Coffeé Machine

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Some noisy sounds could be heard reverberated into the surrounding of the forest. Marissa and group were working hard to build the shop for Marissa in the crowded area, at the middle cycle of the North Forest. To be precise, it was the few clansmen that Uncle Huth brought with them who were working hard to build the shop.

There were about twenty initial level of Nascent Soul Tigers who could already capable to turn their form into a human being. They came with Marissa's group here, to the middle territory of the forest by using the teleportation mechanism owned by the Tiger Tribe. The Tiger Tribe possessed three mechanism of teleportation that connected their regal castle to the three territories of the forest.

Meanwhile, Marissa, Arya Kamandhanu, Prince Anusapati, and Uncle Huth were 'patrolling' nearby, talking about this and that, and commanding on how to build the shop.

Actually, Marissa already asked Mr. Angel whether the system could build the shop for her. Nevertheless, the petty Mr. Angel said that her privilege was not enough yet to build something so casually. Marissa needed to make an effort first, then the system would complete it for her. Just like today, after the shop was finished built by the twenty manpower, Mr. Angel promised to renovated it as well as strengthen the pillars, walls, fence, and everything in the shop.

In short, this method needed Marissa to lay down the foundation first, and the rest would be completed by the system.

During the time they were building the shop, the nearby peoples, passerby, and beast hunters who were wandering around the area, looking at them with a strange and peculiar gaze as if they were an idiot.

"What's the use of building a house in the middle of the forest?" An onlooker commented.

"Perhaps they were just a bunch of madman who was bored enough and doesn't know what to do." Another one chimed in.

"Heh, even if they were bored, isn't it better to vent it by hunting the beast? What's the use of building it here? If there is a fight going on, a wind storm, or a beast wave, the building would be turned into dust in a second. It's just a waste of time." A young man sneered.

"Hehehe... I heard the bunch of Demon Barbarians are on their way here. They were hunting for a group of wild boars who were at the Fifth Stage, Origin Core." A middle aged-man suddenly revealed a piece of information.

"Do they want to make a few delicacies out of the wild boars? And why do they suddenly change their target into a bunch of wild boars which was only at the Origin Core? Don't they usually hunt for the superior beast such as the Tiger Tribe, Fox Tribe, Serpent Tribe, and the others? At the very least, they will only hunt for a Nascent Soul beast, right?"

"What do you know? The leader of the wild boar was a Divine Beast at the peak level of Void Apprentice. I heard that wild boar has already capable to change her form into a human." The middle aged-man said.

"Her?" Everyone was stunned. It was rare for a woman or female beast who could get into a Void Stage, unless she was a descendant of a Superior Beast, such as Tiger race, Fox, Serpent, Ancient Black Turtle, and so on. Moreover, this wild boar already possessed an ability to change into human form! That was amazing!

"Yeah, I heard she was a beauty." The middle aged-man licked his lips.

"Eh? Really? No wonder... Hahaha I guess there would be an interesting show in a while." The young man from before laughed loudly.

"Why do you say so?" The other onlooker asked.

"Heheh, did you know that the builders over there were from the Tiger Tribe? If that Demon Barbarians were to come here and destroy their building, what would happen by then?" The young man laughed even harder.

The other onlookers also laughed. Some of them only shook their head, and some of them decided to move from that place to avoid troubles. But they were only a minority. Most of them choose to stay and anticipated to the upcoming show. After all, they were all hunters and already used to involved in a fight. So instead of avoiding it, they felt excited and look forward to it. As long as they wouldn't side with neither party, they would be okay.


Half an hour later...

A big and tall building made of pine woods was standing in the middle of the forest. The building actually looked very good. Marissa never expect that the group of the Nascent Soul Tigers would be so capable to build a house or shop. They were like professional architect. Marissa was very happy to find out that her shop looked so beautiful and elegant.

Looking at her new shop, Marissa felt like she finally had a home in this foreign world. From this moment on, she would have something that she could call her house. In the future, if there was something unexpected happened, she would have a place that could protect her, a place where she could make plans, a place where she could hide her closest peoples that she wanted to protect. After all, if this building would really be constructed by the system, it would be the best quality, right? Mr. Angel has made a promise to build a security formation or mechanisms in the entire of her shop. So, it should become the safest rendezvous for her in the future.

"Mr. Angel, will it take so long to reconstruct the building on the interior side?" Marissa asked Mr. Angel telepathically.

[No, it's almost done in a few seconds]

Marissa nodded, then turned her gaze to the group of builders. She was talking to them as a way to give ample time for the reconstruction of the shop.

"Alright, everyone. Thank you very much for your hard work in building this shop. I'm very grateful that I have all of you here and helping me to finish this building. Because of this, I owe you. In the future, come tell me if you have any difficulty. I will help you as long as it is within my capability." Marissa said warmly.

Listening to the words of Marissa, the bunch of Tigers were feeling better. Although they didn't know what kind of power Marissa possessed, they will believed her now as the Old King of the Tiger Tribe seemed to also respect her that she was even given an authority over the political affairs of the Tiger Tribe.

