
"Good, you have not lost it." said the man in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Andrew was still looking at the man in confusion. He seemed to remember him from somewhere and he even knew who he was. However, he has no memory of ever meeting this man.

"I know you must have a lot of questions and that's good, we have time." laughed the man as he snapped his fingers. Andrew's vision blurred as he found himself in the small forest again. People were everywhere around them but for some reason, none of them seemed to notice the duo.

"Here you made your breakthrough to become a Warrior five days ago." the man continued with a smile. His personality seemed to have changed considerably from that stern attitude he had earlier, to that of a nice and simple middle aged man.

"Excuse me? Five days ago?" Andrew frowned as he asked.

"Yeah, that's how long you were passed out." Night nodded.

"But...what went wrong?" he asked as he tried to remember the moments before that disturbing dream.

"Oh nothing, your breakthrough was perfect, five out of five stars!" Night clapped a few times as he laughed.

[Is this man playing a joke on me?] Andrew wondered as his expression was one of annoyance.

"What? That's the truth, nothing went wrong with your breakthrough." Night continued with a smile.

"It's just that...Actually, didn't that old fart explain it to you?" he asked with a thoughtful expression.

"Old..fart?" Andrew was really confused now.

"Yeah, yeah, the Sa..no , the guy you call Coral?" Night seemed to remember something as he switched his sentence. Andrew in his confusion didn't even notice the slight change.

"Eh?" a questioning look on his face.

[He is the old fart? Really? If memory serves me right, you are more than 12000 years old. And you dare call anyone else "old fart". Old doesn't even begin to describe you, maybe try relic? Ancient? Even a tall mountain would need to call you grandpa.]

"What are you thinking about?" Night asked with a suspicious expression.

"Eh? Nothing, nothing. And no, uncle Coral didn't tell me anything about this." Andrew shook his head quickly.

"Tsk, another task that fell on little me." Night said annoyed.

[Are you a child? Where is the bearing of a famous Lord of a Guardian City?] Andrew's eyes twitched.

"Anyway, I'll try to be brief. The Time affinity you possess is rarer than you might think. How rare you might ask? So rare that you are only the second person to have it in the past ten thousands years."

"Oh yeah, uncle mentioned that..." Andrew wanted to say more but by the annoyed look on Night's face, he figured he should let the man tell the whole story.

"And you see, there is a certain ability that people with this attribute possess, we call it Breakthrough Vision. We don't really understand what's the reason for its appearance but to put it simply, whenever a realm breakthrough is achieved you will get a vision of the future." Night continued his explanation.

"And by the things you said during your vision, I dare to assume you saw quite a big one, maybe the destruction of this Guardian City?" Night asked with a smile.

"Y-yes, how can you be so calm about this?" Andrew asked worriedly.

"Whatever is destined to come will come eventually, our sole duty is to make sure we tried our best haha." Night replied loudly.

[Even with all his childish behavior, he seems to be quite the nice and honest person.] Andrew impression of the man grew better.

"And besides, your Uncle has proved time and time again that these visions are by no means set in stone." Night showed a look of nostalgia.

"Uh, by the way, how did you find me? And do you know where my sister is? I'd like to see her..." his voice trembled for a bit at the end of the sentence.

"Boy, you are one of the two prophets of humanity. Did you really think you would escape my eyes? I've been monitoring you since you reached the city." Night laughed as Andrew felt violated.

"That's just rude, what if I want some privacy?" Andrew was very uncomfortable. How can he feel alright knowing that some weird old man was watching his every move.

"Haha, don't worry, I just wanted to find the best moment to introduce myself. This won't happen in the future."

"In regards to your sister, I personally told her that you are in the best care possible and that you should be back in a few days." Night continued.

"That reminds me, I don't really know exactly what you saw but your soul was on the brink of being permanently damaged so I called upon an old acquaintance of mine, the old man you saw when you woke up? He is probably the best Soul Physician in the whole world. You should really thank me, mind you, he is really expensive." Night laughed.

"Thank you." Andrew sincerely thanked the man. For all his blabbering, he really seemed someone who he could depend on. Besides, if he really wanted to harm him, he probably just needed to let out a fart and he would be vaporized.

"Oh? So you can be grateful. That's good. Anyway, besides the talk about your vision that we will have later as I have some things to take care of right now, I have another question." Night stopped for a few seconds as if waiting for Andrew's full attention.

"Would you like to be my disciple?" Night asked seriously.

"Disciple? Hmm.." Andrew stood there thinking.

"What the hell are you thinking about? Boy, do you know how many would die just get some pointers from me?? And here I am offering you to be my direct disciple and you are thinking about it??" Night asked disbelievingly.

"But.. you don't even have a time affinity. Shouldn't uncle be the most suitable person to teach me?" Andrew asked hesitantly.

"Bah, in cultivation, not everything is about the element. Think of your affinity as the cherry on the cake. You can still have the cake without the cherry, and most of the time the cake is even more important."

[What even is that attempt at making a comparison??]

[Sigh, I guess he is right, after all he must have the most knowledge on cultivation given his age and realm. Though, I don't know how capable a teacher he can be.]

"Alright, I accept." he said finally.

"Why does it seem like you made a very hard decision?" asked Night in defeat.