When the Monsters Invade

"Hey Sis, what's for breakfast this morning," Hunter said as he getting ready for work.

"Make your own god damn food, I'm gonna go play my game." Kendall, Hunter's sister, said while passing by his room going to her own bedroom.

'I seriously need to get her to be more active, at this rate she's going to end up like me. I'm working a job that I hate and makes shit money' Hunter thought as he went to the kitchen to make himself some toast.

As Hunter sat down in his small apartment's kitchen, eating his toast as drinking his coffee, he started to contemplate his life decisions.

'Why does our world have to be like this? I work everyday just to make enough money to sustain this place but never have enough to afford to take little Kendall anywhere.'

'If only things were different. I read all these mangas about these main characters transporting to different worlds and work hard to save that world. Why couldn't I have been born in those worlds?'

As Hunter was in deep thought he looked at the time, and realized he had to leave now or he would be late to work.

'Shit. If I don't leave now, I'll never hear the end of it from Old Man Jim. He even threatened to fire me the last time I was late. I swear he always has a stick up his ass.'

Hunter rushed out the door in a hurry and soon got to his car to start heading to work. He was in such a hurry that he forgot to look through his rear-view mirror and as he was pulling out of his parking space he hit a man behind him.

'Oh fuck'

'This is the worst thing that could have happened to me right now'

Hunter thought about just running away. He didn't have car insurance and if the man pressed charges he definitely would have been screwed. He couldn't afford to lose any more money, because if did he would be kicked out of his apartment and his sister and him would of been kicked out, onto the streets with no where to go.

Hunter thought maybe if he was nice to the man and plead his innocence that maybe he would be forgiven.

As Hunter was deep in thought on what to do next the man finally stood up.

Hunter thought the best thing he could do right now was to help the man and see if he was all right, so Hunter got out of his car and went to go check on the man.

It was still very early in the morning and the sun hasn't even came up yet. All Hunter could see was a faint outline of the man and couldn't see any physical features of the man in front of him.

Hunter was trying to see if the man had any noticeable injuries on his body, but since it was so dark he couldn't tell.

"Hey, I am so sorry I hit you with my car, are you okay? I can drive you to the hospital if you need."

The man didn't answer, but now started limping towards Hunter very slowly. Hunter saw the man limping and immediately thought that he must of injured him a lot more than he originally thought.

'Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. He is definitely pissed off. I should run now and maybe I'll get off scot-free. I really cannot afford to have him press charges'

Hunter then tried to reason with him again, "Hey, like I said I'm very sorry and if you want I'll be your personal slave for 100 days and 100 nights, but there is no need to escalate things any further."

The man didn't answer again, but now picked up his pace a little more towards Hunter. It was at this moment Hunter finally could see his face.

The mans face had many holes in his cheek and he looked as if it has been rotting for some while now. Hunter has read many mangas and believed it to look a lot like a zombie.

'There is no way this could actually be a zombie, right? Did my sister put some hallucinogens in my coffee this morning?'

As the zombie man kept getting closer, Hunter took a couple steps back, until he was up against the trunk of his car, and tried to reason with him one more time.

"Are you okay, Sir? I can get you some help"

The man didn't say anything and when he was about a meter away, the man actually tried throwing a punch at Hunter. Hunter was on his toes and jumped to the side to dodge the punch from the zombie man.

The zombie man's punch ended up hitting Hunter's car and leaving a fist sized dent on the trunk.

'He's strong!'

Hunter now realized that the man was not one he could reason with. If he would of took that punch head on it would of broke some of his bones or maybe even worse.

'I can fight or I can run. If I fight, I might become seriously injured or maybe even worse. If I run, he could put my sister in danger, if she were to leave the house for any reason.'

Hunter didn't want to risk leaving his sister behind and decided to stay and fight. He started looking the zombie man from head to toe and realized that his ankle was snapped in half. Dragging his foot across the ground.

'That must have happened when I hit him with my car. This is my chance. If I can make the zombie man lose his balance and fall to the ground I can strike him then.'

Hunter stopped worrying too much on what this man really was. He didn't care if he was a zombie or a very disgusting man with a lot of problems. It was time to fight.

The zombie man started walking towards him again and threw another punch Hunter's way. Hunter had very quick reactions and dodged to the side again and soon after ran to the side of the man and kicked his healthy leg.

The zombie man crashed to the ground and hit his head against the curb. Hunter didn't stop there for as soon as the zombie man hit his head on the curb, Hunter jumped towards the zombie man and curb stomped him.

Hunter relentlessly kept kicking his head against the curb. He figured he would not go to prison for killing the man, because he could always claim it was self defense. Who would believe a man that looked like that anyways.

As he finally released one last kick to the zombie's head he saw some transparent screen pop in front of his head.

|You have slain a Zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 1|
