Broken System

Sage Karovi didn't delay any longer and put his hand on Andrew's forehead. The next second though, a frown appeared on his face.

"I can't get in." he said while his frown deepened.

"What do you mean by you can't get in?? He is barely taking his first steps in cultivation. Are you so trash that you can't even forcefully enter a Warrior's mind world??" Rouie was already losing her temper. This was a future Ascendant Array Master! She knew how hard it was for one to appear.

There is a rule which states that only an Ascendant Master can become the head of the association. If there is no one who meets that condition then the Council would hold the power in the association and will wait for an Ascendant Master to appear.

As the 7th head of the association, Rouie knew that sometimes there would be entire centuries without a head assuming command. Her predecessor died almost 200 years before she took over. Only the 3rd and the 4th heads lived in the same era and properly passed down the position from one to another, the rest all died before another Ascendant Master appeared.

If the potential 8th head passed away right in front of her, she would die of shame!

"There is a strong barrier around his mind. I'll try my best to break it as quickly as possible." Karovi said as a look of concentration appeared on his face.


"Where am I...?" a look of confusion was plastered all over Andrew's face. He was lying down and looking at the clear sky. He moved his hands around only to feel the sand that was surrounding him.

He rose slowly as he looked around. All he could see were mountains of sand everywhere. The sun was shining brightly and aside for Andrew's shaky steps, there was no sound.

"Here already?" a voice sounded from behind Andrew which made him jump from fright. As he turned around, he saw a hooded man dressed in a multicolored robe. He was floating a bit above the sand, his robe fluttering even thought Andrew was not feeling any wind. He was the same mysterious man who handed him the Fundamental Source Interlocked Cores book!

"What is happening? Where am I?" Andrew grew even more confused.

"Congratulations! At almost 18 years of age, you died. I must say...I am impressed. I didn't expect it to be this fast." a hint of a laughter could be sensed in the man's mocking voice.

"I died....?" Andrew was still confused.

[How did I die? When? No, no, this must be a mistake...]

"Well, I am exaggerating. You were about to die and I saved you." the man said as his hood fluttered but his face remained covered.

[Then why say that I died?] Andrew shook his head before asking. "Why am I here?"

"You made a mistake. You should not so easily trust the System, boy." the man's voice became colder as he slowly said.

[Eh? How does he know about the System?] Andrew's eyes went wide as he wondered.

"How do you know...?"

"It doesn't matter, at least not now. The idea is that the System you are relying on is broken. It is not capable of taking into considerations certain things, and so the "optimal decisions" it takes are not so optimal." the man continued.

"Certain what?" Andrew asked with a frown.

"Like the fact that losing 10 points of Intelligence would cause six aneurysms to form in your brain and then burst, killing you almost instantly? I think that's a pretty good example, don't you think?" the man asked mockingly.

"The point is, do not rely too much on the System, especially if something seems too good to be true. You can use it to analyze things, ask it's opinion and definitely do it's quests, those rewards are the real deal. But don't let it control you, don't let it alter your body or mind. It is in these functions that its problems will likely arise." he continued slowly.

"I understand. Does it have any malicious intentions though?" Andrew asked.

"No. It is not capable of emotions, nor is it programmed to harm you. It's too bad that it is incomplete, otherwise it wouldn't have these problems and it's functions would exceed your imagination." the man replied.

[That's good.] Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. [I wouldn't feel safe if I had something in my mind that wanted to harm me.]

"So...what is my situation right now?" Andrew thought for a bit before asking.

"Your brain is flooded with blood right now. In the last moment before this happened, I created a safe space for your consciousness to reside in while we speak. Don't worry, once I'll return your consciousness, I'll naturally also heal your body." he said before continuing with a serious tone.

"I am saying this now. I am not your protective angel or anything the sort. You had just one chance. It doesn't matter what will happen to you from now on, I won't save you again. You can go back now." he rose his hand.

"Wait! Why did you hand me that book? And who are you? Why do I even get a second chance?" Andrew quickly asked, afraid that the man will disappear without answering his questions. The man stopped his hand and tilted his head in confusion.

"Book? What book?" he asked with a surprised tone.

"The Fundamental Source Interlocked Cores! Why did you give it to me? And am I supposed to follow it?" Andrew asked.

"Interlocked Cores...?" the man murmured, as if he had no idea what Andrew was talking about.

"It was me who gave it to you, right?" the man asked.

"What do you mean? Yeah, it was you." Andrew replied confused.

[Is this guy alright? Does he have memory issues?]

"I see..." realization dawned on the man before he continued "Well, too bad, I can't answer any of your questions except for the last. Yes, you should definitely form your cores according to that book." he rose his hand again.

"Wait!" Andrew shouted.

"Tsk, what is it now?" the man grew annoyed.

"I was planning to have the system help me with the process. Should I not do that?"

"Don't let the System interfere with anything from that book. If the book is with you, then that means you will succeed without any external help." the man then waved his hand as Andrew's vision blurred.


"I cracked it, now, let's" as Karovi finally had access to what was going on inside Andrew's head, he displayed a surprised expression.

"What is it?" Rouie asked impatiently.

"It's weird. With so much bleeding I was expecting his brain to be damaged but it is in good condition. His consciousness is also fine." Karovi replied.

"Then what happened to him? Is it possible that..." Rouie wanted to ask something but was interrupted by a cough.

Andrew's eyes snapped open and as he drew a big breath he started coughing.

"Are you alright, Andrew?" both Shawn and Sorin had concerned expressions as they asked at the same time.

"Yeah, I am good." he noded as he rose from the ground.

"You gave us quite a scare, boy." Rouie's voice sounded from behind. Andrew turned around but he didn't recognize who she was.

"You are...?" he asked.

"I am the 7th head of the Array Master Association, Rouie Galan. I am also the only Ascendant Array Master in this city. Say, what would you think if I asked you now if you want to be my direct disciple?" Rouie asked with a smile.

[Here it goes. It's over. He is going to accept. After all, she is an Ascendant Master. Even if I am at the peak of the Grandmaster realm, the gap is too huge. Not to mention the gap in authority and money, but the gap in knowledge is the most important. One of her finger is probably worth more than me.] Sorin thought dejected.

"Erm? What would that mean?" Andrew scratched his head as he asked.

"It means that you will be learning arrays under me. You will receive my full guidance on anything you require, as well as resources for your cultivation and research. You will be receiving my knowledge inheritance and I will do my best to guide you through everything." she continued patiently.

"Will I be able to work on anything I want?" Andrew asked with a thoughtful expression.

"When you reach the Veteran proficiency as a Grandmaster you will be able to do whatever you want. Until then, you will follow my learning methodology. But don't worry, my methods will guarantee you will reach that realm in at most 30 years." she said a bit impatient, not understanding how someone would take so long to answer such a question. If she went outside and said she is looking for a disciple, the queue that would form would probably reach another Guardian City!

[There it goes. Becoming a Veteran Grandmaster in 30 years. That is just too good. I took about a hundred years just to advance from Adept to Veteran in the Grandmaster realm and if I factor in the time spent before in breaking through to Grandmaster then....] Sorin sighed in his mind.

[I didn't know Andrew was so talented. That's great! This is an awesome opportunity for him. Who knows, maybe he'll become a Grandmaster even earlier than I did!] Shawn was happy for him.

[What is this kid doing, asking so many questions? Even I, a Sage, would want to learn about arrays under her. Just say yes already...] Karovi had a bored expression.

"I'm sorry, I refuse." Andrew replied calmly.

"Good, good. We can start" Rouie's smile froze as she registered what Andrew said.