
[Acquired Skill: Inventory]

[Inventory(Lv 1)]

Host owns a small independent space in which non-living things can be stored. (1 cubic metre)

[Acquired Skill: Inspect]

[Inspect(Lv 1)]

System is able to analyze things using the knowledge of the host and knowledge accessible to the system.

[Acquired Skill: Temporal Edge]

[Temporal Edge(Absolute)]

Host conjures a temporal blade which is then thrown at the desired target. Once the blade comes in contact with the target, the flow of time will accelerate differently on the edges of the blade. Skill limited by Mana. Current Mana allows for a difference of 0.01 seconds.

[Detected Enemy!]

[Host's health found critical!]

[Switching to autopilot.]


[Temporal Edge activated]

[All Mana available to host has been used up.]

A flood of messages inundated Andrew's mind. Some of them he understood, some of them he didn't. He was wondering if he was going insane right before his death.

But then he felt all the mana leave his body. He struggled to look up, only to see what seemed to be a small blade of wind conjuring in front of him and firing off towards the now 2 metres away tiger.

[It's over...] Andrew was resigned. What can a small blade not even 15 centimetres in length do? The tiger also seemed to be amused by the last-ditch effort of its prey as it didn't even bother to dodge.

Unfortunately for the tiger, as soon as the blade reached its head, it did not shatter as the tiger was expecting. Instead, it passed right through. For a second, the tiger remained unmoved, a look of terror on it's face. The next moment though, a fountain of blood burst from its body and a terrifying wail resounded in the forest.

The tiger fell and continued to struggle as blood was gushing out as a flood. The third eye on it's forehead suddenly glowed green and the bleeding was showing signs of stopping.

[Enemy found alive and recuperating.]

[No Mana available.]

[Host is advised to leave the scene immediately!]

[Pff, useless thing, if I could leave I would have long ago!] Andrew sighed in his heart. His body was in a terrible condition. Just moving his head a bit brought him so much pain.

[Life affiliated being detected.]

[Life being..?Wait, Aisha!] Andrew's eyes became brighter as he saw the figure dashing out from behind a few trees. Aisha's face was red as she mustered all the power in her body to try to catch up with them.

As soon as she laid eyes on her brother and the tiger, which were both laying in their respective pools of blood, fury and concern were all over her face.

"I-It's..not..dead.... " said Andrew struggling. Aisha immediately placed her hands on the ground as tens, hundreds of grass tentacles extended towards the tiger. Their speed was not very fast, but it wasn't as if the tiger could move to dodge them.

As the grass flooded the tiger Aisha found that its hide was too thick to penetrate. Her eyes squinted as the tiger let out a miserable howl. Tens of blades of grass were entering its eyes and ravaging the insides of its head. The howling lasted a few more seconds, a testament to the tiger's incredible vitality. Finally, it stopped, signifying its death.

Aisha quickly ran to Andrew, tears running down her cheeks. She carefully placed her right hand on Andrew's head and her left on his chest. She concentrated and her hands started to glow a bright green. Andrew quickly felt some of the pain fading away.

[Low level healing is applied to host. Resistance is not advised.]

[Healing accuracy found insufficient. Optimizing..]

Andrew then felt the energy that Aisha was pouring in his body agglomerate to his chest and the wound on his back. He felt the pain greatly subsiding as his wounds were healing at great speed.

[Host's condition stable.]

[Congratulation host! You have survived!]

[Achievement: Survivor]

All beings in the world wish to survive and live a long life. However, many find their path severed early. It is a great achievement to dance on the edge of death and live to tell the tale.

[Host awarded 5 attribute points]

That's what the system said. Andrew's eyes, however, rolled to the back of his head as he fainted. Aisha continued to pour mana into his body until she was sure there were no injuries left. She was relieved and to be frank, a bit impressed with herself. Her healing skill seems to be getting better.

She carefully picked Andrew up as they headed back to the cabin. After all, she was just on the verge of breaking through the Core Formation stage. Her body has been strengthened several times by mana so far so it wasn't hard for her to carry Andrew.