Chapter 4: I Watched The Robo-Cup?

'I got reincarnated into "If My heart had wings"…' I though to myself as I came to the realization.

'Then this must be the time where Amane-'

"Hahaha! My boy! You had your heart stolen didn't you? And by a quite beauty too!" My dad laughs as he interrupts my thoughts and pats my back.

"I…" was about to retort when suddenly the room went dark. A projector glowed.

"Welcome to the Annual National Robotics Cup! Here we will see 16 schools battle it out in to see who will take home the RoboCup. Are youu ready!?" The screen flashed the golden spinning trophy, as the crowd plus my dad cheered

"The theme this year is 'Get Through and Stack' where machines need to go through a series of obstacles and stack three sets of three high boxes. The machine with the fastest time wins. Here we have…" The announcer blares in enthusiastically into his mic as he calls out the names of each of the judges, schools and their respective machines from his booth in the front of the gymnasium as a spotlight showed the different teams

While he does that, I look upon the middle to see that the course was already set up. The was divided course into two parts the obstacle course and the stacking portion. The course was as follows; three hill like ramps, snake like roads and a sand pit. Then for the stacking after that was nine boxes in different sizes. But someone else caught my attention

"…the reigning champion and home team. Tokyo High Engineering Academy! Or THEA for short. In last year's competition they blazed through the competition and won the championship!" he shouts as a video of last year's games were shown.

"And give it up for the new captain of THEA Robotics Team…"

'Is that?' as I stared flabbergasted.

"Shirou Akihiko!!" He shouts as the crowd cheers. My father actually stands up and shouts

"WHOOOOOW! THAT'S MY SON!" he screams, which made me embarrassed to be his son sitting next to him.

He grabs the guy the next to him.

"You see that? HAHAHA! That's my son! Why aren't you cheering you cheering for him?" obnoxiously says shaking the poor guy.

The man not knowing what to do cheered "Yay. Go wooo! Shirou sama…"

But I had to admit he is quite the supportive parent.

'I am not looking forward to my schools athletic meet.'

Satisfied he sat down looked down at me.

"Oh? Didn't I tell you on the way?" he asks, as he sees my surprised face, he explains.

My genius older brother, shy, kind and soft spoken. He was tall for his age, though a bit thin. He inherited my mothers gentleness, jet black hair and pale skin. And also my father's intellect, green eyes and love for robots.

Yes, my father is quite smart despite how he acts. Didn't you see him teach the talking robot social skills?

No? Okay.

But, in all seriousness he is very intelligent being the head of such a large corporation.

As I thought that my brother looks down at the floor while spotlight and cameras point at him.

'Though, Akihiko is quite shy'

After attending THEA he was instantly recognized and given the title of captain by his peers, after the previous generation graduated, despite his bashfulness.

"And last but not the least, the dark horse of the competition who no one expected. Trampling through competition from District to Regional. Give it up for Michizuki Amane and her team from Keifuu Academy!" the crowd cheers. And the spotlights illuminated the course

"Now let us see how they do! First up from Okinawa High School's 'The Good Bot'!"

A metallic box with legs and two fork like arms walks forward to take its position at the start of the course. The team manning it was big. Their controls looked like a command center. With three CPU and monitors each connected to a router.

'Are they piloting a spaceship somewhere?' I look around

"Ready…. Start!" as a whistle blows as the commentators start their commentry

The good bot run forward. Running smoothly through obstacle course. But…

At the sand pit it looses its footing and falls on its side.


"Oww that's gotta hurt!" the announcer exclaimed

Staff immediately rush to stand the robot up.

And it finishes up but struggles to stacks the boxes though making good time with 5 mins and 12 seconds

The Okinawa Team is devastated. Many members were crying, no doubt putting their heart and soul into the creation of the machine only for it to trip. They got a points violation for getting stuck.

Machines of all shapes and sizes take on the dreaded course. Some crashed, and some did good, there was actually one that tried to fling the boxes to stack but utterly failed. Now its THEA's turn.

"Next is Tokyo High Engineering Academy's 'Front Runner'!"

What came out was actually pretty normal machine, it looked like a rover you would see NASA send up to the moon but with a pallet fork at the front. Instead of a command center this thing used a controller and was piloted by Akihiko.

