First Skill

Kendall was still running from the zombies and was about to come to a dead end on the hallway. The two zombies were very slow, but if she got to that dead end. There would be no where to go.

Hunter saw the zombies getting farther away every moment and knew his sister would reach a dead end soon. He had to catch up before she reached that dead end no matter what.

Hunter then thought 'status.'

Lv. 3

Hunter Miles

Race: Human

Job: None

HP: 124/150

MP: 0/0

Vitality: 15


Dexterity: 20

Magic: 0

Stamina: 15

Luck: 11

Skills: None

Basic points: 20 Skill points: 15

Hunter had no time to look at his stats and quickly distributed 10 point to Dexterity, 5 to stamina, and 5 to strength.

Hunter needed the extra speed to catch up to his sister. He then took off as fast as he could, and sprinted towards the other two zombies.

Kendall now reaches the dead end. She turned around and saw the other two zombies closely approaching. She clenched her knife tightly and pointed it towards the zombie.

'Where is brother? He should have killed these zombies by now.' Kendall thought wondering if her brother was all right. Tears started to form in her eye as the zombies approached closer. She thought that this was the end for her.

The zombies were about 5 meters away from Kendall at this point, and when she saw how close they have got to her she then screamed, "Brother! Please save me!"

As soon as she screamed, her brother appeared behind the zombie in the back and struck it in the head.

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have earned a skill! Dagger Strike|

The zombie in front of the other one turned around and made Hunter its new target in an attempt to avenge his friend. Hunter just took a couple of steps back and looked at his new skill.

Dagger strike: Lv. 1

Type: Active

When you use this skill, your dagger is infused with power to strike your foe with 20% more attack damage.

Hunter didn't want to kill this zombie. He wanted to immobilize so his sister could kill it. He needed her to raise her level so she could be stronger.

The zombie approached hunter and threw a punch at him. Hunter's speed was quick enough to dodge it to the right and he use his new skill, Dagger Strike, to strike at the arm that punched at him.

The arm instantly fell off and Hunter was happy with his newly earned skill. After he used the skill though, he felt a little more tired. He figured that skills would drain his stamina a little each time so he was glad he had put so much basic points into stamina.

Hunter then used his new skill again and stroked at the other arm. That arm fell off the poor zombies body as well.

The zombie realizing he had no arms left then tried to bite Hunter. With ease, Hunter dodged the biting zombie and attacked both his legs with Dagger strike.

The zombie fell to the floor helplessly. The zombie couldn't move but still tried biting Hunter. Hunter just took a couple steps back and walked around the zombie to his sister.

"Poor sister.. I am sorry I didn't come sooner." Hunter said with a slight smile on his face. Kendall just stood there with tears still in her eyes.

She was shocked at how strong her brother was. He took down all the zombies with much ease and even immobilized one for her. Only one thought came to her mind.

'I want to become strong like my brother.'

"Brother, you're strong. How did you get so strong?" Kendall said still processing what had just happened before her. She had known her brother her whole life and has never seen him act so cold as he killed the zombies.

"You can become strong too! I even left one of the zombies for you. All you need to do is strike the zombie in the back of the head." Hunter said with a smile on his face.

Hunter felt bad that he wasn't there sooner to protect his sister. He felt bad for using her as bait and almost getting her killed.

Hunter knew from now on that he would never use his little sister as bait. He would rather fight a 100 of those zombies head on before he used his sister as bait again.

Kendall then started walking towards the limbless zombie with her knife. When she got to the zombie, she looked back at Hunter. All Hunter did was nod and say, "If you want to be strong like me, you will need to kill monsters."

Kendall clenched her knife tightly and raised her hand in the air. She then quickly plunged the knife into the back of the immobilized zombie.

She then saw the transparent screen appear in front of her.

|You have slain a zombie. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 1|