Self Destruct

All I could see was white, as thinking straight was starting to get harder and harder, the control over my muscles and all feeling left my body.


There I sat in the still silent white for who know how long until my Senses started to clear up and the pain started to return just far more faint this time. My vision cleared up and I tried to figure out what was going on.

I found myself in a small room, with a desk pushed into one corner and a wardrobe at the foot of the bed. A window was located above me, and it seemed to be getting dark. I sat up and tried to remember anything I could but it was all just white, my senses had practically been turned off. Aside from feeling really tired and a little like I was just plowed by a semi truck, I was feeling alright. Not really injured in any way just really sore. I pull open my status, because the last thing I remember was getting a class up, and then pain.

Before I could really look at my status however, the sound of door to the room opening caught my attention.

"Oh, your up That's good." I heard and I spun my head to look towards the door. Standing there was Arielle.

" Um, could you tell me what happened?" I asked meekly.

" The doctor said you were suffering from a sever case of Mana Overload. It's a medical problem where a person's body suddenly gains far more Mana than it should. This most commonly occurs in children because there body's are capable of holding such little Mana, but you really did give us a scare." She said

" How did I scare you?"

"When Mana Overload happens The person's body attempts to release all the extra stored Mana that it has to keep itself from exploding. We thought someone planted a Mana bomb in the building when it first started."

" What's a mana bomb, and why did they think I was one?"

" A Mana bomb, is a device that draws in ambient Mana and detonates it. They are a relatively new creation mostly used in sieges to destroy obstacles and buildings. When one is active the Mana density around it increases because the Mana is being pulled towards it. The opposite is true with Mana Overload but the effect is similar. The surrounding Mana became dense, and since it was the largest case of Mana Overload any of us have ever seen we thought you were a bomb." Arielle chuckled

" Oh."

" Well I'll go call the doctor to get you checked up. I'll be right back."

True to her word, she returned with a man that gave me a rudimentary check up. Aside from faint pain I can still feel throughout my body and sore muscles, I was completely fine. Nevertheless, He made sure I was still responsive, that the pain mostly went away and that I wasn't suffering any adverse effects. Apparently it wasn't uncommon for children to leak Mana for a while, have some bruising, or feel really sore, and in severe cases, torn muscles, and broken bones may occur after Mana Overload. Thankfully my regeneration helped prevent the worst of it by attempting to recover while my body was ripping itself apart.

I was told that it was highly unusual for people to get Mana Overload after their first class is completed because it requires someone to at least double their capacity for Mana. Almost every child has gone through it once but the pain and symptoms are mild because of a lack of Mana they're trying to control.

In the end I figured out how it works with the assistance of Cynthia, and some questions I asked the doctor. Whenever you level up a slight warm feeling rushes through your body, you feel slightly lighter and it's just an overall pleasant feeling. The warmth is caused by an influx of surrounding Mana the system forces into your body for it to control. Mana Overload, or Excessive Mana Expulsion Syndrome is whenever your maximum mana capacity statistic grows on a substantial level and the body cannot adapt quick enough thus it starts forcing mana out of the body. The body helps facilitate this because it doesn't want to be destroyed. The system however just sees this as the Mana escaping and pushes more into the body, creating a loop of entering and exiting that cycles until the body has adjusted. It's refered to as Mana Overload because the body is overloaded with mana. The names more catchy, convenient, simple, and kids think it sounds cooler so it's often referred to as it's nickname. Just thought that was interesting.

Anyways, that aside, The doctor told me that for the amount of Mana that was released and the duration of my affliction, he was supprized that I wasn't asleep for at least a week, and deemed it a miracle that I didn't have any major damage to my body. I did still have minor muscle tears and the occasional stress fracture but they were all minor things that could be patched up in no time with some basic healing magic, or just a little time and medical attention.

The doctor noticed that my body seemed to be patching itself together at an impressive speed, and said I could probably be walking around later tonight, but still insisted that I stay until tomorrow to give my body time to heal more. The medical examination was then over and the doctor bid his farewells. And I was deserted. I didn't notice when Arielle left. It was only a few moments later, after everyone else left, that I realized the room had signs that it was being used. The room was just so clean and barren that is seemed unlikely.

' Wonder who's room this is?'

My internal questioning wasn't going to answer that question so I decided to look around a bit. Looking around the room, the only things of interest I saw was a box with a yellow stone in the center of the lid on one of the shelves on the desk in the corner, and a small glass swan with yellow glass twisted into it. The rest of the room was plain and it got boring so I pulled my status up again and looked at what actually changed.