"Whoooww! You can do it son!" my dad shouts.

"Ready. Start!"

Front Runner speeds forward and flies through the course with unmatched speed. The suspension of the rover dealt with the three ramps, while friction maneuverability of the wheels did not falter. It begins scooping up each box. It actually has 3 sets of forks, as it takes a box and lifts it up and takes another until 3 boxes are stacked. Then a button is pressed and the boxes are slowly pushed forward.

"And they did it at 3 mins and 24 seconds! The best time yet!" the crowd goes wild and I see Akihiko sigh in relief.

"How about that son! Aren't you proud of your brother?" My father looks at me with a proud expression.

I simply nod and look to the center once more.

"And Finally the dark horse of this year. Keifuu Academy's 'The Rover'!" I look over to aee Amane adjust her glasses and operate the controller.

A boring looking rover drove over to the start line. Then at the press of a button it compressed and became a box with wheels. It was received with a few laughs.

I look to see who did that, but to no avail.

"Ready, start!"

The rover speeds over the course faster than Front Runner. The crowd was baffled

"Here we have the rover blazing! What an upset!"

It run up the ramp, it looked as if the rover jumped

"Did… did it just jump?"

and landed on the second then the third. When it got to the windy path it just went in a straight line jumping over each bend. And making it to stack at half the time. Then after the press of a button the box transformed opening up to reveal pallet forks doing the same thing as the Front runner.

"It did, it jumped! And goes past the obstacle course in less than a couple of minutes, Is this it?!"

The audience held their breaths.



Stack were made, and The Rover proceeded to the third set of boxes with 3 minutes on the clock.

"Will THEA finally lose its crown?"

But just then a beep sound was heard, and the rover suddenly jumped…


And landed quite a distance away. The crowd was silent as the beautiful girl wearing glasses fumbled with the controls.

"What?! Did… did she make a mistake?" The announcer said confused

After the rover stacked the third tower, with a beep the timer was stopped.

"It's just in the time is 3 minutes and…"

A eerie silence permeated throughout the stadium

"32 seconds! THEA holds on to its crown!" As the Tokyo team celebrate.

'Ahh… so that's what happened. The thing that will sow the seeds to Tobioka's grudge towards Amane because she will leave the club after this…'

Cheers were heard throughout the gymnasium as Amane stood there quietly. Her team was distraught. Some were even kneeling and glaring at her.

'Why are they so unhappy, when they contributed next to nothing?' I thought.

'What pieces of-'

My train of thought was cut off, as I noticed Amane.

With a confused face she looked at the controller while rubbing her head, unfazed. Then a man, I assume to be Tobioka wearing a white dress shirt, who was in his knees a minute ago rushes to her and asks her something, and when she answered Tobioka, blew up shouting something inaudible among the cheers. Amane looks as if she didn't know what he was talking about and walked away contemplating something.


The award ceremony saw mixes many emotions some were crying, some where laughing and some were depressed.

Let's start with the champions, Tokyo High Engineering Academy.

My brother was laughing maniacally as he puts his hand in front of his left eye and preaches the darkness flame.


No. That's not my brother… That was the chuuni in the corner I think…

Akihiko was actually blushing as his team pushes him forward to receive not only the trophy but also their gratitude and support. He had a bright smile which made me quite happy for him. Some were crying tears of joy and some were proudly laughing while patting each other on the back. It was a heart warming sight and I was actually very proud of my brother.

Then there Keifuu Academy…

Let's just say only one person was in an okay mood as she holds the silver medal in a sea of people who were either depressed and are currently in despair. And there were those glaring at Amane ,the said one person , for making a mistake.

'I honestly wanted to go up there and give them a piece of mind.' I thought

'Yeah, a six-year old kid going up and scolding high school kids. That would be quite the spectacle.' an angel said sarcastically imagining the scene as she sits atop my left shoulder.

'How did you get here?' I thought back.

'Look down.' as I do, I see my fingers touching the silver cross on my neck.

'Quite the habit you have there, when you don't know what to do you hold the cross'

'Huh I guess so' I admit I do have that.

