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after hearing yoshiro's explanation ken calmed down and walk around. basically, the system randomly teleported him somewhere.

while walking around ken noticed that he can't understand any words that the people said which is expected because he is a japanese guy and japanese people are said to not really have good English and secondly, people who pass by him looks back at him as him they just smelled a poisonous smell.

during the time that he was inside the system he has not taken a bath since, he can't really smell himself.

thinking of this he run towards the shore and washed himself. even though the smell is only removed a little it is still a good improvement.

"hehe, you fucking smell" yoshiro mocks ken

"who the fuck's fault is it? if I have known that I will be teleported randomly I would've washed myself and got ready!" ken said angrily.

during the time that he was at the palace looking for the exit token, he did not pay any heed on the things inside it and did not bring a single treasure. he thought that he would be able to go back inside the palace later on but, now he can't

after yoshiro told him that he was teleported randomly ken obviously go towards the ocean and dived till he got to the seafloor and tried to open the palace but he was not able to do it.

when he tried to open it a transparent panel showed up and it says

[you can't open it till you level up the system]

looking at the panel ken's face turned ugly, if he would have known that this will happen he would have brought half the palace.

now, that he is here in America he can't do anything.

ken started to think of ways to get money and be able to live life.

after a unknown time he thought of something

'maybe I should pledge my token for mortgage?' ken let out a grin. without the exit token noone can enter the palace. even if they have it, they won't get inside the palace without the system

thinking of this he walks towards a pawnshop. the exterior of the pawnshop is big and tall, there are 3 floors and there is a big sign in front of it [gold pawnshop] the sign is pretty luxurious looking.

he walks inside and saw a lot of people that is wearing an expensive looking clothing.

while he was looking around some people inside looks at him with disdain as if they are looking at a dog who lost his way.

ken notices this but, he did not pay attention to it. ken is pretty thick faced and he does not care about what people think of him.

he walks around and saw a counter that has a fat guy with a blonde hair sitting there. as if, he is waiting for a customer. behind the guy there are a lot of antique looking things.

he walks towards the guy and asked "can you check this item out?" ken pulls out a token that is the size of a fist that is made out of pure gold and it looks like an antique item. ken can speak English but he was not fluent at it so, when he talked to the guy he had a weird accent

the fat guy grabs it as he looks at ken. to him ken is just a poor guy who is trying his luck to make money but, customers are customers as long as they are here to sell or buy something.

the fat blonde inspect it but, as he inspect it beads of sweat starts to form on his forehead. He look towards ken with shock on his eyes but, as a professional anyone can barely read the fat blonde's expression.

"ahem, sir, can you follow me towards the special guest room?" the fat blonde told ken while maintaining a poker face.

the blonde guy stood up and escorts him towards the room

as they walk towards the room some people started to talk to each other.

'who is he?'

'what did he bring?'

'I thought he was just some poor guy who came here to look around and not buy or sell anything'

as ken got inside the 'special guest room' he saw two couch that are facing each other and in the middle of it is a table.

"please take a sit sir, I will contact the owner of the building" the fat guy told ken after, he opened the door that they came into and called the owner

ken sat on a couch next to the door that he came into and waited patiently.

'are they not serving tea here?' ken thought to himself. in japan people will naturally serve their guest green tea to their guests but, america is different.

after a while the door opened and he saw a muscular middle age man and two other people a woman and a man. the man is naturally the fat guy. the other one is.....

as soon as the muscular middle age man saw ken he greeted ken with a smile "sorry for the wait"

the middle age man sat on the other side of ken as the woman stand up next to the couch.

"ahem, I'm richard the owner of the company"the owner introduced himself "so let's get down to business. can I take a look at the item?" the middle age man pointed at the fat blonde

the fat blonde took the token out and put it on the table, the middle age man grabbed it and inspect it as he inspect it he was shock but, he was calm outside.

"my name is ken, and yeah this is the item that I want to pawn, and I'm not planning to sell it entirely. at the moment I only need money" ken told richard.

as richard heard ken's horrible pronunciation he looked at the woman beside the couch

as if she can read richard's mind she started to speak in japanese. the woman noticed ken's name and accent. so, naturally she knows that ken is from japan. "I can translate what you say to richard can you say what you said again?"

ken repeated himself and the woman translated it

"oh, so you don't plan to sell it but, you just want to borrow some money from us?" richard ask ken with a smile on his face.

