
You would not imagine the kind of morning Princess Shanti was having at the moment. It was like she had springs at the soles of her feet. She was bounding through the quiet hallways like she owned the place—well, it was a little premonition. She WAS going to own a part of this place in the future.  She could already imagine it as her hands trailed on the decorative wallpapers. Princess Shanti wanted to absorb this palace, attached to herself.

"You slept well?" asked Prince Xiaodan when she got near him.

"The sun is smiling to me," she said, her lips widening.

"I'm glad," replied to prince as he looked over the balcony. He was watching over the departing princesses, getting in their palanquins with a face of annoyance and disappointment.

Princess Shanti watched over the scene with a feeling of relief and joy. "You know why I'm happy, right?" she asked.

"Because competition is out?"