
Qi Qing looked over her small group of friends, and wondered where it had all gone wrong.

Her brother looked as if he was in a trance, mindlessly going through his tasks, but at moments, it was as if he was about to explode back into his usual cheerful self, before he shrank once more into his dismal mood.

She couldn't believe that he had formed an attachment so quickly to the new boy.

It had been only a matter of days, but her brother was already acting as if they had been friends for life.

A-Yuan was no different either, but he had the good sense to keep his feelings and emotions under wraps, not unlike what he normally did anyway.

Qi Qing saw the cogs and gears turn in his head, and she knew that he was planning something, even if she couldn't figure out what quite it was.

She knew that it probably involved roping in his older brother, but she couldn't be quite sure what it was.

Ming Cheng, at the end of the day, was still the child of a servant which meant that whatever treatment that he could access was limited and if it involved the mind, then it was even more restrictive.

No matter what, the boy was in trouble.

She turned her focus back to her brother.

Her brother was an idiot, forming attachments too quickly, loud, and always wanting to see the best in people without restraint.

To see him like this... was troubling to say the least.

She had never really seen him react this way before, and she already knew the reason why.

As soon as they were alone, they needed to talk about this properly, and she would help her brother with his misplaced sense of guilt.