The Search

Night soon fell on the city and death soon followed. Zed could tell that during the night many more weak people would die.

Throughout the night, gunfire rang out amongst the streets alongside screams of both human and undead origin.


Morning eventually came and Zed had slept easily through the night. Due to his hardened senses, he could sleep through what others would call impossible scenarios. Of course, this didn't mean that he would be defenceless since he would be able to sense someone approaching.

It was early and the sounds of zombies in the streets sounded surprisingly relaxing. This was only because it was something which Zed had become used to in his past life and didn't find scary at all.

As Zed got up he looked at his watch and noticed it was only 6 am and the zombies would still have a small power-up. This didn't particularly hinder him since he would still be able to take out hundreds of them with ease.

Nevertheless, he still began to move down the stairs of the building and towards the city streets.

When Zed exited the building he could see a sunrise. He looked to the rising sun and chose the direction which he would continue his search from. Because Zed knew that the sun raised in the East, he could easily navigate without a compass.

Zed soon began walking due to his muscles still being a little tired from all of yesterdays work. Actually, it wasn't just a little, it was a lot. But not enough to say it would be a disadvantage to him, and instead was more like an annoyance.

Slowly Zed picked up his pace and began jogging through the city. He ended up killing many zombies along his way. The Exp bar was going up slowly however it was still barely noticeable.

Since Zed had slept the night, he had fully recovered his magic points and could now begin spending them again.

Although Zed wanted to level this skill up, it was important to still have enough magic points if he were ever put into a tough situation. Thus he decided to use only half of his magic points while using the water blade.

As he continued through the streets he eventually got to a point where he could see the Cafe off in the distance. It was located at the end of this street which currently covered in undead activity.

Perhaps the family had found a gun and used it in defence against the zombies which currently filled the streets. This would be the most likely reason as to why so many undead were gathered in one spot. It would also be understandable since most couldn't fight the undead in hand to hand combat or even with melee weapons.

"Oh, what am I to do?" Zed said as he started at the coffee shop off in the distance. He could see that the shop front had been smashed in. Nobody alive was still inside.

Zed knew he wasn't wrong about the location and so he concluded that the family must have escaped to the building just opposite of it. This building was a fairly tall building which probably had around 15 floors. It also looked to be around the same height as the buildings which surrounded Zeds current base.

Zed pondered for a bit and decided he would simply rush through the zombie hoard leave the rest for him to kill later.

At a speed which no other human could run, Zed bolted through the crowd of undead. A new head went flying as he passed each one.

Finally, he had reached the entrance and went in. He closed the doors behind him and the doors slammed with a loud noise which rang thought out the building.

"Shit! Well, there goes any opportunity of surprising any enemies, " Zed let out as he grinded his teeth.

He continued into the building's lobby, making sure to keep on high alert for any movement. Nothing happened as Zed passed through the lobby and made it to the emergency stairwell.

As Zed went up each level he checked briefly for any signs of survivors. This building was a hotel and not. a single zombie could be found within. He couldn't find anything other than blood stains and evidence of zombie activity. That until he reached the 13th floor. This was where he found where a group of people had been surviving for the past few days.

There seemed to be roughly ten or so survivors due to the amount of sleeping arrangement present.

It was a little suspicious as to why there were no humans anywhere to be seen. Zed's guess was that they were on a higher floor. Maybe they had realised he was in the building and decided to hide or maybe it was something else. Either way, Zed continued moving up through the levels.

Soon he reached the top floor... Still nothing. So Zed made his way to the roof. As he went up the stairs he began hearing people talking. This was followed by the sound of a woman crying and a person being beaten.

Without thinking, Zed sprinted up the last few stairs and burst through the door to the roof. When he did he soon saw a scene which made him angry. On the floor was the girl's father getting beaten by 3 men. Zeds eyes then moved to the girl. She was with her mother and little brother watching their father get beaten to death.

"What the fuck!? Who the hell are you?" Screamed what looked to be their leader as Zed stood there with his katana in hand.

Zed simply glared at the man with no visible emotion. He did not speak and he did not move.

"Hmm? Is this man a friend of yours? No, maybe this girl here is your girlfriend? Well, she'll be having some time with us in just a minute. Maybe I'll let you watch." Said the group's leader as his men chuckled to themselves.

Seeing this man standing in front of herself, the girl soon screamed out to him, "please save us! I beg you!"

Immediately scenes of Zeds previous life flashed before him. Memories of how this family had saved him, yet he hadn't even asked their names, let alone protected them from the cruelty of this world in it's most desperate times.

In a second three of the ten men fell to the ground holding their necks as blood unendingly gushed out like a high pressured hose. They could not be saved and quickly died knowing exactly this.

The others all took a step back unintentionally. The man in front of them had just killed three people so easily. Before they had a chance to react, Zed came at them and one by one, they lost their head.

Now only three men remained. Finally, they could move from the shackles which had held them down only a second ago. The leader pulled a gun and pointed it at Zed, his hand shaking uncontrollably. "Move an inch and I'll kill you before you can even reach me!" He screamed with fear deeply rooted into his voice.

"I won't be the one to kill you, so don't worry, " Zed replied with a smile. This was right before he rushed forward dodging a bullet and cutting the leaders hands-off.

The leader fell backwards onto his fat ass and rolled around screaming from the pain which he was dealing with.

Next was the two other men who had been beating the girl's father so mercilessly. Zed walked up to them and grabbed them by their necks. He squeezed until their throats gave way and were crushed. He let go and their bodies fell to the ground. They had not yet died but soon would from choking on their own blood or lack of oxygen.

"Ahh sorry you guys had to see all that, but I couldn't just let them harm you guys, right? Zed asked rhetorically.

The family seemed to look at this man with fear but at the same time, Zed could see thankfulness deep within their eyes.