Screaming Girl

Hunter double checked his back pack to make sure he had every thing. After looking through his stuff, Hunter grabbed Kendall and prepared to leave.

Kendall was still a little scared of confrontation, but was happy she had the power to help her brother when he was in need.

"You ready to leave, sis?" Hunter asked

"Of course I am. Let's just leave already." Kendall snarked back at Hunter.

Hunter just smiled and walked towards the door. When they walked out of the door, Hunter remembered his fight that had happened recently.

He was still mad at himself for using his sister as bait, but knew he was stronger now. He could take on the zombies head on now.

"We are going to make our way towards the gas station. I want to scout out the goblins and see how many there are." Hunter said to Kendall

The memory of that girl being stabbed by the spear earlier played back in Kendall's head. She was still frightened by that bloody scene.

Kendall soon calmed down, because she knew her brother was with her and wouldn't let her get hurt.

As Hunter and Kendall started heading towards the stairwell, they heard a scream coming from the floor below.

"Someone please help me!"

Hunter looked at Kendall and picked her up. He ran down the stairs and towards the screaming lady. Hunter recognized the voice of the lady.

She was a girl that lived in the apartment below them. She was very beautiful and was the same age as Hunter.

Hunter always had a little crush on this girl, but never had the guts to speak to her. He thought she would never want him, because he had no money. Hunter really couldn't afford a relationship.

As Hunter got to the bottom of the stairs he saw 3 zombies surrounding the lady. The lady's arm was bleeding profusely.

"Let me down! I can walk myself." Kendall angrily told Hunter.

Hunter quickly put her down and went to go help the lady. These zombies were no match for Hunter as he quickly slaughtered three of them in an instant.

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 4|

The lady was curled up in a ball on the ground. She was crying loudly. She didn't even notice Hunter slay all the zombies, and still just seemed to be awaiting her demise.

"You are all right now." Hunter coldly told the woman. At this moment she decided to look up and saw Hunter standing above her. She was speechless. A moment ago she was prepared to die, but now she was saved by a handsome man. And all the zombies bodies had disappeared.

Hunter picked up the stones on the ground and combined them with his other red stone.

'I wonder how much more I will need.' Hunter thought ignoring the woman in front of him.

After Hunter picked up the stones he turned around and walked towards his sister. He wanted to stay close to Kendall at all times.

"Wait!" The lady screamed towards the mystery man walking away from her.

Hunter didn't look back and just kept walking towards his sister.

"Stop walking away and talk with me! I want to know who you are." The lady said wearing a cute pouty face.

Hunter just kept walking. The lady didn't notice the 14 year old girl with the mystery man at first look.

The lady saw Hunter say a couple words to his sister, but couldn't quite hear exactly what he had said. She then saw the young girl walk towards her with her hands raised towards herself.

'What is she doing? Is she going to choke me? Did I just get saved by some murderous psychopaths?'

The lady's head was filled with questions, but then she saw light shine from the young girl's hand.

'Angel's Blessing'

Kendall healed the girl as she was told by her brother. The lady suddenly felt rejuvenated and all her injuries went away. She felt the same feeling that Hunter felt when Kendall used her skill on him.

The lady suddenly stopped being shocked and regained her composure. She stood up and said, "My name is Michaela. May I know yours?"

Hunter then stepped up and didn't reply to the beautiful woman in front of him. After walking to his sister all he said was, "Let's get moving."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Michaela angrily screamed back at Hunter.

Hunter had a hard time trusting people. He knew if you were to let this woman follow him, she might only burden him and take away his precious ExP.

Michaela was still angry that Hunter was still ignoring her, so she began to follow the man. She wanted answers. Michaela believed Hunter had to be a nice guy, because he had his sister heal her. Plus he seemed to be the only person that knew what was going on.

Hunter noticed the woman following him, but still wanted to ignore her. He only had one goal in mind.

Killing all the goblins.