Clearing a Base

In the corner of Zeds eye, he could see a small bar which popped up as soon as he had killed the first zombie. As he looked at it he realised there was a number beside it. The number read LVL 4.

It was now obvious that this was his experience bar. After confirming this he decided to look further into the use of the system of a UI.

Zed continued his way through the building passing multiple office rooms. Along the way, an occasional zombie would run at him. Though it would very quickly drop to the ground, it's head sliced in two.

Zed walked for only about one minute until he finally got to the point where there was a single door at the end of a corridor. He could hear the sound of a zombie inside and so when he opened the door to the room he stepped aside as the zombie fell to the ground in front of him. The undead was followed by two other zombies which fell over the first. Zed didn't even need to use his katana to kill them and instead chose to simply stomp of their head, crushing them in the process.

Zed proceeded to move into the room and go through a bunch of files which sat on a desk. These documents ranged from plans all the way to the organisation of the bases forces. But, the file Zed was searching for had something very important in it. It held the knowledge of all the surrounding military bases and any secretive military bunkers.

Finally, Zed found it. He placed it into his inventory and started to walk towards the exit to the building.

He still had 11 inventory spots remaining. It was now time to collect some armour and other weapons. Since he could store multiple stacks of a singular weapon it would be easy to store a lot.

Once at the exit to the office building he saw a little bit away from that a bunch of zombies wee grouped up in one spot. This spot was the main fuel storage. This gave Zed an idea for after he had retrieved everything needed.

Choosing to run to the armoury, it only took another minute to reach the front doors. The doors weren't locked and so Zed kicked them open.

Twenty or so abominations of torn apart flesh stared at him. They got to their feet and began moving towards Zed in a slow fashion.

Zed didn't run this time, instead deciding to walk slowly through the crowd of monsters. He sliced his katana through the air causing an undead face to be split down the middle. Each zombie moved closer and closer but as soon as they came within Zeds killing zone, they would immediately be slaughtered.

This could be considered a perk of Zeds choice to op into speed over strength. If the enemy could not touch you, how could they kill you?

Soon all the zombies had been taken out. Zed flicked the blade of his katana and the blood flew off. He walked up to a soldiers corpse and ripped a red card from his chest. This card was the key card to the armoury.

Moving onto the first room he used the red keycard to open the door. When he entered the room he saw hundreds of guns. They ranged from M4's to M16's. It included machine guns, LMGs, sniper rifles and grenade launchers. It even had a browning .50 Cal machine gun. These would be good for a while but eventually would become unusual for combat when zombies and humans inevitably became stronger. Well unless the system could do something about that.

"Hey system, are you able to upgrade guns?" Zed asked not expecting what he heard next.

"Yes. The system can, in fact, upgrade firearms. However like your increased attribute points, this is something only the system can do." the system replied, baffling its user.

"I-I see..." Zed said as he picked out the best guns for the future. Finally, his entire inventory had been filled. Of the remaining 11 inventory spots from not to long ago, seven had been used to hold new guns and four were for the ammunition which was stored in large boxes. These boxes could then be stacked in the inventory. The guns in his inventory could also be stacked so hardly anything remained in the armouries storage.

Only one thing was left to do before escaping the base. That was to retrieve some military apparel. This included both armour and clothing. At the beginning of the apocalypse, people tended to trust the military without much question. Therefore if he could look like a soldier people would listen to him.

Luckily the clothing and armour were also stored in the armoury. On the roof was a helicopter so he could use it to escape back to his car once he had finished everything at the base.

Now that Zed had decided on what to do he moved to the next rooms and gathered as many uniforms and pieces of armour as possible. He stored them all in two large trolleys. Once all the storage had been filled he dragged the up the stairs and onto the roof where the helicopter awaited him. Along the way, he collected the keys to the helicopter. Zed proceeded to fill the entire helicopter with gear and closed the doors.

"Time to kill the zombies," said Zeds voice as he climbed into the helicopter.

Zed turned the key and pushed a few buttons. The chopper reacted to this and it's blades began spinning, quickly becoming faster and faster. Finally, the chopper lifted from the ground and Zed flew towards the largest fuel storage.

The helicopter he was sitting in had multiple guns and missiles. He flicked a cap off of the pilot's cyclic control stick and pushed a red button with his thumb, in turn releasing a missile which exploded upon impact with the ground. Two minutes later every zombie had broken out of their hiding spots in buildings and surrounded the fuel storage.

With a smile, Zed once more pressed the red button. This time however the explosion was larger. Much larger actually.

As Zed looked at his experience bar it began moving. Quickly the bar had reached the end and reset with every new level gained.