Second Battle

Hunter walked out his front door quickly followed by his sister. "Stay close to me. Who knows what lurks behind every corner." Hunter calmly said as he stepped out of his apartment door.

Kendall then took a couple steps closer to Hunter. She knew that they had to be on their toes, if they didn't want to die from being unprepared. Hunter then proceeded towards the stairs. Their apartment complex was only two stories and looked a lot like a motel.

As they were walking towards the stairwell, they heard groans coming from the stairwell.

"Be quiet. Try not to catch any attention." Hunter whispered at his sister. The last thing Kendall wanted was to put them in any danger and already knew to stay quiet, so she just nodded back and kept her eyes peeled towards the stairs.

They quietly kept walking towards the stairs and dodged other glass shards that fell from their neighbor's windows. As soon as they got to the stairs they looked down and saw two zombies standing in place. They seemed to be on high alert, looking for prey to feed on.

Hunter then took a couple steps back and whispered to his sister who was still clenching her knife.

"There are two zombies down the stairs. I believe the beat course of action is to keep the high ground and lead them up the stairs. They are very strong so make sure not to be hit by any of them, but they are fairly slow." Hunter recalled his last encounter with the zombie and told his sister the details.

Kendall just listened to her brother quietly while he spoke and then asked him, "How should we lead them up the stairs?"

Hunter just smiled and said, "You will be the bait."

Kendall looked at Hunter in utter shock. "You're joking, right?" Hunter always loved to play pranks on his sister, so she thought this must of been a joke.

"Nope." Hunter said with an even bigger smile now. His plan was to have Kendall go to the stairs and throw a piece of glass shard at the zombies, after she has lead them up the stairs she would turn around and start running away. While she was doing this, Hunter would be standing around the corner waiting for them to come up the stairs.

The stairway was small, so only one zombie could come up at a time. After she led them up the stairs he would strike the back one in the head. Killing that zombie and making it a 2 vs 1 situation.

Hunter proceeded to tell his sister his plan and she actually thought it was a good one. Even though she was bait, she was in less harms way. Hunter would do almost all the fighting.

The only downside to the plan was if there was more zombies. Hunter thought of the possibility, but still thought his plan was the best course of action. Hunter then told his sister to wait at the stairs until they were halfway up and if she sees any more zombies than the two they saw.

Kendall grabbed some glass shards off the floor and proceeded towards the stair well. She was starting to gain some more confidence after hearing her brothers plan. She was still very scared, but knew she couldn't be a burden for her brother.

As she got to the stairwell, she hesitated for a bit. Hunter calmly whispered to her, "Don't worry. I am here for you. Let that zombie know who runs these parts."

This made Kendall giggle a little and become a little more confident. She chucked the piece of glass shard at the zombie and yelled, "come get some, you disgusting, flesh-eating pig!"

Hunter was utterly shocked at what she had said. He thought she might of done too good of a job being bait and attracted more than they originally wanted.

The zombies quickly looked at Kendall and started walking up the stairs. Soon after the first two started to climb the stairs three others followed.


Kendall started to tense up as she saw 5 zombies crawl up the stairs. Hunter saw the look on her face and waved her to start running away. Kendall then said, "there are 5 zombies, don't get killed brother."

She then started to run away from the mini horde of zombies. Hunter figured there might be more but was surprised to here that three more zombies appeared, but he knew it was no time to be surprised. He had to get ready to fight.

He first saw the first one come up, then the second, all the way until the fifth came. Hunter snuck up behind the fifth and struck it in the back of the head.

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

As soon as he saw the transparent screen in front of him. He was struck in the back by something.

'There's six!'

He was punched near his shoulder region on his right shoulder and felt pain immediately. This was the worst case scenario to happen for them. He believed his right shoulder to have been dislocated.

The two zombies in front of the fifth one turned towards Hunter and made him there new target while the other two kept following his sister.

Hunter knew he had to end this fight as quick as possible if he was to save his sister. Hunter was surrounded by three zombies.

He quickly turned towards the one that had hit him and thought it was better to take out that one before he focused on killing the other two.

The same zombie that punched him earlier, threw another punch his way. He dodged it by leaning his body to the left and jumped towards the zombie with his knife in hand and stabbed it in its head.

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv.2|

Hunter had no time to focus on the transparent screen in front of him as the zombie closest to him threw a punch his way.

Hunter pulled the dagger from the zombie head but had no time to dodge the punch, he quickly swatted the punch coming towards him away and took a step back.

He had to be careful about striking that zombie for there was another one right next to it. One of the zombies threw another strike towards Hunter. Hunter quickly dodged by leaning to the left again and jumped to the left side of the zombie and shoved his dagger into that zombies head.

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be awarded|

The other zombie couldn't throw a strike towards Hunter right away because the zombie Hunter just killed was blocking his path. Hunter pushed the zombie we had just stabbed into the other zombie.

Hunter continued pushing the zombies, until the zombies reached the stairs. Then Hunter pushed both zombies down the stairs and the zombie being pushed back helplessly fell down the stairs.

As soon as the zombie hit the floor at the bottom of the stairs, the zombie hit his head very hard against the floor. Soon after his zombie friend fell on top of him innocently killing the zombie.

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 3|