[NAME: Alice ✳️

[RACE: Eclipse Black Cat (Unique)

[CLASS: [ Intermediate Void Mage Lv:19/30]

[GENDER: Female

[TITLES: [Child of Nature][Child of the Eclipse][Champion of Clover]

[Lv: 1/20 Exp: 0/2

HP: 1140/1140 MP: 5300/6200{1000} SP: 930/930 Status: Healthy, Confused, Mana Overload (2:05)

[VIT: 60 (+6)

[STR: 100 (+7)

[END: 80 (+15)

[INT: 620 (+475)

[Wis: 375 (+285)

[SPEED: 217 (+95)

[LUCK: 67 (+0)




[Catlike Reflexes (lvMAX)]

[Basic Claw Mastery(lv4)]

[Intermediate Short Sword Mastery(lv3)]

[Intermediate Great Sword Mastery(lv2)]

[Intermediate Dagger Mastery(lv8)]

[Intermediate Bow Mastery(lv2)]

[Intermediate Spear Mastery(lv6)]

[Accelerated Regeneration(lv7)]

[Intermediate Exhaustion Resistance (lv8)]

[Intermediate Poison Resistance (lv3)]

[Basic Fear Resistance(lv2)]

[Accelerated Thinking (Lv1)]{New}

[Eye For Treasure]

[Night Vision]

[Lucky Strike]


[Mark of Madness]

[Basic Eclipse Attunement]{New}

[Void Walker]{New}


[Intermediate Mana Manipulation (lv4)]

[Intermediate Moonlight Magic (lv2)]

[Intermediate Sunfire Magic (lv9)]

[Intermediate Void Magic(lv2)]

[Basic Telekinesis(lv9)]



[Basic Claw Arts(lv2)]

[Intermediate Short Sword Arts(lv1)]

[Basic Great Sword Arts(lv9)]

[Intermediate Dagger Arts(lv5)]

[Basic Bow Arts(lv8)]

[Intermediate Spear Arts(lv3)]

[Intermediate Throwing Arts(lv3)]


[Unstable Mana Shot(lv1)]{New}

[Self Destruct (lv1)]{New}

[Universal language]




[Blessing of the Cat God Clover]

[Innate luck]



' Well that explains why I got Mana Overload.' My Mana capacity skyrocketed easily quadrupling itself. My Wisdom increased by a large amount as well, about as much of a relative change as Intelligence. Speed got a pretty good boost as well.

Looking down at my skills I see a few new Skill that were not previously there before.

[Skill Analysis Complete:

[Accelerated Thinking (lv1)] - slightly Accelerates the users ability to think without excessive strain to the brain.

[Basic Eclipse Attunement] - Slightly Decreases Mana cost during the day, slightly increases the potency of magic at night, and applies and enhances both effects at dawn and dusk.

[Void Walker] - Removes the need for food, water, or oxygen while inside the void.

[Unstable Mana Shot(lv1)] - A quick-fire blast of unstable Mana that can be fired from anywhere inside the body. May cause verying amounts of damage to user.

[Self Destruct (lv1)] - Have you ever Wanted to go boom? Congrats, You can now make super booms and you might just survive it!]

Uh ... well, that's ... great? My first couple of skills were the ones from my class and I knew that I wanted them, but the next ones are weird. The Mana shot seems like it may be useful, possibly some form of recoil attack, but Self destruct? I was already a bit dubious of it before the description but now I'm scared.

' Say, Cynthia you didn't happen to make that description as a prank right?'

[ Negative. That is the description found inside the worlds skill database.]

' That's definitely concerning. Wait is this world some kind of game? What's the world database?'

[It's a database, about the world. World. Database.]

' Oh, how insightful.' -_-

[Cynthia, thanks Alice for her praise]

' Sure, since your so helpful could you possibly create a description of Self destruct that's not so ... how do I put this, Useless?.'


[Analyzing Skill [Self Destruct (lv1)]]

[Estimated time remaining [8:00]]

The timer for Cynthia to complete her analysis of the still started it's countdown, and shortly after I felt a wave of relaxation hit me. It seemed that a weight had been lifted off of me. The faint pain that was faintly nagging at me from the back of my mind that I had been ignoring, disapated and a brand new wave of exhaustion hit lulling me to sleep.

Hearing something faintly while I was sleeping I stirred awake the room was dark, the only light coming from the crescent moon peering through the window. I push myself up to stretch but a pain shoots down my body and I immediately regret attempting such excessive movements as I still felt sore all over. The bed creaked as I flopped back onto the bed feeling more pain in my arms and back, even my head wasn't spared from the sores. Taking it slow on attempt two I manage to prop myself up on a pillow, and see a large mountain of white laying down on the floor. The white colossal stirred and rose revealing itself. It was Jasper with a really fluffy white blanket.

Jasper wore a tired smile as he looked at me. " Oh! Your awake child!" He had a natural excitement and vigor in his voice but you could tell the exhaustion was hampering his overall enthusiasm.

