New System Features

|You can now use the 'Party' feature|

|You can now use the 'Inventory' feature|

Hunter was immediately thrilled when he saw the new features that he had just gained. He was hoping earlier that he had an inventory so he didn't have to pack everything into his backpack.

Hunter decided to check out his new inventory feature right away. When he gave the mental command 'Inventory' in his mind, he saw a many slots appear in front of him.

At the bottom of the inventory he found a weight limit which he was disappointed about. He could only hold about to 100 lbs.

A hundred points was still a lot, but he didn't like that it had a restriction. Hunter never lied to be tied down like this and was curious on how he could increase the weight limit in the future.

Hunter then decided to check out his new 'Party' feature. Hunter was even more thrilled about this newly given feature. He was hoping he could add his sister to his party so she could share some of the experience.

Hunter, again have the mental command 'Party' in his head at show a transparent screen pop up in his vision.


Hunter Miles Lv. 5|

"Add Kendall Miles to party" Hunter spoke in his head. He then saw another transparent screen pop up in his vision.

|Would you like to add Kendall Miles to your party? Y/N|

Hunter quickly replied yes.

|Kendall Miles has not met the level requirement|

Hunter was immediately disappointed by the restrictions the system was giving him. He wanted nothing more than to curse at whoever created this stupid system.

Kendall also gained a level when she killed that goblin and was now Lv. 3. Hunter just needed her to gain two more levels which he thought she could accomplish later on.

Hunter wanted her to get to level 5 before they challenged the hobgoblin so she could also weep the benefits.

It was getting late in the day at the time so Hunter decided it was they should head back to their apartment before dark. Hunter then turned his attention towards Michaela.

"If you want to spend the night with us, you have to cook for me." Hunter coldly said with a sly smile. Hunter was a horrible cook and usually relied on his sister to cook.

He still didn't completely 100% trust Michaela yet, but he was letting his feelings for her get the better of him. Since Hunter lived in the same apartment as Michaela, he got a feel for her personality.

Michaela worked at their small town hospital as a nurse and was known as "Mayberry's Sweetheart." She always gave every patient plenty of attention and always subdued to their needs.

Hunter once went to the local hospital to get some pain killers for when he injured his back doing construction work. Michaela was his nurse and helped convince the doctor to give me the stronger and more effective pain killers, all while always have a smile on her face.

That was when Hunter first had his crush on her. Even in his small apartment complex, she would sneak medicine out of the hospital to give to the local residents who all did strenuous work. That was how she got her nickname.

This is also how Hunter believed that he could trust her for now. He didn't want to share his kills with Michaela, but thought she might be of use in the future.

"I can take care of myself! Thank you very much." Michaela quickly retorted back while turning her head away. She was still annoyed by the fact that Hunter had ignored her earlier.

"Okay. Let's go Kendall." Hunter grabbed Kendall and started to walk away. Kendall has heard of the stories of Michaela too, so she politely waved her goodbye as they started to walk away.

"Wait!" Michaela asked suddenly. Hunter just turned around and looked at her and gave a confused expression.

"Do you like lettuce wraps?" Michaela embarrassingly asked towards Hunter.

Hunter just gave her a big smile and nodded her to follow him back to his small apartment. Michaela also gave them a big smile and hurriedly followed them.

On their way back to the apartment they saw five zombies. Hunter cut off the limbs to four of them for his sister to kill and then killed the other for himself. His sister got to Lv. 4 and he gained no level.

When they reached his small apartment, Michaela readied up some lettuce wraps for the three of them. It was unfortunate that their was no electricity, because the best meals were made from the stove and oven.

Hunter enjoyed the lettuce wraps that Michaela made very much. She seemed to be quite experienced in cooking and making food.

Hunter gave Michaela his bed for the night, and decided to sleep on the futon in his living room. Hunter decided on sleeping on the futon, not because he was nice to lend her his bed, but so he could be closer to the entrance of his apartment.

Hunter's room was in the back the apartment and he thought if someone or something broke in, he would rather be closer to the door.

Before Hunter closed his eyes, he decided to allocate his basic points and skill points that he had forgotten to distribute.

Lv. 5

Hunter Miles


Job: None

HP: 150/150

MP: 100/100

Vitality: 15

Strength: 25

Dexterity: 35

Magic: 10

Stamina: 20

Luck: 11

Skills: Dagger Strike Lv. 6, Encase Lv. 5

Basic Points: 0 Skill points: 0

Encase: Lv 5

Type: Active

You can use this skill to trap your enemy in its own shadow. Completely immobilizes the target for up to 9 seconds

Range: 9 meters

Mana Cost: 20 MP