Late Night Snack

As Andrew left the Library, he couldn't stop thinking about how nice the image of Sarah sleeping so peacefully was.

[Hmm, is it because of the vision? This connection I weird.] he shook his head as he took out his personal badge.

[Let's see...Oh great! I have the Array Master class scheduled tomorrow morning at 7 am. I can pass by to test out the knowledge I acquired.] he smiled as he looked at one of the clocks on the wall.

[Ah, it's 1:13 am already...It seems like some of the books really took longer to absorb than expected. No wonder Sarah was already sleeping when I came out."] he frowned for a second.

[The class is in the East Wing. My room is at the end of the West Wing. Right now I am in front of the Library which is in the center of this place. What's even the point of going back to my room for the night? Ah...] he thought as his stomach started grumbling.

[Right. I haven't had anything to eat today. Though the hunger isn't as strong as it used to be. Maybe it's because I am a Warrior now? Anyway, it seems like I am not far off from the cafeteria, I should just go and grab something. I heard they are open all the time, I hope that's true.] he thought before speeding off towards where the cafeteria was.

After an unknown number of lefts and rights and what seemed to be a never-ending number of stairs, Andrew finally reached the cafeteria.

['s bigger than I expected.] In front of him there were 10 tables that seemed to stretch to infinity.

[I didn't think that even the cafeteria would be a place where I could really get lost in. System, how many seats are there?]

[3000 seats, 7 of which are occupied.] the System replied.

[Oh? It seems I am not the only night owl around here.] he thought as he started walking towards the back of the hall, where food was served.

"Hey there, are you hungry dear?" there, a very short old woman who seemed no less than a hundred years old greeted Andrew with a kind smile.

"Um, yeah?" he replied as he thought. [Why else would I be here, isn't this the place where people usually eat?]

"Ah, a young growing boy like you must eat better. Look at you! You are all skin and bones! Now tell me, what would you like?" she looked at Andrew expectantly.

"Erm... do you have fried wings?" Andrew asked hesitantly.

"Of course, dear. There are very few things which this place doesn't have. Would you like to try the Chef's Special Hell Fried Wings?" she asked with a smile.


"What else would you like?"

"Uh, I think that's enough...I am not especially hungry." he replied.

"Ah no no, that won't do, dear. You have to eat properly." she said sternly.

"I really am not that hungry..." Andrew replied while smiling awkwardly.

"Bah, nonsense, dear. Fine, you don't want to choose? Granny will pick for you." she said as she waved her hand and a giant plate appeared in the air. It had all kinds of foods from salads to steaks and even three deliciously looking desserts.

"Eat all of it. Don't worry, this is curtesy of mine to such a skinny boy. I won't deduct it from your three allowed meals for today." she said with the same gentle smile on her face.

"Eh? Thank you..." Andrew decided not to argue anymore.

[Eat all of that? Granny, can't you see that's almost as big as you? Where should I stuff all that food? In my head?] he thought for a second before realization dawned on him.

[Oh...actually never mind, I know where to stuff it.] he said before taking the giant plate.

"Thank you very much." he said as he smiled widely at the old woman as he turned to find a seat.

"Haha, see? I knew you were hungry. Nothing escapes these eyes. Enjoy!" she laughed revealing her few remaining teeth.

[I guess I can just sit wherever...Eh?] as he wanted to randomly pick a seat, he saw someone waving at him.

[Shawn?] he was surprised before remembering his vision.

[Uh, again those horrible memories. He seemed close to me in the vision. It should be fine to get to know him better.] he smiled before walking towards him.

"Hey little brother, how come you are here so late?" Shawn greeted Andrew warmly before asking.

"Little brother..?" asked Andrew confused as he sat down.

[Is that how he addresses everyone?]

"Oh yeah, sorry, teacher must have failed to mention." Shawn said before pulling his left sleeve revealing Night personal symbol, the blood drop and the two helixes.

"Oh! I am sorry, I didn't know you are also..." Andrew apologized as he saw the mark.

[Well I guess it makes sense that someone as talented as him would have such a relation with Night.]

"No need to apologize, I know teacher can be a bit, how should I say this...not really like a teacher to you now, for obvious reasons, but don't worry. Once you reach a higher realm you'll see why teacher is one of the six strongest people in the world." Shawn replied.

[Am I the only one who doesn't really get what these obvious reasons are??] Andrew thought.

"But don't worry, teacher might not be able to help you much not. But I don't have so many restrictions on me. Be it cultivation resources or social issues, if you have anything you need help with, don't hesitate to ask me." Shawn continued with a smile.

[I guess I know why in the future we were close, or is it will be close...? Anyway, he seems like a really nice and dependable person.]

"Thank you very much...erm, should I call you big brother? It seems a bit weird to me." Andrew asked hesitantly.

"Ah thank god, yeah it's very weird. I forgot not everyone is like Sandra. She became teacher's disciple thirty years before me, and she insists that I call her "senior sister". It's so weird. But yeah, please just call me Shawn and I'll call you Andrew, no need for weird nicknames." Shawn laughed as he took a big bite from the burger in front of him. Unlike Andrew, he only had a small plate with some fries and a hamburger.

" many disciples does Ni...teacher have?" Andrew asked as he took a bite out of a fried wing.

[Ah...I should not have done that...] Andrew thought as his face started reddening and his breathing became quicker.

[I get why they are called Hell Fried Wings!!!]

"Water! I forgot water!" he said as he panted.

[You have been dealt damage: -2 HP]

[You have been dealt damage: -1 HP]

[You have been dealt damage: -1 HP]

[Really now? How spicy are these things??]

"Hahaha, it seems you were tricked into trying that crazy man's spicy dishes. Here." Shawn laughed as he threw Andrew a bottle of water which he opened without hesitation and downed immediately.

"Better now?" asked Shawn trying to contain his laughter.

"Yeah, thanks." said Andrew still panting.

"In regards to your question, teacher probably has hundreds of disciples around the world. After all, he's lived so long already. But they are already Sages or close. Right now, he is teaching the four of us, five if we include you. I am the youngest and after me there is Sandra, Alena and John. Though, John is about to become a Sage so you probably won't see him." Shawn explained.

"Ah, I am really happy I am no longer the youngest. Now Sandra has someone else she can annoy all day. Haha." Shawn laughed.

"Sigh, how bad can it be for you to be so happy? Anyway, how are you feeling? You seemed pretty injured after that day with the giant serpent?" Andrew asked but he immediately realized his mistake. The only reason he knew he was injured was the messages he received from the system. He looked at Shawn, and indeed, he looked pretty surprised.

"How do you know I was injured?" asked Shawn suspiciously.

"Ah, teacher mentioned that one of his other disciples was injured. And now that I found out you are one of his disciples I just put the pieces together." Andrew smiled awkwardly.

"Hmm, alright, I guess." Shawn wasn't really convinced but he decided to not press any further.

[Everyone has their own secrets.] he thought.