Strange Meeting

As the two distant figures got closer, Hunter was starting to get a better view on the new approaching monster.

The monster was about the same size as the goblins, but had a lot of reptilian features. They wore a leather vest and pants seemed to be made from cloth. It had a lizard like tail and webbed feet.

Hunter immediately recognized these monsters, from the mangas he read and the video games he played, to be kobolds. The kobolds also weirded spears.

The two kobolds walked up to the other two goblins, and Hunter was curious to if they would fight the goblins to protect their territory.

Hunter originally thought the goblins were just going to patrol the surrounding area and look for humans to kill. Little did he know, they were here to negotiate with the kobolds.

One of the kobolds started speaking in their own distinctive language and the goblins seemed to understand the language. They had an expression on their face where they appeared angry. Soon they pointed their spears at the two innocent looking goblins.

The goblins seemed to be very submissive to the kobolds and dropped their weapons. As Hunter continued watching he saw something very disturbing.

One of the goblins reached into their pants and pulled out a yellow stone. The stone looked a lot like the red stone that Hunter had with the only difference being that it was yellow.

The goblin obviously wasn't very intelligent for it was keeping its precious yellow stone in his pants. Have they ever heard of a backpack?

The goblin quickly handed the yellow stone to the two kobolds, and the kobolds started to walk away. Hunter just continued watching and didn't want to interrupt. The kobolds started to become distant figures again and soon disappeared.

The goblins just patiently watched the kobolds disappear as a sign of respect. They were frightened by the kobolds, but from Hunter's perspective, he couldn't understand why. The kobolds didn't seem any stronger than the goblins.

They were definitely about the same in strength. Hunter guessed that the kobolds ruled the downtown area. Hunter's goal in the future was to take back his small town, Mayberry. To do that, he needed to become stronger. He was sure in the downtown area there were stronger monsters.

That was in the future though. Right now he had to focus on getting stronger. Right now his main goal was killing the surrounding monsters and raising his level.

Michaela, Kendall, and Hunter were all hidden behind a car at the side of the road. Hunter was still curious about the yellow stone and the kobolds, but decided to put that aside for now. It was time for him to strike the goblins.

After the kobolds left, the goblins started to head back to their resting place, the gas station. This was the best moment for Hunter to strike.

Hunter came up with a plan and told his sister about it. He was still ignoring Michaela and she was annoyed by that.

Hunter jumped out from behind the car and ran towards the two goblins. Hunter used his new ability Encase to trap the goblins in their own shadows.

This was the first time Hunter used his ability and was delighted by the effect. Their own shadow came up from the ground and grabbed its host. It looked a lot like a shadow goblin holding down the normal goblin. It completely immobilized their ability to walk or use their arms.

The goblins tried to break free, but they stood no chance. Hunter and his sister each mercilessly killed one goblins each.

|You have slain a goblin. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 5|

|You have unlocked new system features!|

|You can now use the 'Party' feature|

|You can now use the 'Inventory' feature|