"Thank you, Little Ancestor." They followed suit the way the Old Divine Tiger, Uncle Huth, called her.

At this moment, Mr. Angel's voice was heard again...

[The reconstruction is done]

[All supposed mechanisms, such as security, thief detector, sound proof, hidden space, underground space, and many mores, has been added to the shop]

Listening to the notification, Marissa was elated. She looked at her helpers and smiled warmly. "You are welcome. Now, let's go inside." Marissa asked everyone to follow her to come inside her new shop.



Inside the new shop...

"What is this?" Everyone was bewildered.

This building... It didn't seem to be the one that they built a moment ago, right? How come the building become so majestic from the inside? There were so many artistic and beautiful things. There were some unknown mechanism. Why the heck there were so many doors here? Do all of them possess a room behind? And what's that stair over there for? It seemed to point downward? Is there a room underground? Why don't they have a memory that they've build an underground place? Had they entered the wrong building? Did they really just made this building?

The mind of everyone was churned, especially the builders who were the manpower directly involve in the process, they were so dumbfounded that they even forgot to closed their mouth.

"Little Ancestor... This..." They looked ar Marissa with a gaze full of questions. If there was someone who seemingly had a power to do this, it's only their so called 'Little Ancestor', right? That's why now they looked at her, hoping to gain an enlightenment.

"Hahaha... This is just a small trick." Marissa waved her hand nonchalantly as if this whole things were just some trivial things for her.

Indeed! It was the doing of their Little Ancestor! It seems that she wasn't really a fraud like what they thought before? How strong she must be to even possess an ability to create an independent space silently without creating any disturbance? How amazing!

By this time, the twenty or so members of the Tiger race began to worship Marissa as their new idol. However, this type of 'worship' was still shallow and couldn't make them to subdue to Marissa yet. Looks like Marissa still need to work hard to subdue this bunch of giant black-yellow cat.


Suddenly, Marissa pull out something from her system's storage.


That thing landed on one of the long and huge wooden table in an unsteady manner before it finally could stand still firmly. It was actually something which seemingly made of iron materials with a strange shape. It's size was about one meter in height and more than one meters in wide. There were three things like faucets hang on it. On top of that thing were a group of white porcelain cups arranged neatly. They all looked so luxurious and exquisite.

On the left side was an iron basin with a strange faucet hang above it, connected to somewhere in the building.

Overall, the thing looked very weird and strange for them, except for Marissa of course, who looked at that thing with a normal expression.

"Little Ancestor, what is it?" The onlookers asked in confused. What kind of thing is it? Why does it look so weird?

"This is called Coffeé Machine. It could make cofeé." Marissa explained, but the listeners seemed to understand and not understand at the same time.

"In short, this coffeé is some kind of beverage. If you drink it, it could give you strength to stay awake for a few days, and boost your strength in combat for a certain duration." Marissa explained the attribute of the coffeé according to the explanation she obtained from Mr. Angel.

The system give her one hundred portion of coffeé with original taste as of this moment. Mr. Angel said that if she wanted to make more coffeé, she needed to find her own materials in the future. The more she could gain customers, the more vary the taste of the coffeé which she could obtain and sell in the future. There would be Cappuccinó, Esprésso, Latté, Americanó, Affogato, Cold Brew, Piccolo, Macchiato, and many mores.

As Marissa was a coffeé lover in her previous life, she couldn't wait to have a taste of all those coffeé. According to Mr. Angel, she only need to put the materials on the Coffeé Machine, and she will get the taste she wanted according to where she poured the materials. For example, for now, there were three faucets on the machine which represented different tastes. They were original, Latté, and Cappucinó. However, currently Marissa could only used the original one.

So, is she wanted to make a coffeé with original taste, she only needed to pour down the materials to the 'original' section on the machine, and hula, she will get her original coffeé. It was the same for the other tastes. She only need to put in the materials in their own respective sections according to what taste she wanted.


"Really?" The bunch of tigers were sceptical, while Kamandhanu, Prince Anusapati, and Uncle Huth were curious.

"Of course, I'll let you guys try it." Marissa said as she moved to the machine, prepare to make some coffeés. Just as her hand touched the cup, the voice of Mr. Angel suddenly rang in her mind.

[Host would be charge 1 point for every coffeé that the Host give to others]

"Damn it! That is too much!" Marissa cursed in annoyed. "My points are only so little because I don't have time to read."

Everytime Marissa finished her main mission, she would obtained 50 points, whereas the side quest would earn her 25 points. Reading one page would earn her 1 point, memorizing them would give her 2 points, while a certain mission would earn random points according to the difficulty of the quest.

The first time she transmigrated into this world, she earned 100 points freely. Winning the chicken fighting, helping Prince Anusapati from the assassination attempt, securing the Gandring Sword had earned her 25 points each. Completing the main mission to rescue Prince Anusapati from the underground room earned her 50 points. During her stay in Arya Kamandhanu's courtyard and Head Guard's private room in the palace had given her some time to read and memorize about 70 pages, which earned her 140 points. Yesterday, she bought a bottle of potion to cure Prince Anusapati from the poison and she had spent ten points for it. Currently, she had a total of 355 points.

