Level Up

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 1|

As Hunter was trying to regain his composure, he started to try to think things through logically.

'There is no way this is real, but if it really is then there has to be some more around me. I bet the news are going wild'

Hunter had no clue what he should do next, but as he sat there thinking, he failed to notice that the zombie body suddenly disappeared.

'What's this?'

Hunter reached towards the ground and grabbed something that looked like a stone. The stone was very clean and was in the perfect shape of a sphere. It was red, but it seemed like inside the stone there was life.

It looked like some sort of mist flowing through the stone. Hunter thought it was almost beautiful, if it hadn't come from some ugly monster.

Hunter didn't have time to stare at the stone, so he put it in his pocket. 'If this world has really turned into something like a game, I need to be prepared.'

Not long after, he was thinking about going to check on his little sister. Hunter had to make sure she was safe, because she was all he had in life. His mother and father died soon after she was born, and left him to raise her.

Hunter never once thought of his sister as a burden, and would do anything to make sure his sister stayed safe. His sister, Kendall, never really knew her parents, and always had to rely on her brother to take care of her.

Kendall was very beautiful, but always had trouble making friends. She believed it was because of her and Hunter's financial problem. She loved Hunter very much, because when their parents died, Hunter dropped out of school to work, so he could afford his sister to get an education.

At the time, she is only 14 years old and Hunter is 23. Hunter always did everything he could for his sister and cared for her as if she was his daughter.

Hunter raced upstairs and back into his small apartment to check on his little sister. He went straight to her room and suddenly opened it.

"Haven't you learned to knock, you knuckle head! Get the hell out!"

Kendall was in the middle of changing out of her pajamas when Hunter rushed in.

"Sorry sis.. when you are done come out and talk. I have something very important to tell you." Hunter said with his eyes closed embarrassingly. He then quickly shut the door and went to go sit at his kitchen table.

"Shouldn't you be at work?! You know you can't afford to lose another job again." Kendall yelled though the door towards Hunter.

"I'll explain when you're done. Hurry and change now." Hunter calmly responded back.

Hunter was always a calm person and a good decision maker. If he would of stayed in school, he would of been sure to do great things.

As Hunter was sitting at the kitchen table he pulled out the stone in his pocket to reassure him that it wasn't all a big delusion. He pulled it out and sighed a breath of relief.

He was still curious to that transparent screen he saw earlier. Hunter had read many mangas and played many games. He thought that in those mangas and games there was usually some sort of status screen.

As he thought of the word 'status' a transparent screen popped up in front of him.

Hunter Miles

Race: Human

Job: None

HP: 150/150

MP: 0/0

Vitality: 15

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 14

Magic: 0

Stamina: 12

Luck: 10

Skills: none

Basic points: 10 Skill Points: 5

'There is no way this is a delusion. This has to be real. If that's the case then I should check my phone to see if there is any news about this.'

Hunter pulled out his phone and tried to turn it on. 'It won't turn on. I am sure I fully charged it this morning.'

As Hunter was in thought about his phone not working, he decided he wanted to check out those basic point he earned. Hunter guessed that he got those skill points after he leveled up.

Hunter thought status again and saw the screen pop up in front of him again.

Hunter knew he couldn't mess up his stats in any way. He had to decide what kind of "character" he wanted to become. Hunter looked at his stats once more and noticed his vitality, strength, and dexterity was the highest.

'If I had to guess, vitality directly relates to my HP. I bet my strength and speed are higher because of all the sports I used to play, and the construction work I do.'

In all the games Hunter played, he never like to be the tank. Even though his vitality was the highest he didn't want to become a tanky person. In those games he usually chose a mage that dealt high damage or an assassin that didn't have a lot of health but did very good damage.

He noticed he didn't have any magic stat at the moment, so it wasn't smart to go with magic.

'I know I don't have any skills right now. If I were to add them to magic it would be completely useless in my next fight.'

Hunter then decided to add 6 points to dexterity, 3 points to stamina and 1 points to strength. Bringing his dexterity to 20 points, stamina to 15, and his strength to 15.

'I notice their is a job option and I am sure as I level up, I will get a job eventually. Who knows when that will be. For now I am going to focus on speed, stamina and strength. Those seem to be the most useful in a fight at the moment. I need to figure out how to get skills.'

As Hunter was thinking about how he can get some skills, he heard his sister yell from her room.

"Did you forget to pay the electrical bill again?! My game won't turn on and I was so close to beating this level!"