Repaying Debts II

From out the hatch sprung a young soldier, "Quickly get in!"

Listening to the Young soldier, the family got to their feet. They all helped Nicholas to get to the tank first and then followed him by climbing into the hatch.

The tank's engine roared as it reversed out of the building while crushing zombies underneath its tracks.

Soon the gunfire stopped and everyone began to retreat away from the hoards. The cars speeded through the streets ramming anything in their way.

Back at the hoard, Zed was still slaughtering countless undead. Quickly many zombies crowded around him and it soon became impossible to continue.

"Shit! It would seem that I underestimated the sheer number of this hoard." Zed let out as he continued cutting down zombies.

Zed knew it was about time to escape and so he did. He slowly moved back to the building's entrance and kicked open the door. Tens of zombies poured in behind him and slowly chased him down. Since they were slow creatures at the beginning of the apocalypse, Zed only needed to run and move up the stairs before he lost them. They were too dumb to know where he would be.


Zed spent the next few moments getting to the 5th floor where he knew he could be safe. This is where he stopped and began making a plan.

What could he do? He might have a lot more strength than anyone else on earth, however, he still didn't have enough to jump from building to building. So that was out of the picture. Zed continued to think for the next few moments before coming up with an idea.

If he remembered right, this building would one day become the safe haven for bandits, rapists and murderers. One of many fortresses which would be created by Zara, a big-time player and bandit in his past life. He knew that this building was connected to the sewers since all of Zara's fortresses were connected by the sewers spread throughout the city.

Having known this, Zed moved back down to the bottom floor and began his search for a basement or something of the like.

After searching for a while, he found nothing. Well actually he found a basement, but it wasn't connected to the sewers. This led Zed to believe that the entrance might have been located in the buildings back area.

Zed went out to the back area behind the building. This area was surrounded by a large concrete fence with barbed wire. Just like he had expected, there was a hatch to the sewers. Seeing this, Zed smiled as he opened it and dropped down.


"We'll be back to the base soon, so don't worry, " a young soldier stated.

This gave the Frane family a feeling of relief since they had been in the tank for around 15 minutes already. All they could hear was the sound of Zombies getting crushed and this created a tense atmosphere.

Nicholas took this opportunity. "I am Nicholas Frane, ex-special-ops, " he said as he stuck out his hand.

The soldier who was sitting in the gunner seat grabbed it and shook his hand. "I'm Joseph Smith, ex-military. Please to meet you, sir."

Nicholas stared in confusion. He was pretty sure that Zed had told him that all his men were military, not ex-military. Maybe he made a mistake? To have his questions answered he asked the young soldier what he meant by 'ex-military'.

The soldier simply stated in a proud tone of voice, "I was saved by the boss, I had my family brought back to me by the boss, and now I serve the boss."

Nicholas could easily hear the loyalty and pride in the man's voice. The boss must be Zed. This was understandable since the weak would always follow the strong. And so would his family.

"We're here," the tank's driver said as the tank slowed down.

Soon the soldiers opened the hatch and everyone got out. When the family saw the compound which they would call home, their jaws dropped. The area they were in was surrounded by a wall of tall buildings with large thick iron gates in between a few. On the rooftops of each building, they could easily see soldiers watching over. A group of women were cooking the soldiers breakfast, and soldiers were transporting zombie corpses out of a building which they were clearing. This had to be one of the safest places thus far in the apocalypse.

As the family got down from the tank, they were greeted by a large Japanese man. This man had a smile of gold which gave them a comfortable feeling as though they were already accepted by the man.

"Hello new survivors, I am Kagami. I am also second in charge here at this camp. And first in charge while Zed is out in the city." Kagami said.

The family looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect him to stay out there with all those zombies when he could have come with them back to camp.

Seeing the confusion on their faces, Kagami quickly continued speaking, "Dont worry about him though. Zed a good leader and an even better man. He wanted to go out and save as many people as possible."

Nicholas shook his head in approval of what had just been saying. He agreed that Zed was a good man and had no doubt that he was just as good at being a leader.

Kagami and the family introduced themselves and were then escorted to a medical room in one of the large buildings surrounding the compound.

When they entered they could see that all the outer doors and windows had been barricaded to the point where nothing would be able to break-in. This made them feel even safer than they already did.

Arriving at the medical room, they saw plenty of first aid equipment. On the walls were shelves full of bandages and medical tools. Kagami left them to wait in the room and went back to managing the camp.

The Frane family waited for a little while until a medic came into the room. He seemed to be part of the US military, a lot like everyone else in the camp.

The medic held a clipboard on his arm and a pen in his hand. "Names?" he asked quickly.

"I am Nicholas Frane, my wife is Jenny Frane, this one is Emily Frane and my son Neo Frane." Nicholas quickly answered.

The medic wrote down the names onto his clipboard in response.

For the next 20 minutes, the family took an extremely important medical examination. Throughout the examination, both the physical and mental sides were checked.