I wave, as my little brother and father walk away hand in hand. It was already evening.
"Come on, Aki-san!" Hanabi smiles as she leads me back to our team's booth.
Minato Hanabi, Vice Captain of THEA's Robotics Cup. She had blond hair, pale skin and sea blue eyes. She was outgoing, friendly, intelligent and ambitious.
Why was she not the team captain? I had no idea, but I do know that my team put their faith in me, when they picked me to be their leader.
Being a freshman captain with a freshman team, we had to work ourselves into the ground. And being the captain I put in twice the effort, almost never going home. But it was all worth it as I held the golden cup, continued the prestige of Tokyo High Engineering Academy, and welcomed the sight in front of me…
My friends were happy celebrating. The things we brought have already been tidied up.
Six club members are chosen to attend the National Robotics Cup as representatives per school. Besides me there was; Daisuke-san, a brown haired boy with green eyes and Akio-san, black haired with brown eyes were celebrating in one corner showing off the trophy to anyone passing by. Say what you will about their gloating but these two are phenomenal when it comes to using their hands, they had dexterity, they were the ones who puts things together.
"Hey hey! Stop that you might drop the Cup! Baka!" A girl with braided violet hair and indigo eyes scolded the two. Yamamoto Yui, the serious and analytical one of the group, the person who keeps tabs on the club's expenses.
"Don't worry Yui-chan, we wont drop it." Said Akio
"Yeah, let us savor this moment of victory!" Daisuke added as they continued to wave the cup around which suddenly vanished.
"Eh? Ehh?! Where is it!" the two look around to see…
"Tsk tsk tsk… Can you please stop? Akio-kun. Daisuke-kun?" says Nakamuri Hina the big sister of the group and the one who keeps the two in check, she is actually the oldest, having one year seniority. She had brown hair and golden eyes.
"Come on, Hina senpai… We were only playing!" "Yeah!" the two says. Sometimes I think, if you stick the two in the same body but with two heads, they won't really be bothered
'Are they linked or something? What if they did the fusion dance?' I chuckle, as I thought that to myself
She just sighs and walks away.
"Hmpf! Serve you right!" Yui says as she hurries after Hina.
"Oh, yeah, I have to treat them…" I though out loud
As I gazed at them, I see Hanabi at the corner of my eyes looking at me with a smile.
"Hey! Guys! Aki-san wants to say something!" she shouted at them and they all looked at me.
'Eh?' I stood there dumbfounded.
"Come on, Aki-san! You are the captain." she smiles warmly
I put a hand on my chest and calmed my self down.
"Le-Let's celebrate. My treat…" I say
"What!? The captain is going to treat us!"
"That's awesome way to go!" the two guys shouted.
They all just smiled, as if used to my shyness. I am thankful for them.
"How about we go to a bar and drink!" Akio shouts and Daisuke adds "Yeah l want an ice cold be-"
"And what ice cold thing are you going to drink?"
Akio and Daisuke froze turning in the spot to see a man with black eyes and wearing a brown suit. Our Club Advisor, Yukimura Minato.
"I-I-Ice cold beverage, of course! Hehe…" As Akio and Daisuke say as they back away.
Minato-senpai rubs his temple, "I know a good place nearby, how about Diver City Tokyo Plaza? Shirou-kun?" he asks.
"Yeah! And we can eat at Yui-chan's family Ramen Shop. Is that okay Yui?" Hina asks, as we all look at Yui.
"Wha?! Uhmm… sure…" she says hesitantly.
"Well, it's decided. Let's go!" Hanabi says as she head towards with the other girls the parking lot.
As I stood there looking at her, Akio and Daisuke go to my side and puts their arms around my shoulders.
"How are things with Hanabi-chan?"
"Any progress?" the two ask with a grin.
"It's going okay… sort of…" I answer half heartedly.
Seeing my face, they both look at each other and frown.
"Come on man you gotta make a move. Because a girl like her might get scooped up soon!"
"Yeah, when the time comes you will regret it. Big time."
"I know…Why are you even telling me this?" I ask.
"Just making sure you don't get hurt." say Daisuke
He stops for a moment to contemplate something but shakes his head.
"Come on, let's go I want eat some ramen!"
We came to order, then sit at the bar as drinks were served. Light hearted talks can be heard as the members conversed with one another.
Ting* Ting*
"I would like to call upon a toast to our victory. As we brought home glory and honor to our school. And I just want to say, I am very proud of you all." Mr. Minato says as he clinks a spoon against a glass. Then proceeds to lift his cup.
"Pwah! That was good" Akio says as he and chugs a glass of iced tea
"Yum! Hey, Yui wanna get married?" Daisuke asks as he downs the last of his bowl.
"Huh? Eww! Who would want to marry you!? Hmpf" Yui huffs.
"Come on now, Yui-san. At least give the man a fighting chance!" Minato-senpai chuckles and smiles as he finishes his noodles
"Okay…" Yui suddenly blushes, prompting Akio and Daisuke to look at each other and laugh.
I just noticed but the table felt a bit awkward. It wasn't like our normal hangouts. I sometimes see them glance at me and I sometimes catch Hanabi staring at me. She is more quiet than usual. She usually leads the conversations during times like these.
'Is there something on my face?' I pull out my cellphone and see me reflection.
