Teaching Assistant

[So, for this to work, I need to gather enough elemental resources to go through 9 refinements. The mana in the air is insufficient. The good thing is that it seems I don't need to be able to control them. A few arrays should be enough to do the job.] Andrew was still thinking about the whole process.

[System, what's the time?] he suddenly remembered about the Array class he wanted to go to.

[It's 6:48 am, host.] the System replied.

[Shit!] he quickly picked up the book as he tried to put it in his Inventory.

[Ah right, inventory doesn't work on this.] he quickly remembered that the System isn't able to detect the book so naturally, he can't store it.

[Fine, I'll just hold it.] he kept the book in his hands and started running towards where the class was taking place.

A bit more than a quarter of an hour passed and he was in front of a metal door. He quickly opened it and entered.

[Ah, this is weird.] he was suddenly embarrassed.

As he entered, he found himself in a huge lecture theatre. There seemed to be more than a hundred people sitting already, all looking at him.

On the stage, an old man stopped his explanations to look at him.

"Heh, quite bold of you, boy, to interrupt my class like that. Come, come, you know the rules, right? If you are late, you have to be my assistant for the whole lecture." the man laughed as he gestured to Andrew to join him.

Andrew scratched his head as he walked on the stage. He was truly feeling weird with so many people staring at him.

"Now, where were we...ah right. I was just about to explain some basic things about a simple Element Gathering Array. Surely you can also talk about that. These old bones of mine are truly tired, this would be a much needed help." he smiled as he sat down in the front row.

[Why do I feel like he is mocking me? It's just a simple Element Gathering Array. What's there not to know about?] Andrew was a bit confused before starting to speak.

"As you probably a-all k-know..." he was about to start explaining before taking another look at the crowd and freezing.

[Why is my heart beating so fast all of a sudden?] he suddenly found himself unable to continue.

[Tsk, even my breathing has accelerated. What's up with this? Is it because all of these people concentrating on me?] he wondered.

"Come on now, don't be shy. What is it that we all know?" the teacher almost laughed.

[Hmph, system? Can you take control of my heart and respiratory system? Lower my heartrate and stabilize my breathing.] Andrew said in his mind.

[Affirmative, host. Stabilizing...]

Andrew then found himself quickly calming down.

"Ahem, sorry about that. As you all probably know, the Element Gathering Array is one of the most basic kind of arrays. While it's among the less complex ones, its usefulness can't be doubted. It has a wide range of applications from medicine to cultivation, but the greatest benefit that comes from its low complexity is that it can easily become a supportive array. You can stack it on almost any other array, in order to gather elements that will power the main array afterwards."

"It is not very complex, however that's mostly because of the Crolado Formula. Does anyone know what that is?" Andrew asked. A brown haired girl front the front row quickly responded.

"The Crolado Theorem allows us to connect alpha and beta-type runic patters."

"That's the first part. The second part is what I am hinting at here. The second part of the Crolado Formula allows massive simplifications of type gamma patterns. In the past, this specific array was quite the complex one. When it was first researched, it was a helicoidal combination of 108 gamma-type runes which were projected on a platform. It also involved the connections between five different combinations of Gaala patterns, which was later simplified by Gregory Harfiv, who became known for the Harfiv Theorem." Andrew stopped for a second trying to not deviate from the subject.

"All in all, it was more complex than most grade 3 arrays from today. What Crolado found though, changed the way we created this kind of array. Through his research, he was able to simplify all of the gamma runes used in this array into the most basic alpha runes. While this increased the number of required runes to 432, these new 432 runes are the most basic and easy to write. Through these, he also found that using only alpha runes, the Gaala patterns were not needed anymore." he continued.

"Alright, this is not a history lesson. Can you draw it?" the smile disappeared from the old man's face as he asked seriously.

"I am not a Scholar yet so I don't possess soul power, nor do I possess pure mana. I can draw it if you have a Mana Channeling Pen." Andrew answered almost mechanically.

[Hmph, I am sure now that this old thing just wants to see me make a fool out of myself. Well, let's see if he succeeds.]

Arrays can be drawn using soul power which only Scholars and above possess. The other way is to use pure mana, but you need to be at the Core Formation stage to be able to have it.

In truth, pure mana is just any type of inactive elemental mana. At the Core Formation stage, you gain the ability of switching off the properties of your elemental mana. For example, if you formed a Water Core, you can form elementless energy by switching off the properties of water element particles.