'O hohoho! So you really rely on me huh? As expected of the great-' I let go

'I need to fix that… and her too if possible' I thought as my gaze catches Amane's.

Seeing me she smiles warmly and waves, instinctively I wave back.

"Hmmm… quite a lady-killer, aren't you son? What happened while I was gone? Hmm HAHAHA!" He teases and pats my back

"Its nothing like that I just bumped into her" I reply to dispel his curiosity.

"Sure sure…" he says as he looks at me then at Amane

'Well he has ammo to embarrass me now'

I sigh as I thought. But I see something in the corner of my eye.

"Hey Otou-sama… And Kazuya you made it!?" he smiles happily surprised at me being here.

"Congratulations! Onii-san!" I say and smile in the cutest way possible and rush in to hug him.

I actually like my brother he his sincere, kind, cool and genuinely just a good person. Though he is a bit shy but that is only around other people, well let me spoil him a bit. He did win nationals and I was very happy for him. He is the opposite of the family I had previously. Where an older sibling actually just an obstacle to the top. Probably this is why I had learned to control my emotions, never show weakness and to always succeed by any means necessary. But after reincarnations I have been more relaxed. I think that's okay… Though I have to thank Angelica once more.

"Oh… thank you! Do you see now how cool your brother is?" he smiles gently then hugs me back and pats my head as he puffs his chest out with pride.

"Hai!" I smile brightly as I look up at him.

"Congratulations! My boy! You did great" he pats Akihiko on the back and ruffles his hair.

"You did what I couldn't do, back in the day… I am so proud of you" he smiles brightly as a single tear trickles down his cheek.

We share a heart felt family moment. Something I never had.

'This is… actually quite nice' I thought

"Oi! Aki-san!" A beautiful young girl with golden hair wearing the uniform of THEA calls out to him from behind.

"Ha-Hanabi-san!?" he stutters as he turns around to see her. I break off from him and go next to my dad.

"Congratualtions Aki-san!" then he give Aki a warm hug.

"Hmm… Very nice! Aki you have become quite the man haven't you? HAHAHA" My father rubs his chin as he says that to tease my brother

"I-Its not like that!" My brother stutters once more as he retorts

"Heee… you seem to be enjoying it though brother" I say with a mischievous smile

The girl called Hanabi peals off him noticing us.

"Oh you must be Aki-san's Dad! Nice to meet you!" she says with a bright smile as she reaches her hand

"I am Shirou Azaki. Aki's father." He smiles and talks in a professional manner as he shakes her dainty hands. And leans in to whisper

"Stay strong, I know he's a handful and awkward but you'll get through to him eventually." He whispers and winks.

"I'll do my best!" Hanabi blushes but shouts it with a determined expression.

"Hey? Dad! What did you say?" Akihiko exclaims

"A trade secret, my boy" he says with a wink.

"Be sure to take care of her okay?" he says gesturing to Hanabi who was talking to me.

".... Yeah... okay" my brother says looking down blushing.

Hanabi leans down asking "So you must be Kazuya-kun? Im Hanabi nice to meet you." As she reaches out her right hand.

"Hai! Please take care of Onii-san" I say still using cute child technique.

She blushes "Kawaii! Umu! You can count on me!" she says as she rubs my head.

"Well Aki, its about time me and Kazuya leave. You and your friends are going to celebrate right?"

Aki nodded.

"Here treat them you guys deserve it. And ahhh… hold out your hand" he gives Aki some cash but suddenly pulls him to one side. And looks around to see if Hanabi was in ear shot.

"Just in case…" as he pulls out a square shaped plastic and puts it in his hand. "…use protection." He whispers with a warm smile.

'It's a condom…'

"Wa-Wa-Wa-Whaaaat!? No! I said Its not like that!" he shouts. And pushes him away, but dad swiftly slides it into his pocket

"Go on! HAHAHAH" my father exclaims as he pats Akihiko on the back.

We wave Akihiko and Hanabi goodbye as they walked back to their team and went our way.

'Goodluck brother!' I thought to myself as I look around to find Amane but to no avail.

'Well, I am sure we shall meet in the near future' I smile to myself.

"Come on lets go" my father says as we went home…