Second Class Selection

Confusing? Yes. Stupid? Possibly. But, it's the way the world works, I didn't make the rules.


I actually planned on getting my Class Change soon, because of the competition. I've put it off for too long, and I finally have some free time. My weekends which were once free, quickly became occupied by activities with friends, requests from Kline or the guild, Meetings with Talfa or anything else that could remove my free time.

Now that the competition is coming up Talfa gave me some time off to get prepared mentally, and everyone else was preparing because we had all been picked in one completion or another.

The last of the really noteworthy events was I was selected to be apart of this year's participants in the Adventurer's Guild Association's Yearly National Competition. Yes, that is it's actual name of it, no there's no abriviation. There are two groups in the competitions, the actual adventurers, who come from far and wide to demonstrate their skill, and fight for a money prize. And The School competition, where each guild school selects five students for each of three different categories.

The Guildmaster told us we had to win at all costs, and acted like it was a life or death situation. Thankfully Ms. Hemiko walked in the door and explained there had been a long standing rivalry between all of the schools' headmasters. Last year we only won first in the first year competition and he wants us to keep our streak so he could boast about being the best. The Guildmaster denied it but we knew it was the truth, with a glance at his face.

The three categories that the competition is split into are the, Magic, Strength, and Elite competitions. Magic is a battle where both sides are only allowed to use magic. Physical, is basically the same but no magic is allowed to be used only physical strength, and skills. Elite was an all out almost no rules battle. The five children deemed the strongest of each year, selected specifically by the Guildmaster, participated in this one. Well I guess killing is against the rules but outside of that there was no cheating.

These are the people participating in my year

Magic - Emmy, Caroline, Julien, Chloe and Ethan

Physical - Me, Lyric, Tanya, Eric and Gram

Elite - Me, Lyric, Tanya, Emmy, and Eric

An Individual can only be selected for One category, magic or physical, and The Elite are the five strongest participants based on the Guildmaster's discretion.

I'm not overly worried about the competition, I am confident, no certain, I am going to win.

A lot more happened in these hectic past four months but I won't bore you with the more trivial Details.

But first we must get my new class.

It's a brand new day, a Saturday morning to be exact, and I am really excited to get going. Today is a rare day for me because I have nothing planned and I know I will not be bothered today.

I take my time waking up, and go down to the guilds restaurant to get breakfast, which was some eggs and toast. The eggs were super fluffy and light and they were seasoned in a way that wasn't overpowering, and just made your mouth water craving for more and the portion was enough to leave you content at the end. The toast, was well toast. It was crispy bread, but not burnt and nice fatty fresh butter that went beautifully with the eggs. Paired with a nice cup of milk, this breakfast was simple, scrumptious, and satisfying. The purfect way to start the day.

I started my journey not long after I finished my meal, not rushing, just a leisurely stroll to the Church on the other side of the city. The passing scenery once you made it out of the commercial area was the green and vast fields specked with occasional houses of verying size, this contrasting the light blue from the partially overcast sky's showing about equal parts blue to the fluffy white clouds, the Sun shyly peaking out from behind with a gentle gaze, painting a relaxing and peaceful scene.

As I walked I was occasionally met with a farmer or two, typically saying a kind hello or a wave of acknowledgment, but there was the one or two instances that the people I encountered were less than friendly, but the surroundings seemed to mute the hatefulness they exerted.

Eventually, the grand white building came into view, beaconing me with it's refined majesty. It's white exterior reflecting the sun's brilliant rays as it stands, almost blinding, in Isolated splendor amongst the houses and fields, as a bastion of strength and peace.

Entering the doors I am once again met with the familiar illustrious Room. My entrance catches the attention of a pair of individuals clad in white, a large, expressive man and a smaller, gentle looking woman beside him.

" Hello, SMALL child, WELCOME! ... AH, it's you! IT is a PLEASURE to see you AGAIN, little one!"

" Greetings, may we ask why you have come?" echoed throughout the halls in a angelic voice originating from the young woman of the pair

" I was wondering if it was possible for me to get a class change?"

" Hmm, I do suppose that we could assist you in your endeavors. Jasper, would you be so kind as to wait for me, I will only be a moment."

" Of, Course Miss Arielle!"

" Thank you, Now please follow me miss."

As we made our way down the hall, the lady began to speak. " Forgive me for inquiring, but have we met before?"

"I was here a few months ago to get my identification token, but I do not believe we encountered each other." I replied, thinking back.

"Say, did you ever meet the large gentleman I was with earlier, last time you were here?"