"yeah, I'm gonna give the money back 3 times no, 4 times the money that I borrowed" ken answered with his arms crossed in front of him. ken is naturally confident as he have the power to do so, the system gave him a reward and he has not picked one yet.

"how much money are we talking about?" richard ask ken

"just give me a half million dollars" ken answered

as richard and the others heard this they were shock

how do you have the confidence to make 4 times of that? 4 times of that is 2 million dollars

"okay I will give you half a million dollars but, if you were not able to deliver within 4 months I will naturally have this token and won't give it back to you" richard told ken

"I naturally will give the money back to you with interest" ken said

as they come into an agreement richard pointed towards the fat blonde and told him to bring the money

soon the fat blonde came back with a case of money and put it on the table

richard gave it to ken and said "make sure to bring the money back if you still want this token back"

"I will, and you will make more money that way" ken said while glaring at him.

he grabs the case of money and walked towards the exit.

as he walks towards the door a noise rung to his head "kid you forgot to make a contract! haha" yoshiro said while laughing

"oh yeah I forgot" ken told yoshiro

he walked looked back and said to richard" I forgot we should make a contract to make sure you will give the item back to me"

richard smiled 'it seems like I underestimated this kid. I thought he will be an idiot who will forget about a contract' "oh, I forgot blonde go get a contract"

soon they formed a contract

yoshiro naturally looked at the contract through a ken's eyes and read it as well

seeing that there is no problem with the contract ken signed the contract and left

-outside the pawnshop-

"kid how do you plan to make that money?" yoshiro asked him

"I will go gambling in vegas the biggest gambling place in the united states" ken said to yoshiro

"do you know how to gamble? what about the language barrier?" yoshiro asked with concert on his voice

"uhm, I will study the English" with the help of the system ken can learn anything faster. he can just touch a book and he will be able to learn English in a flash

"first let's go to a hotel and live there for a while" ken said

as he walks around and asked around for a big hotel. soon he got to a pretty big hotel it was already dark outside when he got here and he needs a big hotel that has good security because, if it's a hotel that has no security whatsoever his money might get stolen.

he walk towards the counter to check in "I would like to check in for 1 months"

the girl in the counter was pretty shocked because, when she saw this youth walks in she thought that he was just a lost puppy and was about to tell the guard to get him out of here but, it seems like he is not.

"that would be a 50 thousand dollars" the girl said

ken reached out for his case and opens it he pulls out a loads of money put it on the counter.

the lady grabbed it and puts it in a machine that counts money

soon she finished putting all the money inside and asked for ken's name

ken puts his name in 'takahashi ken'.

as the lady saw his name she thought 'oh that's why he has that accent'

the lady gave a key card to ken that is inside a wallet looking thing

ken grabs it and walks towards the number the he was assigned into

'room 405'

'that means that I'm on 4th floor'

he walks towards the elevator and saw a girl that is inside of it he waved at her. indicating to wait for him but, the woman closed it regardless.

'what a fucking bitch' ken humphed

soon he got on the elevator and got to his room.

he puts the case of money on a closet to hide it and grabs a little bit of money to buy a dictionary to learn English words and book that teaches sentences and he needs some clothes that looks expensive before going to gamble and eat some food.

he walked towards the woman a while ago and asked where do they sell clothes here?

finding this question strange the woman answered "oh just turn right and go right again and walk forward then cross the pedestrian and walk forward for 10 mins, and there are a lot of shop there.

ken followed the lady's instruction and goes shopping for books, clothes and ate food.

he got back in the hotel and saw the woman who ignored him and closed the elevator on him exiting the hotel

the woman has black hair and has a good sexy body, her bottom is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

the woman looked at him with disdain as if she is looking at someone who she hated for her whole life.

'the fuck is wrong with that woman?' ken thought.

soon ken got inside his room and started showering

"ahhhhhhh this is the best, I haven't taken a proper shower for a half a month"ken thought out loud

while he was showering he was filling up the bathtub with hotwater

after showering he got inside of it and relaxed "ooooooh, just as I thought if you are japanese you need this!"

yoshiro was looking at ken with envy. naturally, in his life back at the immortal world he made a japanese onsen to bath regularly, that onsen was the most expensive onsen if, put in this world. now looking at this mere bathtub he was feeling envy because, when he was transported here by the system. the system could not bring the onsen here. (note: onsen is a japanese bath. search it on google for more info.)

after taking a bath he was feeling refreshed and lay down on his bed as he lay down he felt comfortable. gradually closing his eyes and fell asleep.