Chapter 3: I Got Lost, But I Was Found?

After hazardously weaving through traffic, and few moments where my life flashed before my eyes due to certain close calls with truck-sans, we were finally at Tokyo Water Front where the venue of The National Robotics Cup is located.

I was peering into the beautiful blue see, when my father turned to me, as a huge structure comes into view.

"Kazuya. Look, welcome to the Tokyo International Exhibit Center."

Tokyo International Exhibition Center, a convention and exhibition center in Tokyo, Japan, and the largest one in the country. Constructed in the nineties, the center is located in the Ariake Minami district of Tokyo Waterfront City. A huge structure with a conference tower that looks like four inverted pyramids stuck together with tower supporting each one. It also has an east and west wing, with hundreds of rooms for conventions.

"Robo Cup is located the East Exhibition hall. And did you know? Unlike the west, the east is not located next to the main conference hall.��� He says as we drive underground into the underground parking lot

"Now the hard part… Parking space." he smiles wryly as he look ahead

"Really… Uhh." I do the same only to groan looking at the many cars driving aimlessly around trying to find a spot to park.

"Its not so bad. Lets be patient and think of it as part of the experience." he says proudly as he smiles at me


An hour later…

"Hey you! I was here first!" my dad exclaims as he is face to face with a man wearing a red suit with a red car.

"No! I was!" the man exclaimed

'Is this also part of the experience dad?'

I really wanted to say that. But saw no need to add fuel to the flames.

We had been here for about 30 minutes and both our cars wanted to enter but doing so will hit the other so it we were stuck in a deadlock.

"I have a specific set of skills. And if you do not want your life to become miserable, you will leave." My father says in a deep voice

'Daddy uses threaten…'

"Huh? Are you joking?" the man scoffs

'It wasn't very effective'

"Look, I deserve to get this spot!"

'Man in red uses entitlement.'

'This is getting annoying' as I pull out something from the glove box…

"Hahaha! Who are you the Prime Minister? The Que-"

Suddenly the sound of an engine turning and a car driving off got the attention of both of them.

"Is that?..."

They both looked at each other and ran to their cars and hurriedly twisted their keys in.

"Son! Hang on tight!" He grins

It was the beginning of a drag race. The man in red was beginning to speed of to the new opened spot.

"You aren't getting away!" As he was about to stomp his feet into accelerate…

Ring* ring* click

"Yes dear? Why are you calling?" a gentle voice

Dad hesitates, and a horrified look showed on his face. As to not lose the opportunity I put a hand on his arm.

"If you want to live. Please, put your foot down slowly..." I say as menacingly as a six year old voice can be with a smile that imitates my mother's

A bead of sweat streaks down as he looks between me, the phone and the red car. It was as if I had just pulled a gun on him.

"What? Is that you Kazuya? Did… Daddy do something bad? If so…" The gentle voice grows more menacing

As if that was the bang of a starting gun in a relay race. My father finally reaches a decision and quickly parked the car and gave me a pleading look.


"Of course not, Mom! I was just trying to see if the cellphone worked… And daddy is treating me very well." I say in my childish voice.

"Oh? Is that so, then be careful okay!" with that my dad gave a sigh of relief

"Of course mama! Bye bye!"


I turn to see my dad look at me with a weird expression?

"What?" I asked

"You really are your mother's son." he chuckles, rubs his temple with one hand and my hair with another.

"Come on lets go. We don't wanna miss the show now, do we?"

We exited the car, then my father pushes a button, with a beep and a click the car was locked.

As we walk we see the same guy wearing red with a familiar red car arguing with a woman for a parking spot.

I stare at my father for a few seconds as he whistles innocently and put his hands on his pockets.

"Hmmmmmm…" I stare at him

He ignores me by checking his phone and we proceeded…

The what we see can only be described as, the future. There were drones flying about, booths showing creations that does all sorts of things, robots the size which range from big to small.

"This, son. Is the future." He proudly raises his arms as if this was his life's work.

He pats me on the back "Come along now then, let's go!" His eyes sparkled as he looked around

We looked around the exhibits to see all sorts of fascinating things. We looked at many works of groups in each booth which sometimes were the size of a whole class some just made by two or three people.

The most memorable was one an A.I. that the team says learns. The machine was not the thing that made it memorable…

"Whenever someone irritates you A. I.-kun say this…" My dad whispers something to the robot and the team looks at him quizzically.

He then proceeds to cover my ears which he didn't do soon enough.

"$&@%# you!" he points at my father and everyone around us.

Then a torrent of swears were thrown around by the robot as the team quickly tries to stop him.

My Dad then grabs me and we make a hasty retreat laughing.

"Never tell your mother about this." he looks at me.

"My lips are sealed." I smile and did as if my lips had a zipper.

One more I remember actually is a robot novelist? I think its name was 'Robonaut'?

It was a robot the shape of a man but the helmet of an astronaut. He was sitting on a chair, with pen in hand he was writing something on a note book.

"Can I help you? Beeb boop?"

