I'm not crazy

"I'm already at the hotel, but I can't enter because I don't think I'm ready to appear in front of Papa and Mama. So, I'll go back home right now using a taxi, you don't worry about me!". Qiara replied in a low voice. 

"Is the situation really that bad?". Asked Julian again with worry. 

"Maybe it would be even worse if I came in, that's why you save Nathan and Natalie now. They deserve to be happy, because I would not be willing for Nathan to marry that two-faced woman". Qiara said irritably because she knew Clara so well.

"Okay, wait for me at home. But, don't forget to pick up Zio at school if you really aren't working". Julian said to remind Qiara. 

"Okay, dear". After saying that Qiara immediately ended the call with smiles of her own. 

After that she immediately left the bathroom, creeping.