
New York

The thug was looking at the now day sky with a terrified expression. As the shock waves and the radioactive debris was nearing New York, he turned around in a last ditch attempt to find some shelter. However, as he turned around to run, his eyes failed to see a sight even more startling than what was happening in the sky.

The beggar from earlier was watching the sky with a now calm expression. His hands were no longer trembling and his body gave off a dignified air. He slowly stood up, and anyone who looked at him would be startled by the sight. His pupils suddenly split up to become three in each eye, and a slit opened on his forehead revealing an eye with a golden iris.

Just when the sight couldn't be more startling, his feet started raising from the ground and in a few moments he was already hundred of metres in the air. Under his breath, he slowly muttered.

"It's come after all..." his sight never left the sky. He slowly rose his right hand.

"Domain." he said calmly. At this moment, the eye on his forehead suddenly turned red and a blinding light emanated out of it. As this light spread out, it came to encompass the whole of New York and a dome appeared around it. On its walls, millions of eyes could be seen wriggling around. A grotesque sight nobody paid attention to as everyone was still in shock from the events taking place.

However, this was not an unique event. Around the world, strange is a small word to use for the things that were happening.

In the Amazon Forest, a small mountain started trembling until it completely broke apart and a humanoid being slowly rose from underneath. It stood over 600 meters tall and looked exactly like a bulky middle-aged man. He turned towards the sky and roared.

"Again! Again! And again!! Yet, I am still here !!!" he smashed his huge feet on the ground. A huge shock wave burst forth, but it seemed to only affect the meteors and the debris, leaving the forest undamaged.

Over the ocean and into Europe, the skies above Romania turned blood-red. A laugh suddenly echoed in all directions.

"We were here first and we will still be here when all of this is over!" bat wings almost 20 meters in length could be seen on the back of a tall handsome man who was flying in the air above Brasov, Romania. As meteors hit the red cloud, they silently disintegrated before they had any chance of hitting the ground.

In Lyon, France, a great pillar of light with a diameter of more than 2 km suddenly extended towards the sky. As the light rose, it started splitting into thousands of smaller beams that hit the meteors, destroying them. In the middle of it all, an old man had a gentle smile on his wrinkled face.

Tokyo, Japan

A piercing cry was suddenly heard from all directions. With a wingspan of more than 700 meters, a huge fire creature rose from underground. It resembled the legendary phoenix and in a matter of seconds, the rocks were all turned to ashes.

Kalahari Desert, South Africa

White rifts appeared silently in the skies of South Africa. As meteors passed by them, they were quickly sucked in, never to be seen again. A blonde middle aged woman was watching this with a frown.

Six safe havens for any creature lucky enough to be there were created in the blink of an eye. From space, they looked like huge shining areas that were seemingly competing with each other.

The world leaders, which were lucky enough to actually survive the meteor shower that descended upon the Tibet Region, were staring dumbfoundedly at the three remaining screens. Normally, the radiation from nuclear explosions would fry all the circuits of the satellites in the surroundings. However, these three were made specifically to survive way more radiation than that.

"Who..what are they?" asked an old lady who was in the room. No answer came as the shock was too big for anyone to handle. Were they gods? Angels? Their minds were full of questions.

At this moment, however, they saw something even more horrifying. Once some of the dust that rose in the atmosphere dissipated, the craters formed by the meteors were revealed. However, the sight that greeted everyone was not normal by any means, instead, the meteors that didn't break in the process started to crack only to reveal tens, some even hundreds of creatures which quickly made their presence known with howls that filled the entire world.

The creatures were not like any other known in history. They were of many different types and all of their appearances were intimidating. They had claws, fangs and horns which could break a normal person into pieces in seconds. Of course, if that was all, it wouldn't have been so terrifying. However, they seemed to possess strange abilities like spitting fire, flying with no wings, moving at speeds that are uncatchable by the human eyes.

Any humans and animals that were lucky enough to survive until this moment quickly found themselves in a desperate situation where they could only be the prey of these beasts. All of them, except for the ones in the newly formed safe havens.

From a massive meteor that landed on the territory of France, a gigantic being, almost 50 metres tall, slowly rose. It had the appearance of a bear but had five horns on its head and huge wings on its back. It slowly took flight and headed towards the pillar of light in the distance. Tens of kilometres were covered in a blink of an eye and it was almost upon the pillar of light. Its look was cold and gleamed with an aura of intelligence.

Suddenly, a hoarse old voice echoed from all directions.

"This territory is under my protection. Scram!" Three blinding suns came alive in front of the beast before exploding and hurling it back a few kilometres before it crashed into the ground, never to rise again.

Scenes like this were playing out in all six locations. The more powerful beasts were trying to breach into these territories but with no luck. Quickly, they realized their attempts were futile for now and slowly retreated.

It was at this moment that a voice seemed to echo in the minds of every human on the planet.

"We are still alive."

It was a single statement but it contained a massive amount of confidence which seemed to have a strange buff effect on everyone who heard it.

This is how the 6 Guardian Cities came into being and within them, they carried the hope of all humanity. Each of these cities were watched over by one of the Six Protector Gods of humanity, as we all came to call them. In our darkest hour, it was them who extended their hands towards us.

Outside of these cities, there was only death awaiting. Terror Beasts, as we started calling them, were roaming freely, multiplying, growing and preying on each other.