Literacy Teachers

The conversation soon died down and Wang Yuan was left wondering why Lan Chang had still laughed, not particularly understanding why such an abrupt shift in the conversation topic had caused such a reaction within her, and looking at Ming Cheng's face, Wang Yuan knew that he wasn't alone.

If Ming Cheng liked, he could A-Qing to teach, like she had done for him as well.

She was always happy to be in charge and tutor other people who weren't nearly as smart as her, and his brother said that it was because she liked the power that she held over other people.

His brother was always right about so Wang Yuan believed him, even if he did like to tease sometimes.

It was a shame that Ming Cheng couldn't understand him right now, or the offer that he wanted to make, but he was sure that he could get everything all sorted out in the morning when A-Qing came back and he could communicate with her.

That way, even Lan Chang did not need to worry about her son's education.

"Ah A-Yuan, I can see the gears of your mind turning. You don't need to sort this all out yourself," Lan Chang called out from the other side of the scroll, compelling Wang Yuan to look up at her.

He felt briefly like a deer caught in headlights, before the sinking feeling of disappointment overtook him, and he looked down once more at the scroll, deciding to commit all the advise about company, speaking treatments, teas, and other acupuncture techniques to memory, rather than face Lan Chang.

He was beginning to see more why his brother didn't particularly like her.

She was always in the way of their good ideas.

Ming Cheng was nice though.

Ming Cheng was nice.

"Ming Cheng, I was planning on having you go to the school run by the temple not too far from here, but first, I was waiting for you to settle down for a bit longer, considering that this just came up now. The next term begins in a few weeks, and I'm sure that you'll be fine, now that you want to attend, alright," Lan Chang explained to her son, reaching over to ruffle his hair as she did it, before lifting her hand away to once more quickly return it to pinch her son's cheek.

Ming Cheng accepted the affection without a complaint, flushing even slightly to display how pleased he was by it, while his face remained mostly blank and looking stern.

It was obvious that he was not at all embarrassed by his mother and was revelling in the love that he was given, making Ming Cheng practically radiate joy in a bright display that was only visible if one looked close enough to see the pink ruddiness of his cheeks and how his eyes now had a new spark of gleaming light.

"Oh, and A-Yuan, you can proceed with your little scheme if, and only if, you ask my dearest son first, and limit your efforts if any remedial work or extra practice is needed."