Gatling Dagger

|You have slain a banshee. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 14|

Hunter has just killed the banshee, but he used too much power in his legs and hit the wall face first.


Hunter held his palm over his face as a big bump started to form on his forehead. The accident happened after he had leveled up, so his HP did not recover.

'I have been too naive. I can't believe I was so careless to crash against the wall.' Hunter thought as his head had a piercing pain.

Hunter didn't have a healing skill, and really wished Kendall was there to help with the pain. He had no way of leaving the place, until the named monster was defeated.

There was still plenty of monsters on the floor though. All Hunter had to do was kill all of them and hope to level up.

Hunter stood back up, while wrapping some gauze around his head that he brought from his first aid kit. He made a goal to clear the rest of the monsters on the floor before resting, and allocating his stat points.

Right before he was about to leave to continue on, he noticed that the banshee had dropped an item. Hunter picked up the item with an astonished look on his face.

It was a blue soul stone, that looked much like the other red and yellow soul stones he had seen before.

Hunter knew red stone was a Weapon Soul Stone, but had no idea what a blue or yellow soul stone could harness.

He put the stone into his inventory, and decided that now wasn't the best time to figure out what this stone could do. The only goal in his mind was clearing this floor, and defeating the named monster.

There was still another twenty more rooms to clear. Hunter made his way through all the rooms in about two hours, and had killed about thirty-seven restless souls.

Hunter had gained two more levels through all of his kills and was now Lv. 16. He was quickly leaving Kendall and Michaela in the dust.

At the end of the hall way was another stairwell. This stairwell led up to the roof, and Hunter guesses this was where Mwarek the Reaper was located.

Before Hunter decided to go up the steps, he quickly allocated his basic stat points.

Lv. 16

Hunter Miles

Race: Human

Job: Shadow Ninja

HP: 250/250

MP: 200/200

Vitality: 25

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 81

Magic: 20

Stamina: 25

Luck: 25

Skills: Dagger Strike Lv. 10, Encase Lv. 7,

Stealth Lv. 5

Basic Points: 0 Skill Points: 4

|Dagger Strike has reached the max level. Skill being upgraded to Gatling Dagger|

Gatling Dagger: Lv. 1

Type: Active

When you use this skill, your dagger is infused with power to strike your foe twice rapidly for a fixed 100% increase in attack damage.

Hunter was extremely surprised that he just got an amazing skill! The skill would allow him to attack twice simultaneously in a second. Every time Hunter upgraded the skill, the more times he would be able to pierce his enemy. The attack damage wouldn't increase though.

Hunter tried to level up the skill, but noticed that to level the skill once, he had to use ten skill points. Even thought the skill was Lv. 1, because it was an upgraded skill, he would have to use ten skill points to level it up.

This skill would definitely come in very handy in the future, and Hunter was glad that he had upgraded it.

The time was about 5:00 in the evening. The sun would only be up for about another two hours. Hunter wanted to defeat Mwarek the Reaper before it became dark.

Hunter didn't want to worry his little sister. He knew that if he wasn't back by dark, she might even come look for him. He hoped Michaela would make sure that did not happen, but wasn't confident.

The best time to challenge Mwarek the Reaper was right now. Hunter headed towards the door to the stairwell and slowly opened it.

The stairwell looked pretty normal so far. Hunter activated his 'stealth' skill and treaded up the stairs quietly.

He took each step as if his feet were feathers. They didn't make any sound when they hit the ground.

Hunter was only a quarter of the way up the stairs, but felt more nervous by each second. He did not know anything about the enemy he would face. Knew nothing of it's skills it possessed, or how powerful it was.

The stairwell was just as dark as the hallway, maybe even darker. Hunter could barely see anything in front of him. His sight was still limited to about 10 meters.

When he was about three-quarters of the way up the stairs, Hunter finally saw the door leading to the roof.

This was no ordinary door though. The door was the color of red and had some ancient designs upon it.

The ancient designs looked to be made from gold, and were very majestic, but still very mysterious. Hunter even hesitated opening the door.

He knew that the hospital wouldn't put such a strange door leading to the roof in it.

'This has to be related to the named boss monster.' Hunter thought as he approached the door.

Hunter stopped and put his hand on the doorknob to open it. He hesitated, debating whether he should go through with it or not.

'This is my only way out.'

Hunter slowly opened the door, but no light crept through the cracks. Only more darkness seeped in, which Hunter thought was very strange.

He opened up the door fully now, and took a step into the darkness feeling more anxious then ever.

As soon as Hunter walked into the dark room. The door behind him slammed shut. Hunter looked left and right, but still could not see anything.

He still had his 'stealth' skill activated, so he thought no one had detected his presence yet.

Moment later, torches on a distant wall to his left and right, started to light up. The torches parallel to each other lit up at the same time, and continued to light up other torches on the wall leading away from Hunter.

Hunter was starting to see better as the torches continued to light up. The walls had a similar ancient design like the door had. The walls were black, but coated in the gold ancient architecture.

Soon the torches stopped lighting up. At the end of the room, there was a tall looking man sitting in some type of throne. The man had a Skelton face and wore a long black and gold robe.

He held a scythe in between his right arm, and seemed to be resting on his chair. The man looked awfully terrifying.

The man even gave off a frightening presence, that almost had Hunter shaking.

|You have entered Mwarek the Reaper's lair|