The Face Behind the System

The Face Behind the System

Eastern93 Chapters144.4K Views
Author: SnowPenguin
Table of Contents

Ming Cheng, former beggar who used to live on the streets, enters the Heavenly Emperor's Palace as a servant.

While at the same time, in another world, poor university student Xiao Ying falls into a coma, after a devastating car accident.

Suddenly, upon waking up, Xiao Ying is thrust into a chair, behind a screen, and told, by a suspicious note, that he will be able to regain his life and wake up in his world, once again, if, and only if, he manages guide the Emperor's one and only lost son - Ming Cheng - to the throne.


"The Legendary Tale of the Holy Emperor Ming Cheng," Xiao Ying mused to himself, almost bursting out into delirious laughter, was the story that he had once written and published online to absolutely no reception.

And now, some sadistic, messed up deity had deigned his unpopular wreck of a work as his great trial to stave off death!

At that thought, Xiao Ying really did laugh, dropping to his knees and throwing his head into his hands.

He was supposed to guide his own, fucking protagonist, brought to life before his very eyes, to his death - just so Xiao Ying could go back to experience his own proper one at a later date.

Didn't this deity know that he had written a tragedy?!

Ming Cheng would steadily work his way upwards through the Palace, becoming closer and closer to the emperor, until one day, he was discovered to be the emperor's long lost son - the small boy who had vanished one night during a legendary bad storm - finally achieving all the great power that he had worked so hard to earn and deserved! Only for it all, in the end, to be cruelly stripped away from him, as he dies on his wedding night:Xioa Ying's attempt to hastily end the book, once he realised that there was no hope for it.

Now older and hypothetically wiser, he decided that it would be idiotic to just ignore the situation he was in, considering the consequences of such a thing were unknown.

He really had no choice but to play along and become the system to guide his protagonist.

75 Reviews
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Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Highly Appreciate it 😊👍✨ The novel has a good plot and is promising. I love the pacing of the novel and the way writer writes the story. The writer is successful in appealing to the readers . At last the novel is overall nice and will desperately wait for the next chapters to release And hope that the writer will continue this awesome work and will evolve even more with time . Mine best wishes are always with you .

4 years ago

I think this is an interesting and unique take on a transmigration into a novel trope. The MC dies and goes into a novel that he wrote and gets into a lot of shenanigans. Some of the stuff is quite funny. The MC's point of view and thoughts flow pretty well as he acts as an omniscient ghost pulling strings behind everyone's backs. The only critique for the author is that your paragraphs are one long run on sentence. The prose still flows pretty well and I don't mind but some others might.

4 years ago

I was satisfied with the description, plot, that's just great. Everyone is able to fully understand and ride into the story and that's what is important. Being able to connect with the characters is amazing to me and not all writers give this chance to their audience maybe because they try adding a lot of complicated stuff to make it mature and most readers end up being confused. Yours wasn't that way and wasn't so plain as well so good job here! Voting one more time for you...

4 years ago

The premise is very interesting and unique, and the author quickly reels you into it. The writing is quite descriptive, and although sometimes lacks proofreading is quite well written. My only comment would be that some of the chapters are a bit meandering, but all in all a solid read.

4 years ago

I like it!!!! The narration is written clearly and enjoyed the vivid description of events. What I enjoyed most is the uniqueness of the story being centred in a game like setting, which I find very rare nowadays. [img=recommend]

4 years ago

The narration was done really well that you'll get suck in the book yourself. The decriptions are done good, lots of showing and an equal amount of telling. From where I am, it's already very interesting.

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

This is a very refreshing read for me. My first time to read something like this and the entire story got me hooked. The MC, the setting, it's refreshing indeed. Great job author. I'll follow this story through. I'm excited for the development of the characters.

4 years ago

The flow of the narration is very well done, and transitions between scenes extremely smooth. Solid structure. This is a clear indication that author plans ahead and puts a lot of thoughts into writing. Unlike generic flat characters prevalent in vast majority of webnovels, Xiao Ying is a very believable character particularly because he has depth and many layers of what makes him him. Big kudos there. It's a bit hard for me to keep track of Asian names, though, so when someone other than Xiao Ying is in the scene I keep going back pages 'wait, who's this?' :) but I'm sure readers from the eastern block would have no problem at all. I've learned of this novel's existence through the review swap thread, and am actually glad author replied to my post with the link to this story. It's always nice to discover a good read.

4 years ago

Very interesting story. Good and have a huge potential. I hope the author will continue to upload more chapters a day. Good luck to you journey, author.

4 years ago

Omgaaassssh, I feel like I've read this from one anime! though they are different but I can see the resemblance, dying and entering the world which the Mc created, oooh sounds like Bunguo to alchemist. Anyhow, its nice the point of view is well written

4 years ago

This is actually very well written, with good character development and great descriptions. It is also starting in an interesting way, good job!

4 years ago

Hello, Author! Writing Quality: I think you're doing great! Your writing format's fine! Stability of Updates: Just update if you can or want to. Story Development: I think it gets even more interesting. I can't spoil here, but to those who are hesitating, read this. Character Design: You distinguished them very well. World Background: You're also doing great! I hope you'll find success in this story!

4 years ago

The details in this book are very well written and vivid - you can really imagine everything that's going on in the story! I also love Xiao Ying's thought process and how easily you can picture his emotions. He's not an emotionless, stone-hearted MC like a lot of other MCs I've seen. He feels very down to earth and relatable in his struggles and insecurities. I also love the unique concept for this novel - having a failed novel author play through his own novel in order to regain his old life back. It's really unique and interested and the beginning got me hooked. Great job with this story, and good luck, this deserves more views!

4 years ago