A New Day

After Hunter finished allocating all of his basic points and skill points, he decided it was time to get some sleep.

This was Hunter's first night of sleep since the change of the world. Hunter had trouble trying to fall asleep, because he was worried of an unexpected attack from the unknown.

His mind bobbled with plenty of questions of the mysterious changes that have become of his world. Just yesterday, he was working 12 hours a day to just make enough money to afford food, Kendall's education, and rent.

He was happy though, by the fact that he didn't have to pay rent anymore. This type of world seemed to be almost made for Hunter.

It was about two hours after Hunter had laid down on the futon and tried to fall asleep, but still failed to do so. Suddenly he heard a door slowly creak open.

Hunter jolted up and grabbed his knife that was sitting on the coffee table beside him, and readied himself for a fight. Soon after he saw a beautiful woman walk down the small hallway and appear before Hunter. It was Michaela.

"Having trouble falling asleep too?" Michaela sighed and asked Hunter.

Hunter was relieved that there was no imminent threat and lowered his kitchen knife and sighed with some relief.

"Yes." After Hunter had said that, he sat back down on his futon.

"Me too. Do you mind if I stay and talk for a bit?" Michaela quickly responded relieved that Hunter was in the same situation as her.

"Do as you wish." Hunter said with a slight smile. He didn't mind the company from her. Hunter was actually sort of delighted that he had someone to talk to.

Michaela and Hunter started politely talking for a bit and after awhile it turned into a more friendly manner. After an hour of conversation, they started to joke around with each other and even we're comfortable enough to call each other names.

Kendall was also having trouble sleeping and heard the two joking around in the living room. She soon decided to join in on the conversation and they all seemed to get along swiftly.

Hours and hours went by until they all fell asleep in the living room together. Kendall slept on the futon, while Hunter and Michaela slept on opposite sides of the living room.

It was now a new day. Hunter was woken up the sound of a loud diesel truck driving by. Hunter went to his window to see the people driving by. Hunter thought how stupid it was, for people to be recklessly making so much noise in the morning.

Hunter even relished at the theory that maybe all of yesterday was a dream and things have gone back to normal. He quickly raced to the window and got a good look at the Black diesel truck and it's occupants.

Hunter knew who these people were. They were the local punks, who spray painted graffiti on all the towns walls. They were notorious in Mayberry.

They were even more know than little miss "Mayberry Sweetheart." They were always doing reckless stuff in the town and messing with the town's people.

They drive their truck fast down the streets and all wore excited expressions on their faces. They seemed to be happy about the fact that the world has changed and their were no laws.

The punks all wielded baseball bats and some of them had nails protruding out the baseball bats. As they were passing by many zombies tried following the loud sound of the truck.

As soon as any zombies got close to the truck they were nailed in the head by a baseball bat. Some of them didn't die on contact with the baseball bat, but others weren't so lucky. Hunter thought that these men weren't that strong yet.

The punks were heading towards downtown where the kobolds were. Hunter knew they were most likely done for. He doubted their capability of handling the kobolds, and he was still curious as to why the goblins gifted them the yellow stone.

As soon as they passed by, Hunter turned around to wake everyone else up. Hunter looked towards Kendall and still saw she was sleeping soundly. Hunter then turned vision to where Michaela was sleeping, but she wasn't there.

Hunter was curious how she had woken up without alerting him and quickly went to go wake up Kendall. Hunter shook Kendall a little bit and tried to wake her up.

"Ten more minutes, brother!" Kendall quickly said while squinting her eyes half asleep.

"No, just wake up and make us some breakfast." Hunter coldly responded back. A little bit later Michaela walked out of the kitchen. Hunter was relieved that she didn't leave and possibly injure herself.

"I made some oatmeal for you guys. Come eat up." Michaela said with a pretty smile on her face. She got up earlier that morning and snuck into the kitchen to make them breakfast.

Kendall was happy she didn't have to put any effort into cooking so gladly got up to go feast on the meal that Michaela had prepped for them. Hunter did as well.

Hunter relished the meal and quickly gobbled it up. The oatmeal was very tasty and made with brown sugar and maple syrup. Hunter knew Michaela must of took her time prepping this meal for them.

After they finished eating, hunter got prepared to head out again. He still needed to get Kendall to Lv. 5 so she could be in a party with him.

It was now time to head out and begin their new day.