
|You have entered Mwarek the Reaper's territory. You may not leave until he his defeated|


This was the worst possible outcome that could of happened. Hunter only wanted to secure some medicine for the future, but now he was put up against a named boss monster.

Hunter turned around towards the stair well to try to escape. Their was some invisible barrier blocking the door. Hunter even tried to shove his dagger through it, but it had no effect.

The invisible wall stood strong. Hunter even tried a nearby window, but the outcome was just the same. The only way he could leave alive was to defeat the named monster.

'I have some stat points right now that I'll allocate to dexterity and strength. If I can kill all the mob monsters on the floor, I am sure I can gain another level or two.'

Hunter thought about all of his possible outcomes, but still felt unconfident with slaying the boss monster.

'My only choice is to get as strong as possible.'

With that thought Hunter allocating his stat points and headed down the hallway. Hunter saw two Restless Souls as soon as he started walking down the hallway.

The hallway was dark with no light coming inside. Hunter could only see about 10 meters in front of him.

Hunter rushed towards the Restless Souls with his Necrosis Goblin Dagger in hand and quickly silenced the frightening ghost.

'I should check every single room for monsters. This is the only way I can overcome, and become stronger.'

There was about forty rooms on the second floor. Hunter decided to clear every single room to attempt to increase his level.

Hunter entered the first room, and saw three restless souls waiting for him. The souls rushed towards Hunter as soon as he opened the door.

The first restless soul tried to seemingly tackle Hunter, but hunter jumped backwards while slashing at the incoming soul and cut him down.

The next two restless souls tried to surround Hunter, but it was to no avail. Hunter speed was too great for the ghost and posed no threat to him. Hunter slaughtered the ghost in mere seconds

Hunter went to the next room right across from the hallway and saw two more restless souls. Hunter mercilessly killed the two ghost in no time.

There was one strange thing that Hunter now noticed. He was purely focused on fighting before, that he had not noticed before.

None of the restless souls dropped any sort of soul stone. They all just disappeared into thin air, with only giving out experience, but nothing else came of it.

Hunter figured this had something to do with the named boss monster. This place almost seemed like it was a dungeon of some sort. There were many mysterious to it.

This was no time to start asking questions though. Hunter still has a goal in mind and needed to become stronger.

Hunter started clearing room by room. He felt quite like a military man clearing room by room with no struggle.

He was now glad that he didn't have to share his experience with anyone. If he was splitting his experience fifty-fifty with his sister, Hunter didn't think he would gain enough levels to face this alleged Mwarek the Reaper.

Hunter was clearing each room with ease and including the monsters he found lingering around in the hallways, Hunter had killed about thirty-five restless souls.

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 13|

The confirming transparent screen popped up in his vision and Hunter was thrilled to see it. He had gained two levels, and still was only halfway down the long stretching hallway.

This was no time to become relaxed though. Hunter allocated his basic stat points around his status and continued on.

Hunter started walking down the hallway again, but before he entered the next room, he saw something frightening in the hallway.

There was a slightly bigger ghost, that had an even more frightening look upon its face. This soul was very angry and looked at Hunter with nothing but anger in its expression.

The ghost had long hair and looked to be a woman. It also had a long white dress that extended below her feet. Hunter took notice of this ghost and immediately knew what kind of monster it was.

It was a banshee.

'This has to be a mini boss. I can't underestimate this one.'

Hunter still was at a disadvantage when fighting ghost monsters. The only way he could deal damage to the ghost monsters was with his Necrosis Goblin Dagger.

This was going to be a very difficult fight one way or another. This ghost seemed to be a little stronger than the hobgoblin that Hunter fought, but this time he didn't have any help from his sister or Michaela.

The banshee let out a loud cry and rushed towards Hunter.

Hunter clenched his dagger and prepared for the incoming attack. The banshee tried to tackle Hunter, just as the other restless souls have.

Hunter let out a strike towards the banshee's head, but just before the dagger was about to strike the banshee, it disappeared.

Hunter was astonished on what happened to the banshee. He knew he didn't kill it because no transparent screen popped up in his vision.

Just as Hunter was wondering where it went, the banshee appeared next to Hunter and let out a slap.

Hunter saw the banshee appear to his side in the corner of his eye, but had no time to dodge the attack. Hunter just quickly lifted up his arms to block the incoming slap.

The banshee's slap hit Hunter and sent him flying towards the wall. Hunter hit the wall and spat out some blood.

'It seems like this banshee has a skill similar to my stealth. The only way I can deal with the incoming attacks is to strike right after the banshee re appears. The banshee has to show her self right before she attacks.'

Hunter was familiar with her skill, but it still was a little different than his stealth skill. Hunter was even a little envious of the banshee's skill.

It allowed her to disappear at any moment without having to sneak. There was also no way to see where she would reappear next.

After Hunter was slammed against the wall, the banshee didn't let up on her attack and disappeared again. Hunter has to stay focused to wait for the banshee's next attack.

Hunter had his back against the wall, preparing himself for the incoming attack. He held his dagger up high and clenched it tightly.

Every second that went by Hunter felt more nervous. He didn't know whether to prepare for an attack from the left, or from the right.

All of a sudden the banshee appeared above him upside down and let out another fierce slap. Hunter did not expect the banshee to appear above him, but with his increased dexterity he was able to dodge the incoming slap.

Hunter leaped towards the other wall across the hallway and jumped onto the wall. Using his momentum, he sprung him self off the wall towards the banshee.

Hunter saw this move done many times in movies and had always wanted to try it for himself. Hunter sprung towards the banshee's head and used 'Dagger Strike' with his Necrosis Goblin Dagger.

The attack pierced through the banshee's head and it disappeared immediately.

|You have slain a banshee. ExP will be rewarded|

|You have leveled up. You are now Lv. 14|