" I did, he helped me find the room, he did get it wrong his first attempt." I nodded

" I see, you wouldn't happen to be Alice would you."

" Why do you ask?" This was starting to seem a bit suspicious.

" I'll take that as a yes, since I know your name, I'll give you mine. I'm Arielle."

" How do you know my name?"

"Jasper seemed to take quite the liking to you, he talks about you often."

" That's only a little creepy."

" He means no harm by it." The girl insisted, "Though he is a well built individual and is often seen as intimidating, he has a good heart and a pure soul. He has a adoration for cute things, and I can see why he took a special appreciation for you. Jasper is a strong, admirable man, with an inexhaustible enthusiasm and spirit, and unwavering strength and loyalty." She seemed to have stars in her eyes when describing him.

" You seem to think highly of him."

" I do, we've been together since we were children, and even back then he was as admirable as he is today. Enough of that, we have arrived at the Class change orb, please take your time, and decide carefully. Return when you are finished and we will deal with the payment."

" Thank you."

" Of, course."

I walk into the room and I touch the orb, as I had done the first time around.



[Intermediate Ranger] ( Common)

- A basic class that priorities speed and survivability to win a Battle of attrition

+5 END per level

+5 WIS per level

+10 SPD per level

+25 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Magic Quiver (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Warrior] ( Uncommon)

- A basic class that priorities strength and Endurance to win battles of power

+10 STR per level

+10 END per level

+25 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Sword Arts (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Mage] ( Common)

- A basic class that priorities Intelligence and Magic to win a battle through spells

+10 INT per level

+10 WIS per level

+25 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Mana Manipulation (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Rogue] ( Common)

- A basic class that priorities speed and wits to win a Battle, and Detect traps

+5 STR per level

+5 INT per level

+10 SPD per level

+25 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Trap Detection (unlocked)]


[Intermediate Priest] ( Uncommon)

- A variant class of mage that priorities Intelligence and Wisdom to heal and buff Ally's.


- One Intermediate affinity for light or other Healing magic

+10 INT per level

+15 WIS per level

+35 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Mana Manipulation (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Basic Buff magic (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Hunter] ( Uncommon)

- A Variant class of Ranger that priorities speed, endurance and tactics to hunt down the enemy


- Enhanced Perception or Reaction Skill

+5 END per level

+10 WIS per level

+15 SPD per level

+35 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Magic Quiver (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Basic Tracking (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Mana Berserker](Rare){New}

- A warrior that uses Magic to amplify destructive capabilities. Wins Battles through overwhelming power.


- Intermediate Weapon Master

- Intermediate Attack Magic Mastery

+10 STR per level

+ 5 End per Level

+ 10 INT per level

+ 10 SPD per level

+45 Unused skill points per level

[Skill: Basic Elemental Weapon Channeling (Unlocked)]

[Skill: Anger Point (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Mana Knight]

- A warrior that uses Magic to enhance the abilities of Themselves and their teammates


- Intermediate Weapon Master

- Intermediate Support Magic Mastery

+10 STR per level

+ 5 END per level

+ 10 INT per level

+ 10 SPD per level

+45 Unused skill points per level

[Skill: Weapon Catalyst (Unlocked)]

[Skill: Battle Cry (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Moonlight Mage] (Rare)

- A Specialized class of Mage that priorities the use of Moonlight magic


- Intermediate Moonlight Magic Affinity

- Intermediate Mana Manipulation

+15 INT per level

+15 WIS per level

+5 SPD per level

+45 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Shadow Enhancement (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Basic Shadow Attunement (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Sunfire Mage] (Rare){New}

- A Specialized class of Mage that priorities the use of Sunfire Magic


- Intermediate Sunfire Magic Affinity

- Intermediate Mana Manipulation

+15 INT per level

+15 WIS per level

+5 END per level

+45 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Light Enhancement (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Basic Light Attunement (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Battle Priest] (Rare){New}

- A Variant class of Priest that Uses healing, buff, and attack magic


- One Intermediate light or healing element affinity

- One Intermediate Combat oriented magic

+15 INT per level

+15 WIS per level

+5 END per level

+45 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Buff Magic (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Basic Barrier Magic (Unlocked)]


[Intermediate Void Mage ] (Unique){New}

- A Unique class prioritizing the use of void Magic


- Intermediate Unique Affinity: Void

- One Intermediate Light or dark affinity

- Intermediate Mana Manipulation

+25 INT per level

+15 WIS per level

+5 SPD per level

+50 Unused skill points per level

[SKILL: Basic Eclipse Attunement (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Void Walker (Unlocked)]

[SKILL: Accelerated Thinking (Unlocked)]


[New Skill effects]

[Skill: Basic Elemental Weapon Channeling] - Allows the user to channel Mana into weapons giving them increased damage, and adding an attribute to attacks.

