
" Hello there?" I said and I was still wondering why the heck my cheeks where still red. I'm black, so how are my cheeks still freaking red.

The guy was quite cute though. Why the hell I'm saying this, I don't like boys. Yet, please I'm straight, not gay. But stillWhy is this guy giving me the chills all of sudden. His physique was quite amazing. He was wearing a tight white which showed his muscles and packs with a denim jean. He also wore Adidas slides on his feet. But his face was what got my attention. He was a black just like me, his hair was like every other black boy hair would be but his was curly and it looked soft which was tempting me to touch it so bad. But if there was one thing I liked was that he had blue eyes... BLUE EYES!!! Never in my life have I ever seen a black guy with blue eyes and that jawline.... damn man, let's not just get started with that. I was just saying all this in my head until I was sent out from my thoughts with the same deep voice once again.

"Yeah, hello to you too, the name's Dave what's yours?" he asked pulling out his hand to be polite. I shook his hands and I felt how soft his hands were.

''Janet.''Why the hell am I having this feelings.

''My mom told me to come and visit you guys since you all moved in last week, so I guess...welcome to the neighborhood.'' he said with a smug on his face. Okay mistake, this guy is just mean.

''Thanks'' I said trying to sound as polite cause I really wanted to hit him now. I hated guys who were rude.'' Also... nice room by the way.'' he said as he rudely pushed to enter the room. Okay that's how it is... first you talk to me rudely... secondly you enter my room without my permission. No way was I allowing this guys. I dragged him by arm which was quite big and it was quite strong. He definitely does sports.

''Liking what you see?'' he said with a smirk on his face trying to flirt with me now. So you become rude with me and then try to flirt with me what the heck is wrong with guy.

''No, I like what I see... but what I mean is that you should leave my room'' why did I say that. '' So you do like it?'' saying with a large grin on his face. oh why does he look so cute now...what am I saying!!!

''Just leave my room, you have done what you wanted to do, so get out! I said but this time with a serious face this time. '' Nope!''

'' Good, I thought you where never going... wait did you just say nope''. what kind of person is...now he doesn't what to leave my room... what's wrong with this guy.

''Yeah, Jay I think I'll be coming around more often, I like your style''. He said eyeing the whole room. He immediately jumped on the bed and just relaxed. Like seriously, he's invading my privacy and did he just give me a nickname, oh this guy is so screwed right now.

So I went up to him and bent over to talk to him to leave. Before I could even speak, he just grabbed my waist and put me over him. My legs were in between his which made it quite awkward. He started to smile all of a sudden. I am very sure it's because of our position that's why he has that smile on his face.

'' Janet its time for di... WHATS GOING ON HERE!'' said mom with a confused look. I immediately got up from him and eyed him. ASSHOLE.

'' Awww, Janet, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend already'' said mom looking as if she liked it that if I had actually had a boyfriend. But I don't and I won't have yet.

''He's not my boyfriend, he's that boy you told me that's our son who plays basketball''. ''Oh, its nice meeting you ma'am, my name's Dave, the boy you saw at Mrs Walter's house.'' he said with facial expression hoping my mom would remember him.

''Oh, of course, why would I forget!'' said my mom with a trying to remember face. I know she had forgotten him but it was okay though.

''So your'e in the same school with my Janet?'' she asked him.

''Yes ma'am'' feeling himself as if he achieved a goal. boys can be really fool of themselves.

''So I guess I'll see you in school Jay'' he said smiling as he winked at me and left the room. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

'' Well he seems cute'' said my mom with a smile on her face. '' MOM, seriously!'' I shouted with a red blush on my face.

'' What...I was just saying and don't you ever raise your voice at me again. We may be in America but you are still an African child, so better act like one or else I would show you how to act like one!'' she said with anger in her eyes. Back in Nigeria, if you ever shouted at an elder or your parents, you were going to be in some deep shit... I mean like... DEEP SHIT.

Evening came, I went to bed early and started thinking about that Dave guy. He's hot but I don't think he's my of type guy. I really disliked rude guys but at least he wasn't rude to my mom. Maybe cause he's black and you know how black people respect themselves. You really don't wanna pick a fight with any black in your life. But something seemed different about him, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Immediately, I received a new message on my phone and it was from him. How the heck did he even get my number. I didn't care at that point and I read the message which was like this:

See you in school tomorrow sweet Jay ;).

This guy is planning something and I just have to figure out what he wants to do to me and what he wants from him. Boys could be very mysterious sometimes.

So I just went start to sleep, awaiting the next day.

The next day

I got up quite early on the right side of the bed and prepared myself for school. I took my bath and got into my clothes. I wore a short white top with a black line on the edges of the shirt with a black knee ripped jean with my black converse sneakers and my navy blue Nike schoolbag . I came out of my room and grabbed my lunch ready to go. Before I could call my parents, I saw notes from them separately saying;

Janet love,

Sorry for not telling you yesterday. I have a very important meeting with the other generals of the US. I love you and don't worry maybe mom will take you.

Love dad.

After reading my dad's own, it was obvious my mom wasn't the one taking me to school cause I also read her own note which also said this:

My darling Janet,

Sorry that I can't take you to school because I just got a job offer in a restaurant. They said they heard about my cooking blog and loved our local dishes. I hope you are as happy as I am and don't worry maybe that cute boy will take you school.

Love from mom. xoxo

I smiled at the fact that my parents were happy the way their lives were going and of course I'll be happy for her. Why won't I? I also blushed a little when she spoke about Dave. what the heck is wrong with me. think straight girl. I slapped myself to regain my senses and I felt better.

So I took my keys for the house, locked every where and left for school. It was a long walk but I could manage. As I was walking, some car parked beside me and I immediately saw who it was.