" Why are you sleeping on the floor?" I asked my voice laced with concern. Not going to lie but I was actually a little scared of Jasper at first but I think he a good guy and he's honestly starting to grow on me.

" My bed is occupied at the moment and I'm afraid The person on it is injured, but they seem to be getting better." Jasper was obviously tired but he seemed to lighten a bit thinking of this injured person.

" You look really tired, how long have you been sleeping on the floor."

" Well you've been here for about three nights now I believe."

" What?! Never mind, what does that have to do with anything?"

He just stares at me like I was an adorable lost creature and then it clicked.

" No, you shouldn't be sleeping on the floor anymore I'm fine." I say attempting to lean forward and place a hand on the bed to crawl out. I missed the side of the bead and I fell forward further taking myself off the bed and falling face first off the bed onto the ground into scorpion then onto my back.

A series of hissing and yelps accompanied my disastrous dissent, as I managed to hit almost every sore part of my body on the way out of that bed.

"CHILD! Are you alright!" His voice sounded concerned and he tried to help me up

" Your beds free now. Get in it and go to sleep." I growl at him.

" But what about you! You should be resting the doctor said your condition was still bad despite a best case scenario!"

" I'm fine, just get to bed. Please don't let my current pain and kindness be in vain." I said.

He seemed conflicted, " Are you sure your alright?"

" I'm fine, just get some sleep."

He got onto the bed and laid there for a minute, before speaking to me again.

"You know you remind me a lot of Arielle." He said. The smile evident in his voice, and his tone was the calmest I think I've ever heard it.

" How so?" I asked

" Arielle was a lot like you when we were younger, I remember this exact thing happened. She was practicing magic with some other kids and a spell misfired and hit her. She had some nasty burns and it took three days for her to wake up. I spent all that time worrying about her and when she woke up to me sleeping beside her she jumped out of her bed and forced me to sleep. It was rather funny watching her walk after a few days of being bedridden."

" What do you think of Arielle?" I asked him

" She's a sweet, shy person, with a wonderful heart and an unmatched selflessness. She was always there for me growing up, reguardless of the problem and even today I see her as a source of strength and courage. She can be forceful and unyielding when it comes to the good of others, but she has this idea in her mind that she's inferior, so she is willing to risk her life if it means saving another. She really is a wonderful person"


" She sounds amazing" I say but am only met with a faint snoring from the bed beside me.

' He was certainly tired.' I thought and attempted to stand up, only to fall right back down onto my sore butt.

" Ouch!" I Yelp and lay back down on my back.

' Ya know the floor is now really comfy.' I thought and laid there for a little while.

Mustering the courage to try and stand again, I move my legs under me and attempt to lift myself. I used telekinesis to try and alleviate some of the weight off my legs as I get used to walking again which only takes a minute or two of pacing around the small room and I remove my telekinetic handy cap. The sores are still there but they are not nearly as bad as they were a few hours ago, so I move towards the door and the handle turns startling me.

The door creaked open and I heard a faint voice in the other side of the door.

" Good, he's finally getting some sleep ... wait, Where's Alice!" She then pushed the door in completely and stood face to face with me. It was more face to chest/waist level but I digress.

" Oh!" I Arielle exclaimed not expecting me to be standing in front of the door.

I saw a wave of nervousness and panic wash over her, before she steeled herself.

" What's wrong?" I ask

" Nothing, I was just coming to check up on you two." She replied

" Oh, well thank you. Anyways, do you know why I was in Jaspers room for the past few days."

She seemed conflicted but then just let out a sigh " Whenever you initiated your class change an absurdly abnormal amount of Mana started to get pulled towards you and in a panic I left to go tell someone. An evacuation order was released and everyone was told to vacate the building. When Jasper realized someone was missing he ran through the whole building looking for any stragglers. The only one missing was you. He found you and immediately brought you here and called for the doctor. When the doctor arrived he realized you were the anomaly and the evacuation was recalled. You've been here with him keeping an eye on you since."

" Interesting, well I thank you all for everything, but I really must be going now. Do you know how much I owe you all."

" You don't owe use anything, we didn't do anything to help you recover, so you don't have any medical fees, and we only allowed you to stay here for a few days. I'm sure Jasper would agree that you don't owe us anything at all."

" Still ... You know what, thank you for your kindness, I'll find a way to thank him another time. Please give Jasper my thanks and apologies for stealing his bed for me, will you?"

" Of Course."

" Then I'll be off. Thank you for taking care of me."

" ... Your welcome."

I departed from the Church building and made my way back to the guild. I ran at top speed and experimented with some of my new stats to try and familiarize myself with them. It was awkward at first running felt odd, so I spent a bit stalling before I had to go back. I totally wasn't afraid of the hell I was about to face for disappearing. Again.