(Slightly Decreases Durability of weapons)

[Skill: Anger point] - Fills the user with a fiery wrath decreasing restraint and clouding rational thought, increases all stats by 50% for one hour. Decreases stats by 25% for three days upon skills end. Automatically activates below 20% health

[Skill: Basic Weapon Catalyst] - Allows holder to use weapons as a catalyst for magic, decreasing Mana used in while holding a weapon. (Slightly decreases durability of weapons, effectiveness varies based on weapon.)

[Skill: Battle Cry] - User Let's out a Motivational Battle Cry Increasing all party members STR and END by 5%. Stacks with other users of the same skill.


My choices hadn't changed all that much, I didn't have anything extraordinarily special, added to the list. The only new class was the Mana berserker, which seemed to incorporate magic and strength to brute force everything, forsaking strategy or reason for that matter. The other was Mana Knight, which seemed to be a class more focused on being a part of a team. I had actually heard of this class from Eric. He told me that most of the people in standard military forces are encouraged to get this class at some point because of the skill Battle Cry. On one person 5% isn't all that much, but in groups of hundreds it adds up fast.

Regardless I don't think I'll be getting any of these Classes. I think I'll chose the void mage class. It gives me the largest increase to my stats out of all the rest and, and I think it will be the most worthwhile in the end. Each class has multiple different levels. The earlier you chose a path the stronger your choice will become. This is because as you pick more of a class along a chain with the same name, the more benefits you get toward that class.

The class advances once you meet specified requirements, typically they are the same requirements as the basic class but a rank higher. The more you take along a certain class line the harder it is to continue.

Anyways the main reason I'm picking Void mage is Accelerated thinking. Accelerated thinking is good for space based elements making them much easier and more versatile to use. Space magic is the fastest, and arguably most dangerous form of magic, however it takes a enormous amount of focus, calculation, and mana to use. You have to be able to to keep focus on a point in space that has nothing defining it and not move it otherwise it may weaken the effects or just not work.

To put things into perspective the most simple standardized attack that a space magic user can use is called space cut. It allows the user to fold and tear a point in space similar to folding and ripping a piece of paper. To do the attack you have to pinpoint a position in space and cut it simple right? Well look in front of you and find an object for you to cut. Can you pin point exactly where it is? You can, using reference points and depth perception along with everyone else alive. Now Look above or behind the object into empty space and move your position. Now, can you still find that empty space where you were looking before? To use this attack in combat you have to be able to keep an eye on the target, and predict where they will move, while also keeping an eye on your surroundings to ensure your not falling into an opponents traps or attacks, and an eye on reference points to define where you actually want to attack. Time it perfectly and you will land the attack.

This is the same for all space based elements, and it is very annoying to have to manage even with my naturally accelerated thoughts from the nexus, attempting space magic based spells still gives me a bit of a head ache, especially with attempted precision. Tanya got this skill as a bonus to a new class she got and after a little while of training with it she is deadly accurate in predicting people's next moves, and is getting pretty good at using space magic.

Anyways back to the class.

[Notice: Class [Intermediate Void Mage] received]

[SKILL: Basic Eclipse Attunement Received]

[SKILL: Void Walker Received]

[SKILL: Accelerated Thinking Received]

I felt a Surge of power through me as if a dam had just broke and I had been hit by the full brunt of it. I likened the feeling to getting stuck in a washing machine set to spin as fast as possible. I was dizzy. As this was happening I had a warm almost burning feeling that started in my chest and quickly spread throughout the rest of my body. My brain was a weird fuzzy that slowly morphed into pain as I was sprawled on the ground. The burning that was initially like drinking alcohol, turned into liquid fire as I could feel it's scalding might rushing throughout my body I could feel parts of skin start breaking open as Mana started to leak out of me along with a little blood in a unusually painful process. I opened my mouth to speak but mana just started pouring out of there too Burning my throat and making it impossible to make noise. My whole body hurt like hell, and I thought my eyes were going to pop, my muscles would rupture and my brain would melt. I thought they did at one point when I could feel Mana rushing out of my body though my eyes and all I could see was white. As thinking straight was starting to get harder and harder and the control over my muscles fell hostage to my overload senses, my mind disconnected, and granted a brief but welcome release.