She Hated

Almost as soon the song started, Prince Qui spotted Jinghua making her way towards him. A teasing smile appeared on his lips when she reached a stop in front of him. "No date tonight?"

"What makes you think that I don't have a date? I let Li Zhong interact with the other soldiers. I didn't want to smother him."

Prince Qui inclined his head to the side and spotted the tall soldier dressed in a ensemble shades lighter than Qui's dark blue. "Why are you dating my soldier?" he asked. "As much as possible, I don't really want them to engage in romantic relationships. It makes it harder for them when we're out the walls."

Jinghua pulled a seat next to him. Tonight, she was dressed in a simple blue-green dress with short sleeves and a light long skirt. Being a doctor inside the palace grounds paid better than being in the city and she was able to afford even the slightest luxury of buying or renting pretty dresses that she would not have to wear again.