I See You

Tianshi Xue had a bad impression of children in general. She did not like that they wail. She remembered seeing children at the toys section in the mall and how they cry and how she vowed that she would not one. 

She had been young when her sister, Tianshi Lai, had been born. She went to school and was already doing small projects for small companies. She loved that she had a sister but never really put much thought in taking care of her. Tianshi Xue's earliest recollection of having played with her sister, was when Lai was already two and could pretty much walk around the house on her own.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Tianshi Xue was examining Queen Yesen. Her pictures from before showed that she was thinner and had gained weight during her pregnancy. She still had a belly but it looked like she did not care. Her skin looked a little pale and there were slight half-moon circles under her eyes, but overall she looked well.