Weapon Soul Stone

|Would you like to consume the Weapon Soul Stone? A weapon will randomly be generated for the user based on the Soul Stones collected. Y/N|

The surprising transparent screen popped up in front of Hunter again.

'It seems like if I were to consume this Weapon Soul Stone, I would be randomly given a weapon. Unfortunately, I can't choose the weapon.'

Hunter was saddened by the fact he wasn't guaranteed a weapon that suited his job. All Hunter wanted to get was a dagger.

'I wonder if there is anyway I can improve my odds of getting a dagger'

Hunter didn't want to take a the chance of getting a weapon such as a great sword, or a Battle axe. He wouldn't mind getting a staff or wand, because he could always give it to his sister.

Hunter decided to say 'no' for the moment. Until he could figure out a way to increase his odds. He didn't want to get a weapon that wasn't suited for him.

The bright light stopped shining throughout the apartment, and dimmed down. The Weapon Soul Stone went back to its original state, and Hunter decided to put it in his inventory for now.

Michaela had just finished prepping everyone a meal, so Hunter thought he would eat now, and figure out a solution later.

They all sat at their kitchen table and started to eat the famous lettuce wraps that they all loved. Michaela was really a very good chef, and Hunter was becoming much fond of having her around.

"What was that bright light earlier? Was it a new skill?" Kendall asked curiously. She thought the possibility that Hunter might of became an overseer and could see the future through the red stone he held.

Hunter pulled out the Weapon Soul Stone, and presented it in front of everyone.

"This is called a Weapon Soul Stone. By consuming it, one weapon will randomly be generated from it." Hunter told the table honestly. He was curious if any of them had any suggestions, but he was doubtful.

Kendall and Michaela both stared at the stone with awe. They have never heard of an anomaly such as this.

"Why haven't you consumed it yet?" Kendall asked while still staring at the stone with envy in her eyes.

"Silly sister... isn't it obvious?"

Hunter teased his sister while retracting the stone closer to him. They all seemed curious as to what kind of weapon would come of the stone.

Kendall just puffed up her cheeks and turned her head. "Hmph! Well with your luck anyways, you would probably just end up with an umbrella as a weapon."

Hunter heard what she had said and his eyes opened wide in realization.

"Sis, you're a genius!!" Hunter quickly said while giving the mental command for 'status' again.

"Wait wha- I mean of course I am!" Kendall bragged, even though she had no idea what Hunter was praising him for.

Hunter had forgotten one of the most important basic status point that was on his status screen.

The Luck stat.

This stat seemed to be almost made for one of these situations. Hunter had just ignored the stat for the longest time, thinking it would be of no use for him.

Lv. 10

Hunter Miles

Race: Human

Job: Shadow Ninja

HP: 200/200

MP: 100/100

Vitality: 20

Strength: 30

Dexterity: 45

Magic: 10

Stamina: 20

Luck: 11

Skills: Dagger Strike Lv. 8, Encase Lv. 5

Basic Points: 20 Skill Points: 12

Hunter stared at his status screen, curious to how many basic points he should put into Luck. He thought about putting all of his points into luck, and help him almost guarantee a weapon more suited for him.

If he would of done that though, he would be lacking on some of his other more important stats meant for fighting.

Hunter contemplated the decision for a bit and then finally decided to put six basic points into dexterity, and the rest into the Luck stat.

With 25 points in luck, Hunter thought this would give him the best chance of getting a weapon that suited him best. Hunter also thought that the Luck stat might actually help him in a fight as well.

Hunter held out the Weapon Soul Stone, and gave the mental command 'consume.' The Weapon Soul Stone then grew a bright red light as it did before, shining the whole apartment.

Everyone stared at the stone with awe of how beautiful it looked.

|Would you like to consume the Weapon Soul Stone? A weapon will randomly be generated for the user based on the Soul Stones collected. Y/N|

'Yes.' Hunter nervously responded right away. He still wasn't positive that the Luck stat would actually benefit him in any way.

|Randomly generating a weapon...|

Hunter saw the transparent screen again, feeling more anxious every second. The stone started to vibrate in Hunter hand.

Hunter looked deeply into the stone, and started to see faint images of different types of weapons. He saw bows and crossbows, staffs, scimitars, swords, and plenty of other weird weapons that Hunter couldn't even recognize.

All of a sudden the faint images stopped on one weapon and stayed focused on that weapon. The light began to fade throughout the room and soon the Weapon Soul Stone started to take shape of that weapon slowly.

Hunter continued watching while all of this happened. The weapon soul stone formed the weapon to fit Hunter's hand perfectly.

|Congratulations on generating your weapon: Necrosis Goblin Dagger|

Necrosis Goblin Dagger

Rating: C+

This weapon deals 100% more damage to undead monsters.

This weapon deals 100% more backstab damage.