Picking a Job

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 10|

|Congratulations for reaching Lv. 10

You may now pick a job that suits you|

The series of transparent screens that popped up in front of Kendall and Hunter shocked them both completely.

Hunter always was curious about the Job feature in the status screen, but didn't know how to earn one. I guess this answered that question.

Hunter gathered everyone together and planned to bring everyone back to his apartment before picking a job. Hunter took notice that the weapons that the monsters possessed all disappeared.

All they left behind was that same mysterious red stone. Hunter grabbed all the red stones and went into the gas station to gather supplies and rations. The stone that the hobgoblin had was slightly bigger, but Hunter thought nothing of it.

As soon as Hunter entered the gas station he saw a corner filled with blood. There were no bodies or any scraps. Just blood.

Hunter figures that must of been the goblin's feeding corner. That was probably where they brought that woman they killed yesterday and fed on her corpse.

He wanted to puke at the thought and was glad he didn't bring any of the girls inside with him.

Hunter quickly put as much supplies and rations as he could in his inventory and headed back outside. Michaela and Kendall were patiently waiting for Hunter as they conversed in a friendly matter.

Hunter wanted to ask Michaela about her skill, but figured it did not matter. If she wanted to become stronger, she would have to bring it up with Hunter. He didn't want to waste any effort for someone who doesn't seek strength.

Soon they all started to head back to their small apartment and rest up. They could then pick the job they wanted.

On their way back they met with three more zombies. Hunter was about to go intercept the zombies, but then Michaela stopped him.

"I got this." Michaela said while walking towards the zombies. Hunter was stunned by her intrusion, but let her take charge and prepared to help her out if she needed.

Michaela used her skill 'Water Whip' to attack the closest zombie. The whip latched onto the zombies's head, and whipped that zombie towards the zombie next to that one.

The zombies both collapsed to the ground and Michaela finished them off. She leveled up again.

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 3

This level up let Michaela refill her mana pool. She hastily attacked the last zombie and quickly finished it off.

"Let's go." Hunter calmly told everyone. They then all went back to their place of rest and Michaela started to prep a meal for them.

Hunter then took this chance to select a job.

'Pick a job.' Hunter gave the mental command and saw the transparent screen with the list of job options.

|Pick one of the following jobs:

Death Knight

Tactical Thief

Shadow Ninja

Black Monk

Dark Archer|

Hunter stared at the jobs in front of him and contemplated his decision. They all seemed to be classes that matched his status and would be well suited for him.

The Death Knight seemed to be a job that focused on strength and the power of dark magic, so Hunter put that option aside for the moment.

Dark Archer used the power of bows and crossbows and Hunter believed that would be useless to him now, since he didn't own a bow or crossbow.

Monks were usually jobs held by people who use the power of their fist to pummel their opponents, and that didn't interest Hunter whatsoever.

Hunter now had to decide between Tactical Thief and Shadow Ninja. Both jobs required high dexterity and were great at infiltration of places. Thief's could use their smarts to dis arm traps and use them to their advantage while ninja's could use stealth to sneak in.

Hunter thought about both pros and cons of each job and finally decided to go with one.

'Shadow Ninja'

|You have selected Shadow Ninja|

|Magic being upgraded to Shadow Magic|

|You have earned a skill. Stealth|

Stealth: Lv. 1

Type: Passive

While sneaking, this skill will be activated. Appear invisible to enemies while sneaking. Stealth will be deactivated when you make a sound or attack an enemy.

Hunter was exhilarated by the transparent screens that appeared in front of him now. His magic was upgraded to shadow and he got an almost overpowered skill!

The skill had some drawbacks, but it would be of great use to Hunter in the future. Hunter then turned towards Kendall curious to what she picked, but she showed an expression of indecisiveness.

|Pick one of the following jobs:

Holy Paladin

Illusion Mage

Aurora Witch

Angelic Healer

Divine Priestess|

Although you would think that Angelic Healer would be the obvious choice to go with, she still wasn't quite convinced. Kendall wanted to also be able to protect her self in the future. She knew the first three didn't interest her whatsoever.

She had to pick between Angelic Healer and Divine Priestess.

Kendall already had a healing spell and if she continued down that path she could become a powerful healing mage.

But if she were ever targeted individually she would have a hard time protecting her self. She kept contemplating the pros and cons and couldn't figure out which one she wanted.

"Go with you heart." Hunter appeared right beside Kendall and whispered those couple words in her ear.

"Wha-.. Where did you come from?" Kendall asked as she had no clue how Hunter appeared behind her.

"It's my new skill!" Hunter proudly told her.

"No ones going to tell you what you can or won't be. Choose your own path." Hunter gave her some words of encouragement to help his frustrated sister.

Kendall just responded back with a smile and went with what her gut was telling her to do.

'Divine Priestess'

|You have selected Divine Priestess|

|Magic being upgraded to Divine Magic|

|You have earned a skill. Drain Life|

Drain Life: Lv. 1

Type: Active

When you use this skill, sap your enemy for .5% of their health and mana every second.

Range: 5 meters

Mana Cost: 10 MP per second

Kendall was thrilled with her new skill she just earned. It was a skill that could damage her enemy while healing herself and refilling her mana slightly at the same time. The skill would become very useful for her in the future.

She still had a healing spell that would help her brother when he was in need.

Hunter saw how happy Kendall was with her choice, but decided to ask her later about her skill.

Hunter still had yet to combine all the weird looking stones hoping something would come of it now.

Hunter grabbed all the goblin stones, including the bigger hobgoblin one, and combine them with the baseball sized red stone.

Hunter hoped something would come of it now, and as soon as all the mysterious stones combined, a bright red light shone through the apartment.

Hunter held tightly onto the red stone and saw another transparent screen pop up in front of him.

|Would you like to consume the Weapon Soul Stone? A weapon will randomly be generated for the user based on the Soul Stones collected. Y/N|