I looked at him quizzically

And when I went to look at the book he quickly closes it stands up and leaves.

I look around baffled. But I spot a piece of crumpled paper with a language I do not know.

On the back was the words "Chapter??: ¥@£$&#% for Webnovel..." I think nothing of it and promptly throw it away and leave.

As we looked around, it seems my father had gotten quite a reputation, for every time he interacted with a robot or machine he was closely guarded. Much to his dismay, but he behaved.

As time passed the amount of people sky rocketed as students, teachers and visitors walked about. And due to the sheer amount of people. Me and my Dad got separated.

'This might be bad…'

I hold my silver cross and asked

'Im a but lost so, can you help?'

An angel manifested itself in front of me

'Oh you poor, poor boy? Are you lost?' she says in a condescending tone

My eye twitched at that and I had the urge to let go of but I relented.

'Where is my dad?'

'Well… he is currently occupied…��� she says with a smirk

Some people were giving me weird looks. Well I don't blame them.

'That doesn't answer anything, well that's to be a expected from a second rate an-' I thought

'Hey!' She looks at me angrily

'So are you gonna help or not?'

'Hnmm okay, I will… hehe' she grins and charges towards my face me. By reflex, I step back to dodge

"Ahh!" I bump into something….



I rub the back of my head and stand up.

"Ouch… wha-" before I could react I heard…

"Ow ow ow, that hurt…" a brown haired girl wearing a checkered dark blue green skirt, a blouse and bleached yellow vest with a symbol on the left breast that looked like a wing. was rubbing her head was on the floor among boxes of what looked like nuts, bolts and machine parts.

She gropes around the floor to trying to find something.

"Oh no my glasses… where is it?" in a gentle, be it a bit airy feminine voice

You are probably thinking what I was doing at this time.


I was mesmerized by her. She had silky brown hair, brown eyes, smooth perfect skin and a curvy body. She wore no make up which added to her beauty and was well endowed. She looked fam-

'Hohoho, looks like someone finally hit puberty.' A mocking voice came from my shoulder

'wha… I-'

"Where is it?"

I snap out of my trance and begin to look around for her glasses.

'Aha!' I spot it amongst a pile of screws and pick it up, then go in front of her

"Here… and let me help you up." I reach out my hand

"Oh thanks…" she puts them and accepts my hand to pull her up on her spectacles. Our eyes met…

'She looks even more gorgeous now…' I find my self looking up at her

"Oh hey kid, thanks… Are you okay?" she says in a warm tone

Crack* I snapped out of my fantasy, and totally forgot I looked like a six year old kid.

"Ahh yeah… Um sorry…" I stuttered

She looks at me as if trying to figure out who I am

"Do I…"

"May we please call upon the participants of the National Robotics Cup Finals to go to the designated area. Thank you" The announcement ended

"Oh no… I need to pick these up" she crouches down and begin to tidy up

"I-I'll help" As I also begin to put the pieces back into the boxes.

"… Well, thank you again, I will be going now. And be careful next time!" she says as she walks away

I instinctively wave

'Hello! Other World to Sanada Kyousuke!!' an angel waved ay my face

'Ahh' I snap out off it once again and I just noticed that I was holding my cross the whole time.

'Hahaha! So the Iron Masked Student Council President Sanada can get star struck and tongue tied, it seems. Look at that cute blushing face' She says laughing holding her stomach

'You what kind of help was that?!' I go to flick her face but she ducks out of the way

'What? I did help? You didn't say what kind of help… so…' she says in a mischievous tone with a huge grin


"Hey Kazuya! There you are. Lets go the competition is about to start." He says as he grabs my hand.

While we navigate the crowd I try to recall where I could have seen that girl.

'Is she from a visual novel?'

We found ourselves inside a gymnasium like room with seats at the left and right part of the room. In the middle, participants are preparing their machines while the staff busy themselves with setting up the challenges.

We sat on our seats and I look for the brown haired girl

'Ahck! I should have asked her name.'

If I had known her name I would have been able to pin point who she is if she was from a visual novel.

I spot her as she is focused tweaking a machine. The machine looked like a rover, I am too far away to notice anything more about the machine.

As I look I notice that her team

'Are they not friends with her?'

People which wore the same school uniform as her but they don't interact with her.

Then a man which looked like teacher went and said something to her. He had black hair with white streaks, and he had a bit of weight to him.

"What you looking at Kazuya?"

My father looks at me and trails where I was looking

And as if a light bulb appeared above his head

"Oh! Hahaha! My boy, so you have hit that age huh? Good choice, good choice" he pats my back and nods to himself

"Its not like that, I am just wondering, why are they not working together?" I hide my face and keep up my childish façade.

'Well it's a little bit like that'

"Oh sure, sure..." He smiles brightly, not buying it

"Well that is Keifuu Academy in Kazeguara, we actually own a house there, and that beautiful girl there is Mochizuki Amane…"

Then everything went into place. All the pieces finally fit together

'Keifuu academy, Kazeguara, and Mochizuki Amane'


'I got reincarnated into "If My Heart Had Wings"…'