As for the mission for destroying the Gelang-gelang Sect, she hadn't obtain the points because she hadn't completed it yet.

"Fine! I'm too ashamed to ask for their money as they had helped me building this shop, so just think it as my rewards for them." Marissa muttered under her breath. After that, she turned her gaze to the crowds.

"Everyone. As you have been very tired to help me build this shop, I will let you try this coffeé for free. As this things were very precious and limited, in the future, you should pay for it if you want to have a taste. How about it?" Marissa said.


"Alright, Little Ancestor. Thank you for letting us try it for free." The audiences nodded their head.

And so, Marissa spent twenty three points to buy the coffeé for everyone. As the owner, she got if for free, but the next consumption, she would also had to fork out money or spent her points to buy the coffeé or anything on the system's shop. She could only get them for free for the first try of each products.

After trying the coffeé, everyone started to praised how wonderful and amazing it's taste as well as it's effect on their combat strength. They felt they instantly got to their peak and was full of spirit after drinking the whole cup of their coffeé.

After having a taste of the coffeé, the twenty builders started to worship Marissa even more. The way they see her began to change. They saw her with gasp and admiration. How could she made such an incredible and delicious beverage. Moreover, it's not only delicious, but also possessed such amazing effects. This will be a very useful thing for them as a guards, hunters, or warriors who need to be awake for most of the time. This was such a godly item!

As such, after finishing their coffeé, they started to thanked Marissa and promised to help her and be her assistants if she ever need any helpers.

[Ding! Congratulation for the Host to subdue ten members of the Tiger Race]

[Keep spirit, Host! Your journey to conquer the world will be long and arduous]

'Wow... This is such a timely help for me.' Marissa thought inwardly. 'I actually could subdue ten tigers at once with just a cup of coffeè. I'm so awed. Doesn't it mean I only need to subdue nine more tigers, and I will be able to help Kamandhanu regarding his mission to subdue the ten tigers?'


"Everybody..." Marissa suddenly stood up and clasped her hand. "I need to tell you something very important..."

Everyone began to perked up their ears and listened to what was the Little Ancestor going to tell.

"From this moment on, I will stay here and run a shop. This shop currently only sells coffeé, but in the future, this shop will have many things to sell. So, I hope from today onwards, you all will stay here and help me run this shop as sometimes I need to go out. I won't force you. So, I will say it now. I will only need them who are willingly want to help me. So, if you want to leave, I won't stop you." Marissa said.

"There would be many more products in the future?"


"That's so great! The Little Ancestor wants to open and develop this forest. In the future, this forest would be very lively and even more crowded and bustling because of the existence of this Little Ancestor's shop." They nodded in enlightened.

"If that is the case, we are willing to stay here and help you, Little Ancestor." They said simultaneously and there was no one who wanted to go out of the team.

Marissa nodded and smiled faintly. This bunch of tigers were so smart! She was also very glad that no one of them who wanted to left the shop.

"Thank you, everyone." Marissa said, full of gratitude. "Well, I want to discuss something with Brother Bayu, Abimana, and Uncle Huth. I hope you don't mind to wait here for a while."

Bayu was Kamandhanu's name while he was in disguised, while Abimana was a name that came to her mind when she wanted to disguise the real identity of Prince Anusapati. From now on, she will be pretending as the fianceé of Kamandhanu and the elder sister of Prince Anusapati. Well, she had been pretending to be Kamandhanu's fianceé even before this!

"That's okay, Little Ancestor." The group of Nascent Soul Tigers nodded their head obediently.


Marissa then proceed to enter one of the room inside the shop and told Uncle Huth and Prince Anusapati about her identity as a... chicken. Alright, this sentence didn't sound so good at all. Let's correct it! She will explained her identity as a... Heavenly Chicken, a Supreme Chicken from the higher realm!

Damn! Just keep bragging!

She told this information because of some unknown reason, she couldn't maintain her form as a human, so most of the time, she would be in her chicken form.

Hearing that explanation, Arya Kamandhanu's expression was as cold as usual, Uncle Huth was a bit surprised, but he went back to normal after thinking about the phenomena that happened when he asked for Marissa to do blood test prior to this. The person who was shocked the most was Prince Anusapati. Never in his dream that the beautiful expert was actually the black chicken that was on the chicken-fighting arena at that time. It needed a long time for him to be able to accept the reality.

After talking a bit more, they walked out of the room and prepared to started their business of coffeé.

At this moment, there was suddenly someone standing at the front door of the shop while bringing a little monkey atop his shoulder. That person smiled faintly and started to walked inside the shop in a very calm manner, exuding a graceful aura.



Who might be that person?

A. Raden Wijaya

B. Gundala

C. Young Master Wiro

D. Arya Dwipangga

E. Barda Mandrawata