"Here!" the teacher said before throwing what seemed to be a regular pen to Andrew.


[Mana Channeling Pen - Common Magic tool

Made from the wood of a Void Tree and the pollen from a Elementless Flower. Can absorb elemental mana and convert it to pure mana.]

"Right, thank you." said Andrew as he caught the pen.

He then started to infuse the pen with his time mana. At the end of the pen, a milky-white energy started forming. As the energy formed, Andrew started quickly drawing on air.

"Wait, this is..." the old teacher was suddenly dumbfounded but he didn't say anything.

Andrew's drawing speed was very fast and complicated three dimensional patterns started appearing in front of him. What he didn't notice was that the other students were looking at him like he was a monster.

After about only five or six minutes he stopped.

"This is the original Element Gathering Array. As you can see, it is very complex, and the Gaala patterns used then were not even optimized properly. Now look what happens if I use the Harfiv Theorem." he said as his pen touched a small component of the drawing. He then drew a straight line towards another pattern. As the two connected, four small hidden patterns started shining before disappearing entirely.

"See? If you use the theorem properly, you can magnify the use of these two gamma patterns. In essence, these two would take over the tasks that those 4 other Gaala patterns were required to do, making them useless. So, now we only have a single pattern of this type." he continued calmly.

"Now If I apply the Crolado Formula..." He said as he drew a tiny pattern on his left, which he then guided to the center of the three dimensional construct. As the pattern connected, a series of pops started sounding in the theatre.

The other students were looking astonished as the many complex patterns started breaking down. Each of them broke off into 4 smaller runes, which they could easily recognize!

"Now the gamma type runes broke down into the less complex alpha runes. Truly a display of great intellect from Sir Crolado." he said as he waved the pen down. The patterns in the air started converging on the floor.

"Now we are projecting the patters two dimensionally in order to achieve the last connections we need." as all the patterns embedded themselves on the floor, the new two dimensional pattern started faintly shining.

The old teacher looked at the scene unable to mask his astonishment.

"Perfect array..." he muttered.

In a few seconds, the elements started gathering around the array, forming a colorful mist around Andrew.

"Being an automated array, you don't need to infuse mana to active it. It would activate by itself." Andrew said as he looked calmly at the teacher.

[What do you say now, old man?]

"Just a second everyone, I'll have a little chat with this student and we'll come right back." the teacher said as he invited Andrew out of the classroom.

As soon as they were out of the classroom, the old man looked at Andrew with a serious expression.

"Boy, who taught you about arrays?" he asked.

"Nobody, I learned myself." Andrew replied.

"Good, good, what would you say if from now on you would be my teaching assistant?" he asked with a smile.

[Eh? Weren't you trying to mock me just a few minutes ago? What's with the change of heart?]

"Erm..." Andrew scratched his head.

"Don't worry. I won't make you work for free. You'll also be allowed to take part in my research and I'll also grant you full access to anything related to arrays up until the forth floor of the Library. What do you say?" the old man looked at Andrew expectantly.

[I already have full access to the entire Library. That's not a benefit at all!]

The old man's heart started beating faster as he saw Andrew not responding.

"I'll also add in 100 crystalized mana stones per week!" he quickly said feeling his heart bleeding.

[That's 20% of my salary! But it doesn't matter, this boy is a super genius, his achievements in the future will quickly surpass mine and he will definitely reach higher realms. A kid like him is already able to create grade 3 arrays so easily. He might be able to create even grade 4 arrays! That means he might already be at the peak of the Master realm in arrays. Being able to work with him when he is still young will truly be a nice addition to my tombstone.] the man said in his mind.

[Hmm, he seems pretty honest about this. Inspect] Andrew looked at the man for a second.

[Name: Sorin Varsor

Age: ???

Level: ???

Occupation: Array Master(Estimation: Grandmaster), ??

Elemental Affinity: Water(High+), Light(Average+)

Mana Root Grade: Estimation 6-9

Mana control Level: ???

An old man who teaches the Array class at the Academy. He has a high position in the Array Master Association.]

[Hmm, that's it? If the System was only able to get this much, then that means he is very strong. The estimation for his proficiency is Grandmaster and he also seems to have a position in this association...It might be useful for my future as an Array Master to get acquainted with him.] Andrew decided in his mind.

"What do you need me to do?" he asked.

"Nothing much really, just help me with classes and take part in my research. It should be about 3-4 hours per day, except the weekend." the old man had a brilliant smile as he answered.

"Alright, I accept." Andrew replied.