Burned with emotion

"Maybe". Sarah replied confusedly because she didn't know whose side to take. Besides, she didn't understand what had actually happened.

Mr. Joseph was resentful at his wife who was so presumptuous for supporting those who opposed him. But he couldn't be mad at Sarah.

Julian is still silent because he thinks it is not time for him to talk, the worst situation is that his father's threat will be realized. But, he had no choice. He knew that Nathan had suffered enough and it was time for him to rise up to his happiness.

Jasmin smiled slyly at her mother's answer, she also looked sarcastically at her Papa.

All of the guests felt very confused by the situation they were in right now, especially the Clara family who didn't know anything.

"Natalie, don't hide, Nathan needs you!" Whispered Julian, glancing at Natalie who was still standing behind him.

At Julian's whisper, Natalie immediately looked up at Nathan.