How Kingdoms Fall

"The princess' brother is arriving tomorrow," said Prince Qui as they walk back to their chambers. "Are you ready for that?"

"As ready as I could be." Tianshi Xue kept on ignoring that fact that the princess' brother was going to be here. She was going to have much trouble pretending to be someone they wanted her to be. The  Empress Mother chose to stay as she was reluctant leaving the empire without a royal in there. She promised that she would be the one to visit next time.

"But let's not spoil the night," Tianshi Xue said, bounding a little happily. "I didn't think that the crown prince would be so kind."

"Weisheng has a good head on his shoulders. I can't wait to serve under him," Prince Qui said. One of the things that he and his brother enjoyed talking about was the outside of the walls.