it would not give way.

"What?!" the prince shouted from the other side.

"I have to pee!" she said, jumping on the heels of her feet. 

"Just hold it in. I'm almost done."

"No!" she said and pounded on the door. "I'm really REALLY… OH MY HEAVENS! Please."

Finally the door was swung open, she did not even take a look at the prince and pushed past him. She did not even bother to close the door and did her business with a relieved sigh.