'No nothing. Then why do I feel eerie…'
Brrrt brrrt*
Then I receive a text as the phone vibrates
'Akihiko, It's almost past curfew. Be careful on the way home.' -Mom' it reads.
I look up to see that Hanabi also got a text.
I pull out the cash from my pocket that dad gave me and put it on the table. Then, suddenly, the table became silent.
I look to see a square piece of plastic on top of the money. And I see everyone were surprised.
'Hmm… okay… okay… how do I get out of this.' I though as I survey my options
'Option 1. Collapse on the spot and play dead, at least until they decided to call an ambulance or perform CPR...
Option 2. Laugh it off
Option 3. Run...'
"Oh my. How bold!" Hina says smiling.
"I-is that!?" Yui blushes as she sees the item on the table
"BWAHHAHAHA!" and Akio and Daisuke were laughing their butts off.
'Crap…'I thought as Hanabi looks up from her phone.
Everything went in slow motion, as I see my life flash before my eyes
'I wanna die."
But Minato takes it, and puts into his pocket before Hanabi saw.
'Minato-sensei! My hero! I love you!' as I look at him with joy wishing him to live a long life
He just smiles and rubs his temple clearly also taken aback by what happened.
"Why is everyone laughing?" Hanabi asks as she looks around confused.
"Nothing!" they all said in unison except…
"But Aki-san pulled out a co-" Yui is interrupted by Hina, who covers her mouth.
"Nothing!" Hina smiles as Yui struggles.
"Okay…" she says with a raised eyebrow
Seeing that everything is done I stand up after getting back my composure
"Minato-sensei, I gotta go-"
"Wait!" As everyone, except Minato-sensei, stands up and looks at me.
I was shocked by this and looked at them, trying to find the answer.
Hina was the first to break the silence, "Why don't we go up to the roof and see the Tokyo at night?"
"Yeah, Aki, just wait for a bit!"
"Come on, Aki, it will be fun!"
"Yeah, man!"
I Look at them. And look at Hanabi who was blushing.
"Okay… let's go." I conceded
They all looked at one another relieved. But me and Minato sensei looked at each other and shrugged.
"Wow! It's so pretty!" Yui exclaims as she holds the bars at the edge.
"Yeah... it's beautiful" Hanabi says as her eyes sparkles while everyone looked at the sight before us.
The city of Tokyo was beautiful. The different lights from different structures were like paint on a black canvas. It was like a light show that did not end. Cars of all shapes and sizes drove about as people walked to the fro.
As we were enjoying the scenery…
I looked around to find a blushing Hanabi and the absence of the other club members.
'Uhh huh…'
I turn around to face Hanabi, who was contemplating something.
"Uhmm, Aki-san…"
'Is this…'
"Yes, Hanabi-san?" I nervously asked
"There's something I need to tell you…"
'Wait… is this real? Is this really happening?'
"I like you." She looks at me with teary eyes as she states those words.
"Aki-san… Aki-san Are you alright?"
I stood there, staring as fire works blew up inside my head. Suddenly facing reality. I blush and I blush hard.
"I like you too .." I say using every fiber of my being to stay calm and not do anything stupid.
And we look at each other for a while. She looked as if she was expecting something.
"What are you waiting for! Kiss her!" I see Akio the others at the side of a wall as they shout.
"Oh, for goodness sake."
As I feel something wrap around me as I felt a warm sensation on my lips.
The blushing Hanabi had her eyes closed whilst her arms wrapped around me. I do the same.
Her lips tasted like honey. Maybe time stopped when her lips met mine, but the flutter only intensified. My heart pounded as I could only focus on how soft she felt against her mouth, how addictively she invaded all my senses.
Hanabi and I embraced as we enjoy each other's lips.
And as if it were a fleeting lie, we break off and gazed into each other's eyes. Hanabi and I smile brightly as we can. She was so beautiful, golden hair, perfect pale smooth skin and deep blue eyes that I can stare at for hours and not get tired.
'I love her'
"It's about time!"
"Yeah! Congratulations!"
"Fina-freaking-lly! You have become a man Aki-san!"
Cheers were heard as the Robotics team comes rushes us. They congratulated us like newlyweds, but Hanabi could only look at the city and blush while we were still in each others arms.
"So-so you guys planned this?!" I asked, embarassed.
"Yep! Of course!" Akio answered and pats my back.
"If we hadn't, who knows how long you would need to grow a pair." Daisuke adds.
"Seriously, Aki-san, you are so blind. Looks like all that intellect went into robots, that you didn't even notice." Yui exclaims.
"You two are like tomatoes with how red you are, how cute. Take care of each other now." Hina says with a warm smile.
"Well, congratulations, to the new couple of the robotics club. Good job Akihiko-kun, you not only won the National Robotics Cup but also the heart of a maiden." says Minato-Sensei and chuckles.
"Now, let's give them some alone time, come on!" he says to everyone.
"Awww…." they complain in chorus
"But, I wanted to tease them more…" Akio says.
"Lets meet up at the front of the Plaza in one hour, take your time, you two " he says to us with a warm smile, a wink and leaves with the group.
"So.. what now?"
"Wanna do it again?" she asks as she blushes.
"Yeah." I say as I lean in once more.