Are you high?

"Did you forget to pay the electrical bill again?! My game won't turn on and I was so close to beating this level!"

"Didn't I tell you to come out here as soon as you finished changing! I believe there is a power outage so you won't be able to play your game anyway!" Hunter yelled back annoyed.

'It seems like nothing electronically is working. I bet this has to be with monsters suddenly appearing.'

Hunter has only saw the zombie so far but guessed there were more around. He lived in an apartment in a small town. There was not many people who lived in his apartment building and all of them had early jobs. There was probably no one home right now.

Kendall soon after walked out of her room. She stopped going to school lately, because there was a lot of drama going around her, and rumors started spreading that she was a slut.

Because she was so beautiful, but had no background, she was targeted by all the popular kids. It was an act of jealousy.

"So what did you want to tell me. This better be important for you to miss work. I don't want to end up back on to the streets." Kendall said with a very cute angry face on.

"You stopped even going to school. You know I spend some of my hard earned money to keep you in school." Hunter replies back with a sly smirk.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?! I already told you I don't want to go back until those ridiculous rumors die down."

Kendall started walking back to her room to go lie down after saying that. She didn't want to get into it again with her brother. She understood how much Hunter did for her and how much he had to pay to keep her in school, but school was very hard when she had no friends. She thought of it as a lonely place.

"Wait, stop! That's actually not what I wanted to talk to you. This is even more important." Hunter said trying to get her to come talk.

Kendall turned around and started walking towards Hunter, and sat on the other side of the kitchen table as him. "What do you need to say?"

Hunter now had to try to explain what happened to him this morning. He had to think of how he could make her believe him. He thought for awhile and finally told her the full story of what happened this morning. How he killed the zombie and leveled up. He also explain that there was a power outage and his phone wasn't working either.

Kendall curiously listened quietly while Hunter explained what had happened to him. After he finished talking, all she said was three words.

"Are you high?"

"You know I have never done drugs in my life! Well I mean there was that one ti.. never mind that doesn't mater. What I'm telling you is true! Do me a favor and think of the word "status" in your head." Hunter quickly retorted trying to convince his little sister.

Kendall then thought of the word status, but nothing appeared in front of her. She really believed Hunter was on some drugs.

"Nothing showed up. Are you sure you're not doing drugs? If you are, you should get some rehab. I could drop out to and work to help you afford it." Kendall said trying to intervene her brother.

"No, I'm not on drugs." Hunter calmly replied back. He was curious as to why no status screen appeared for her.

'It must be because she is still level 0 and hasn't killed a monster yet. Either that or she really didn't think of the word status.' Hunter thought for a bit and really believed it was because she hasn't killed a monster yet.

"I don't believe you. Let's bring you to a hospital and try to get you rehab. You have been talking all this nonsense and I want to help you."

Kendall really couldn't believe her brother. She then stood up to go walk towards her brother and convince him to go get some help.

As she stood up a big earthquake happened. All the dishes on the table quickly fell on the ground and broke into pieces.

Kendall started to lose her balance and started to fall backwards. She was about to hit her head on the counter top until Hunter quickly got off of his chair and caught her. He then proceeded to wrap her in his arms and cover her from any debri that might fall down.

'How was he so quick to catch me. His speed almost seemed inhumane. I know he was never this fast before.' Kendall thought as her brother guarded her from all the falling debris.

They could hear all sorts of things crashing and breaking in the distance.

All of a sudden a vine shot through the floor right where hunter was sitting originally and continued through the ceiling. Hunter was glad he had gotten up from his seat and guarding his sister, for if he wasn't he would probably be dead right now.

Soon after the vine appeared, the earthquake stopped. They could hear car horns beeping in the distance.

"What the hell was that?" Kendall quickly said as her brother let her go.

"I told you. This world has changed. Forget about ever going to school again. Now it is all about survival of the fittest. I am sure you recognized my speed when I saved you. It's because I leveled up and put some basic stats into dexterity, which increases my speed."

Hunter tried explaining to his sister that this world was no longer the same. Kendall still had a hard time believing him, but soon went to the window that had shattered from the earthquake, and couldn't believe what she saw.